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Research Areas

Scientific Events

Third-party funding

Research Area:??Applied Analysis

Processes from natural sciences are modeled using partial differential equations and analyzed both theoretically and numerically, with a focus on optimization and optimal control problems.

Members of Applied Analysis

  • Prof. Dr. Helmut Abels
  • Prof. Dr. Luise Blank
  • Prof. Dr. Georg Dolzmann
  • Prof. Dr. Felix Finster
  • Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke
  • Prof. Dr. Richard H?fer
  • Prof. Dr. Tim Laux
  • Prof. Dr. Anca Voichita Matioc
  • Prof. Dr. Bogdan-Vasile Matioc

Research Area:??Arithmetic Geometry

Based on arithmetic questions, structural relationships between number-theoretic, geometric, homotopy-theoretic, and category-theoretic phenomena are explored.

Members of Arithmetic Geometry

  • Prof. Dr. Denis-Charles Cisinski
  • Prof. Dr. Walter Gubler
  • Prof. Dr. Marc Hoyois
  • Prof. Dr. Moritz Kerz
  • Prof. Dr. Guido Kings
  • Prof. Dr. Klaus Künnemann
  • Prof. Dr. Niko Naumann
  • PD Dr. Florian Strunk

Research Area:??Global Analysis and Geometry

High- and low-dimensional geometric objects are studied using analytical, algebraic, homotopy-theoretic, and category-theoretic methods.

Members of Global Analysis and Geometry

  • Prof. Dr. Bernd Ammann
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bunke
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Friedl
  • Prof. Dr. Clara L?h
  • Prof. Dr. Mihaela Veronica Pilca

Didactics of Mathematics

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