Prof. Hubert Motschmann
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Prime motivation of our research is to obtain a better understanding of liquid-air and liquid-liquid interfaces on a molecular scale and to relate this knowledge to colloidal systems which are by nature determined by an unusual surface/volume ratio.
Hubert Motschmann studied Chemistry at the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen-Nürnberg. After his diploma thesis entitled “Numerical and analytical studies of the quantum dynamical equation of Davidov solititons” at the chair of Theoretical Chemistry, he moved to the Max-Planck-Institute of Polymer Research in Mainz in the experimental group of Prof. Dr. E.W. Fischer. His PhD thesis discusses scaling laws of end-adsorbed polymers in good solvent conditions. He spent then two years as a post-doc to the Corporate Research Laboratories at Eastman Kodak company in Rochester, New York. Aim of his project was the design of a frequency double for low power laser diodes. Since 1994 he is a staff scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam where he established the research group “Molecular Organization in Soluble Monolayers and Functional Films”. In parallel, he taught for many years Physical Chemistry at the University of Potsdam. Hubert Motschmann also established the company Optrel which is located and registered in the Greater Berlin area, and focuses on the design of instrumentation for the investigation of interfaces and thin films. In October 2008 he accepted an offer for a professorship at the University Regensburg.