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Examination Office for Human Medicine

You will find the Examination Office for Human Medicine in Building H5, Room 1.11.

We are also happy to help you by telephone on 0941 944-5398. You can reach us by fax at 0941 944-5394 and by e-mail at pruefungsamt.humanmedizin[at]ur.de.

Office opening hours:

Mon to Fri 08.00 to 11.30 a.m.


Authorised Representatives

Prof. Dr. Ernst Tamm

Representative for the implementation of the First Part of the Medicine Examination (Erster Abschnitt der ?rztlichen Prüfung ?AppO 2002)

Prof. Dr. Oliver K?lbl

Representative for the implementation of the Second Part of the Medicine Examination (Zweiter Abschnitt der ?rztlichen Prüfung ?AppO 2002)

Examination dates 2025


Contact us

Examination Office for Human Medicine

Building H5, room 1.11
phone +49 941 944-5398
fax +49 941 944-5394

Study of Human Medicine

UR - University of Regensburg
Faculty of Medicine

University Hospital
Franz-Josef-Strau?-Allee 11
93053 Regensburg