International marketing is offered in summer term for the Bachelor's degree programme, 2nd phase of study, and the Master's degree in Business Administration as a block event by Dr. Judith Mátyás, our visiting lecturer from the University of Pécs, Hungary.
In summer term 2025 the block seminar takes place from June,?30th - July, 04th, 2025
The event will be concluded with an oral examination /presentation (40% of the total grade) and a written summary (60% of the total grade). If the module is successful, you will receive 3 ETCS.
The module "Marketing" (Fundamentals of Marketing, PO 2015) is required for participation.
Access to the Grips-Course will be provided after allocation.
- The international marketing environment: economic, political-legal and cultural environmental factors
- STP (segmentation, targeting, positioning) market selection, the most important market selection criteria
- Multinational marketing, marketing mix decisions
- Price and distribution policy in international marketing
- Product and brand policy, global brands, product innovation
- Product and service quality, the GAP model
- Marketing communication, communication mix, elements of the communication mix, advertising, online advertising, online advertising on the websites of companies with global brands
- Changes and new tendencies in communication and advertising policy
- Cultural dimensions in international marketing, corporate culture, interculturality
- Current trends and alternatives in international marketing and marketing communication
Becker, J. (2002). Marketing-Konzeption. München: Franz Vahlen. Bruhn, M. & Meffert. H. (Hrsg.). (2001). Handbuch Dienstleistungsmanagement. Von der strategischen Konzeption zur praktischen Umsetzung. Wiesbaden: Gabler.
Bruhn, M. (2004). Qualit?tsmanagement für Dienstleistungen. Grundlagen, Konzepte, Methoden. Berlin: Heidelberg, New York: Springer.
Dietrich, F. O. - Schmidt-Bleeker, R. (2013). Narrative Brand Planning, Wie Marken zu echten Helden werden. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
Etzold , V. - Ramge, T. (2014): Equity Storytelling: Think - Tell - Sell: Mit der richtigen Story den Unternehmenswert erh?hen. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
F?rster, A. – Kreuz, P. (2003). Ideen und Konzepte für Ihren Markterfolg. Marketing Trends. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Frenzel, K. - Müller, M. – Sottong, H. (2004). Storytelling. Das Harun-al-Raschid-Prinzip. Die Kraft des Erz?hlen fürs Unternehmen nutzen. München, Wien: Hanser.
Gallo, C. (2011). ?berzeugen wie Steve Jobs. Das Erfolgsgeheimnis seiner Pr?sentationen. München: Ariston.
Ghauri, P. – Cateora, P. (2006). International Marketing. McGraw-Hill, Berkshire.
Hacki, R., Lighton, J. (2001). The future of the networked company. The McKinsey Ouarterly, N. 3.
Hollensen, S. (2011). Global Marketing. Pearson. International Edition. Kotler. P. & Keller, K. L. (2012). Marketing Management. Pearson. International Edition.
Sammer, P. (2014). Story-telling. Die Zukunft von PR und Marekting. K?ln: O’Reily.
Thier, K (2010). Storytelling. Eine Methode für das Change-, Marken-, Qualit?ts- und Wissensmanagement. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
Vossen, K. – Reinhardt, F. A. (2002). Zukunftsm?rkte. Was das Marketing über den Kunden der Zukunft wissen sollte. Düsseldorf, Berlin: Metropolitan.
Zeithaml,V. A., Berry, Leonard L. & Parasuraman, A. (1996). The Behavioral Consequences of Service Quality. Journal of Marketing, 60, 31-46.
Internet sources:
Budde, L. (2015): Die gr??ten Online-Marketing-Trends,
Hoffmann, K. (2015): Was macht Ihre Contentstrategie erfolgreich? klassische-heldenfigur-492bd179bf02