Are you interested in the career path of the tenure-track professorship at the University of Regensburg? - On this page you will find important information on the requirements, the appointment procedure, and the tenure phase on the path to a lifetime professorship.
Do you have any questions or are you looking for personal consultation?
Your contacts are:
For questions about tenure-track professorships at the UR:
Christiane Kellner, Tenure-Track Coordination, phone: +49 941 943-7711
For questions about appeal procedures at the UR in general:
Sabrina Biehl, Appeals, phone: +49 941 943-7449
A tenure-track professorship offers an attractive path for promising academic talents in the early phase ot their careers with the prospect of a lifetime professorship. The University of Regensburg (UR) offers individual development opportunities and supports the build-up of an academic profile during the tenure phase.
Tenure-track professorships are regularly announced on the UR website "Job Advertisements for Professorships". The aim of the University of Regensburg is to establish tenure-track professorships across the entire university.
The appointment requirements for a tenure-track professorship are regulated in the BayHIG.
The Tenure-Track procedure is outlined in the "Tenure-Track-Satzung" and the "ProfessUR - Tenure-Track Professorship Quality Concept at the UR".
Tenure-track professors can request the support of a mentor from their own faculty. The mentor's task is to advise, encourage, and support their mentees and to strengthen them in their academic development.
In contrast to external coaching, the TT professors receive experienced internal contacts who provide specific professional feedback at eye level.
A target group-specific support program is offered to all tenure-track professors. It includes:
In addition to this program, which is exclusively available to TT professors, the resources of the Center for University and Academic Didactics, the Center for Language and Communication, and other central institutions?are also accessible.
The TT coordination and the team at WIN will be happy to assist you.