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Novissimae Res / News

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Excursion to Etruria during the summer semester 2025?
(for more information in German please click here)



For a first orientation please read the


Information for New Students (German version only)



We offer student advisory service (in German) at two introductory events:

????????? Monday, 14.04.2025 ? ? ? ?? Lehramt Gymnasien - Latein (Staatsexamen)
????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 14:00?s.t. - 15:30, H7
????????? Wednesday, 16.04.2025 ? ? B.A. Latin Philology
??????????????????? ? ? ?? ?????????????????????? ??? 10:00 - 11:00, H7 ? ??????????????????? ? ? ?? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Contact person: Wiss. Mitarbeiter Ulrich Ebnet, phone 0941 943-5740, email






Save the Date!

The graduation ceremony of our faculty will be held on July 18, 2025.

The graduation ceremony of the student committee FSLA will be held on July 25, 2025.



Inschrift Ausschnitt Sr

  1. Faculty of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Chair of Latin Philology


Institute OF
Classical Philology

Universit?tsstr. 31          
D-93053 Regensburg /PaRCEL
D-93040 Regensburg /LETTER

PHONE    0941 943-3396
fax         0941 943-1980