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Welcome to DIMAS

DIMAS | Department for Interdisciplinary and Multiscalar Area Studies

DIMAS was founded in 2022, following on from CITAS. CITAS was founded in 2017 as a platform for coordinating and developing collaborative area studies activities between institutions, projects and colleagues in Regensburg.

DIMAS is continuing this academic tradition with six permanent professorships, postdoctoral and doctoral positions, and an innovative teaching and research programme.?Find out more about the concept and ideas shaping DIMAS here.


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Award of the Regensburg Area Studies Prize for Master's Theses

The winners of the fourth edition of the prize were announced on 4 July 2024.... more


UR #talktime Anna Steigemann

Learn more about Anna Steigemann, Professor of Sociological Dimensions of Space at and the speaker of DIMAS in this profile... more


Astrid Ensslin is the new?Representative for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts at UR

Astrid Ensslin is now the University's?Representative for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts at UR. ... more


Fairville - für faire St?dte:?DIMAS-Project under supervision of UR-Professor Dr. Anna Steigemann received funding by Horizon Europe

Anna Steigemann, Professor of Sociological Dimensions of Space, at DIMAS is part of a consortium that has secured EU-Horizon funding for Fairville... more


From CITAS to DIMAS - on the transition from a Center into a Department

The newly elected board of DIMAS met with the President of the University of Regensburg, Prof. Dr. Udo Hebel to outline the transition from an area studies Center (CITAS) into a new Department (DIMAS) structure.... more


Vorstand | BoardProf. Dr. Anna Steigemann and Prof. Dr. Rike Kr?mer-Hoppe

Gesch?ftsführung | Manager: Dr. Laura Niebling

Sekretariat | Secretary dimas@ur.de
Tel. +49 941 943 5966

Tel. +49 941 943 68537 and

Tel. +49 941 943 68527