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Team Lead

Prof. Dr. David Kolar

Licensed Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist


Licensed Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist (CBT)

Dr. Sebastian Ertl

Licensed Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist

Deputy Director

Licensed Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist (CBT)
specialisation in group therapy


Amelie Hofmann (currently on parental leave)

Licensed Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist (Psychodynamic Therapy)

Julia Moser

Licensed Psychotherapist for Adults (CBT)
specialisation in child and adolescent psychotherapy

Bianca Panhirsch

Licensed Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist (CBT)



Sebastian Peter

Licensed Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist (CBT)

Ute Windauer (currently on parental leave)

Licensed Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist (CBT)
specialisation in group psychotherapy

Dr. Theresa Emser

Licensed Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist (CBT)


Office Assistant

Silvia Schnorrer M.A.


Katharina Bierer

Student Assistant

Emma Heller

Intern ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Antonia Mühle



Dr. Theresa Wechsler

Psychological Psychotherapist

Licenced psychological psychotherapist,

specialisation in behavioural therapy, additional qualification as children and adolescents psychotherapist

Project "VR Exposure in Children with Anxiety”

Psychotherapeutische Hochschulambulanz für Kinder und Jugendliche

Kontakt per E-Mail oder

Telefon: 0941 943 6038

(telefonische Erreichbarkeit dienstags 10-13 Uhr und mittwochs 10-11 Uhr)

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