Background: Biomedicine
Biomedicine is a fascinating branch of human biology. Its goal is the improvement of clinical practice with molecular biological achievements. The PhD students of the BIOMEDIGS graduate program are working on the elucidation of various pathophysiological processes. These attempts lead to a better understanding of the molecular cause for the pathogenesis of diseases and potentially to new diagnostic tools and therapeutic options.
Typical biomedical questions
Do histone modifications play a role in the pathogenesis of glioblastoma? How does the genetic background of different mouse strains affect the course of infections in these animals? Is the malignancy of epithelial carcinoma cells influenced by the expression pattern of fibril-associated collagens?
These questions and many more addressed by PhD students of the graduate school. The program offers students from all biological fields and also students of chemistry, physics and pharmacology the opportunity to work on medically relevant subjects during their thesis.
The interdisciplinary approach combined with student friendly graduate program regulations enables young scientist to generate an excellent dissertation.

Dr. rer. physiol.
The faculty of medicine of the University of Regensburg awards a PhD in biomedical sciences (Dr. rerum physiologicarum, Dr. rer. physiol.) on the basis of a scientific paper (dissertation) and an oral doctoral examination (defence).
Holding this PhD in biomedical sciences (Dr. rer. physiol.) provides evidence for the student's competence of autonomous scientific work in the field of biomedical research.
Biomedical International Graduate School (BIOMEDIGS)
The Biomedical International Graduate School (BIOMEDIGS) of the University of Regensburg was founded to facilitate students in the field of Life Science to receive a PhD in questions of clinical relevance on an advanced level. It provides an education rich in state-of-the-art methods and up-to-date concepts of biomedicine.
The PhD students graduate on the basis of a PhD program and regular consultation with their mentoring team to qualify the students for independent and good scientific research. The aim of the graduate program is to provide the students with the necessary knowledge, intellectual capability and technical skills to conduct outstanding research in a wide range of biological and biomedical areas.
PhD Program
- Supervision by a three-man mentoring team
The mentoring team supports the PhD candidate and ensures the efficient and successful progress of the dissertation project. Besides the mentoring team advises the PhD student in occupational questions. - Active participation in colloquia, seminars and internships
- Participation in conferences
- Progress reports
- Recommended: participation in
- Annual Symposium / SummerSchool
- Professional qualification courses + interdisciplinary events
- Research internships abroad

To obtain the PhD degree Dr. rer. physiol., membership in BIOMEDIGS is required.
Admission requirements
- Degree in biological, chemical or physical science of a university or a university of applied sciences (“Fachhochschule”)
- Way above-overage achievements: final grade equal or better than 2.0
- Student's background should indicate his/her ability to work scientifically in the field of biomedical research
The request in writing to be accepted as BIOMEDIGS PhD student has to be submitted to the president of the graduate committee within 3 months after starting the thesis - it must contain:
- Application form
- Curriculum vitae
- Certificates
- Up-to-date certificate of good conduct
- Preliminary title + draft of the project (~ 2 pages)
- Declaration of a full-time professor of the faculty of medicine to provide the general conditions
- Declaration of two full-time professors to act as mentors
- Applicant's declaration of not having applied for a PhD position at another university
Successful admissions are approved by the graduation committee.
Further information
Forms and further information can be found in downloads.