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Bachelor Inf Sci

Interested in studying Information Science B.A.?

Study Objectives

The goal of the Bachelor's program in Information Science is to teach the basic methods of information science that are needed for a subsequent career as well as for further study. This includes methods of empirical research as well as techniques of software engineering. The content focuses on search engine technology, human-machine interaction and information systems. Methodological competence in the problem areas is acquired in the context of a more extensive project, which is worked on in each case in cooperation with several fellow students. Ideally, the topic worked on here can be extended to a bachelor thesis.

Study Objectives Information Science as main subject

Graduates of Information Science as a Bachelor's subject are able to apply basic methods of information science in order to analyze information science problems independently and in a team, to design suitable solutions, to document, present, reflect and further develop them. They know the basics of information technology and methods of practical computer science and and can use them to independently apply, evaluate and systematically implement scientific and technical approaches. Furthermore, the graduates are able to to carry out projects in the field of empirical research and software engineering (search engine technology, human-machine interaction and information systems) and to and to document and communicate the results. In detail, graduates possess the following knowledge and competencies:

  • You can develop reliable software with given resources (PI-BA-M01) and independently plan an advanced practical software development project, and document it (PI-BA-M02)..
  • You will be able to design, implement and test new data structures and algorithms for specific implement, test and evaluate new data structures and algorithms for specific (PI-BA-M03) as well as to design (object-)relational databases for specific problems, to design, store and query data in (object-)relational databases (PI-BA-M04).
  • Graduates will be familiar with the subject area and basic empirical methods of information methods of information science and are able to make well-founded decisions for the selection of methods for data collection and analysis (INF-BA-M01, INF-BA-M02). They are able to design and conduct their own empirical studies. In doing so they are able to descript, explore and analyze data sets with the help of statistical software (INF-BA-M01, INF-BA-M02, INF-BA-M03).
  • Graduates will be able to explain basic methods of information linguistics and independently perform (corpus) linguistic analyses of linguistic data and phenomena (INF-BA-M04).
  • They have the ability to practically implement, evaluate, and document solutions to fundamental problems in automatic language processing. For example, they can independently model, implement dialog/information systems and evaluate them (INF-BA-M05).
  • Graduates know basic concepts and methods of information retrieval and are able to design and evaluate solutions for practical problems in the field of search engine technology (INF-BA-M06). They are able to independently design and implement a suitable and functioning information retrieval system for a specific problem and to design and implement a suitable evaluation strategy (INF-BA-M07).
  • Graduates will be able to describe mathematical and algorithmic methods of automatic planning, decision-making and action and to apply elementary methods of knowledge representation and processing to typical problems (INF-BA-M08).
  • They are familiar with machine learning methods and algorithms of Computational intelligence and are able to apply them to information science problems (INF-BA-M09).
  • The graduates have the ability to independently carry out information science research projects and to present, discuss, and defend their methods and to present, discuss, develop and defend their methods and solutions (INF-BA-M10).

Study Objectives Information Science as second main subject

Graduates of the study of information science as a second major are able to apply basic methods of information science in order to analyze information science problems independently and in a team, to design suitable approaches to solutions, to document these, to present them, to reflect on them and to develop them further. They know information technology basics and methods of practical computer science and can use them to independently apply, evaluate and systematically develop scientific and technical approaches. The graduates are - depending on the selected elective modules - able to carry out projects in the field of empirical empirical research and/or software engineering (search engine technology, human-machine interaction and information systems) and to and to document and communicate the results.

In detail, graduates possess the following knowledge and competencies:

  • They can develop reliable software with given resources (PI-BA-M01).
  • They are able to design, implement, test, and evaluate new data structures and algorithms for specific implement, test and evaluate new data structures and algorithms for concrete problems (PI-BA-M03) as well as to design (object-)relational databases for specific problems, to design, store and query (object) relational databases (PI-BA-M04).
  • Graduates are familiar with the subject matter and basic empirical methods of information methods of information science and are able to make well-founded decisions for the selection of methods for data collection and analysis (INF-BA-M01,INF-BA-M02). They are able to design and conduct their own empirical studies. In doing so they are able to descript, explore and analyze data sets with the help of statistical software (INF-BA-M01, INF-BA-M02).

Depending on the additional modules chosen (three of the following six modules must be chosen), graduates will have additional knowledge and competencies in the following areas:

  • Graduates will be able to explain basic methods of information linguistics and independently perform (corpus) linguistic analyses of linguistic data and phenomena (INF-BA-M04).
  • They have the ability to practically implement and evaluate solutions for basic problems of automatic language processing. language processing, to evaluate and to document them. They can, for example, independently model, implement, and evaluate dialog/information systems (INF-BA-M05).
  • Graduates are familiar with basic concepts and methods of information retrieval and are able to design and evaluate solutions for practical problems in the field of search engine technology (INF-BA-M06).
  • They will be able to independently design and implement a suitable and functioning information retrieval system and design and implement a suitable evaluation strategy. and implement an appropriate evaluation strategy (INF-BA-M07).
  • Graduates will be able to describe mathematical and algorithmic methods of automatic planning, decision-making and action and to apply elementary methods of knowledge representation and processing to typical problems (INF-BA-M08).
  • They know methods of machine learning and algorithms of computational intelligence and are able to use them. intelligence and are able to apply them to information science problems (INF-BA-M09).

Study Objectives Information Science as minor subject

Graduates of the Information Science minor are able to implement projects in the field of empirical and computational linguistic research with the help of current information science methods and to document, reflect and communicate the results.
In detail, graduates possess the following knowledge and competencies:

  • Graduates know the subject area as well as basic empirical methods of information science and are able to make well-founded decisions for the choice of methods for data collection and analysis (INF-BA-M01, INF-BA-M02). They are able to design and conduct their own empirical studies. In doing so, they are able to descript, explore and analyze data sets with the help of statistical software (INF-BA-M03).
  • Graduates will be able to explain basic methods of information linguistics linguistic analyses of linguistic data and phenomena independently (INF-BA-M04). linguistic data and phenomena (INF-BA-M04).

Module Overview

Find the module handbook and course listings via the Campusportal of the University of Regensburg?(UR).

Exemplary Course of Studies

  1. Homepage UR

Information Science