Project description
The scattered availability of open access publications makes an efficient access to scientific research results quite difficult. Therefore the aim of the project “OA-EZB: Open Access Services of the Electronic Journals Library”, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), is the development and implementation of linked and combined value-added services in order to significantly improve the acceptance of electronic publications and the open access paradigm for end users as well as authors.
OA added EZB Linking Service
One focus lies in the extension of the EZB Linking Service to open access publications. The EZB Linking Service, an actively used service provided by the University Library of Regensburg, determines the availability of full texts in scientific journals and offers links to journal contents in accordance with local access rights. The EZB Linking Service is based on the data of the Electronic Journals Library (EZB). To find open access publications easily and free of cost in different institutional repositories, a focus of this project is the integration of open access publications into the EZB Linking Service. The linking will initially be implemented for the full-texts that are stored in the repositories with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). As a result different publication types of full texts in scientific journals are merged in one service and offered to the end user as alternative article links.

Figure 1: Result of the OA added EZB Linking is a higher range of parallel publications
OA Exploitation Rights
Another focus is the information aggregation of exploitation rights authors need to consider when releasing parallel publications. In addition to the author contracts and the open access policies of publishers, which can be accessed via the SHERPA/RoMEO, other agreements on the basis of alliance and national licenses as well as legal regulations like the second use right to results of publicly funded research play an important role in Germany.? By consolidating different information regarding the exploitation rights in one service the scientific authors will receive considerable support in making their research results available in open access. The information should be provided both in the end user frontend and as a web service in a standardized interface for the integration in repositories. This backend service is to be integrated as best practice example into the Publication Server of the University of Regensburg, an institutional repository containing a growing collection of open access publications.

Figure 2: Information aggregation of exploitation rights when releasing parallel publications
Dr. Evelinde Hutzler
Phone: 0941 943-4411
Project period
April 2015 - October 2018
Reports & Publications
- Sippl, Colin; Deinzer, Gernot; Weisheit, Silke: Zweitver?ffentlichungsrechte auf einen Blick: Schaffung einer zentralen Datenquelle für OA-Rechte in der Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB), Vortrag am 25.09.2018 bei den Open-Access-Tagen 2018 in Graz. - Sippl, Colin; Weisheit, Silke; Deinzer, Gernot: OA-EZB, ein EPrints-Plug-in zur Einbindung von OA-Rechten aus Allianz- und Nationallizenzen in institutionelle Repositorien, Vorstellung am Tool-Marktplatz bei den Open-Access-Tagen 2018 in Graz.
- Hutzler, Evelinde / Hackl, Markus / Weisheit, Silke: Neu:
Open-Access-Erweiterung des EZB-Linkingdienstes. In: o-bib: das offene
Bibliotheksjournal 5 (2018) 1, S. 56-57. - Hutzler, Evelinde: Neue Dienste der Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek, Talk at 17. BVB-Verbundkonferenz on 09 November 2017 in Munich
- Hutzler, Evelinde: Neue Dienste der Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek, Talk at 106. Deutschen Bibliothekartag on 30 Mai 2017 in Frankfurt a.M.
- Hutzler, Evelinde: Open-Access-Services der Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek. Talk at 'Open Access Day' - a training event of the German National Library (DNB) on 09 March 2017 in Frankfurt a.M.
- Deinzer, Gernot: Open-Access-Services der Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek. Talk at 'Open Access Day' - a training event of the German National Library (DNB) on 02 March 2017 in Leipzig
- Weisheit, Silke / Deinzer, Gernot: EZB f?rdert Open Access: Neue
Services der Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek, Poster Session at
10th Open Access Days on 10 October 2016 in Munich. - Hutzler, Evelinde: Der schnelle Weg zu Parallelpublikationen:
OA-Erweiterung des EZB-Linkingdienstes, Talk at 32. ?sterreichischer
Bibliothekartag on 18 September 2015 in Vienna. - Hutzler, Evelinde / Weisheit, Silke: Easy Access to Open Access:
Integration of Open Access publications into the EZB Linking Service,
Talk at 36th Annual IATUL Conference on 09 July 2015 in Hannover. - Deinzer, Gernot / Weisheit, Silke: Making the link: The repository as
integrated system for library staff and end users, Poster presentation
at CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI9) on 18 June 2015 in Geneva.