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University Elections

In the university elections, the group representatives in the Senate, the Faculty Councils and the Student Convention are elected directly by the members of the university.

The importance of the elections results from the function of these committees for academic self-administration. The representatives of full-time university lecturers, representative for members of academic staff, employees and doctoral candidates, representative of non-academic staff (every two years) and students (every year) are to be elected.

The university elections for student representatives will take place as electronic elections from June 11th to 18th, 2025.

Application form for doctoral candidates

Election notification

Eligible voters can retrieve their election notification here. This is only possible with a valid RZ account within the university network for security reasons.
Link to set up a VPN access

An exception to this are the members of groups 1 to 3 of the § 2 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Wahlsatzung in the Faculty of Medicine. These eligible voters receive their election notification by email.

link to election notification

Legal basis

Committees for an overview

The members of the Senate include:

  1. one representative of full-time university lecturers from each faculty,
  2. two representatives for members of academic staff, emloyees and doctoral candidates,
  3. two representatives of non-academic staff,
  4. four representatives of the students,
  5. the University's representative for equal opportunities for women in science and arts.

The Senate's tasks include passing resolutions on the University's statutes (in particular study and examination regulations) and commenting on the approved appointment proposals.

The Faculty Councils generally consist of:

  1. the Dean,
  2. the Vice Dean,
  3. the Dean of Studies,
  4. the Dean of Research (in an advisory capacity),
    (Faculty Board)
  5. six representatives of full-time university lecturers,
  6. two representatives for members of academic staff, emloyees and doctoral candidates,
  7. one representative of non-academic staff,
  8. two representatives of the students and
  9. the Faculty's representative for equal opportunities for women in science and the arts

The Faculty councils make decisions on all matters concerning the respective faculty. For example, they are involved in the establishment of degree programmes and the adoption of examination regulations. The Council also elects the members of the Faculty Board.

The Student Convention is composed of the four student representatives in the Senate, the members of the Student Council and 24 other directly elected student representatives. The members of the Student Convention take care of the academic and social concerns of their fellow students at the University of Regensburg.

The student representatives of a faculty form the faculty student council and represent the interests of the students at faculty level. The student representatives make up the student representatives on the Faculty Council as well as the required of students who would be allocated additional seats if elected to the Faculty Council.

The Student Council consists of the student representatives on the Faculty Councils who would be allocated the first two seats in the Faculty Council elections.

Election announcement and schedule

Link to:

Election Committee

Committee for the conduct of university elections

Election management

  • Kanzler Dr. Christian Blomeyer

Composition of the election committee for the university elections 2025

Full-time university lecturers

  • Prof. Dr. Gesine Dreisbach
  • Prof. Dr. Carsten Herresthal
  • Prof. Dr. Hans Rott
  • Prof. Dr. Carola Surkamp
  • Prof. Dr. Daniel Schnurr
  • Prof. Dr. Ann-Julia Zwierlein

academic staff, employees and doctoral candidates

  • Dr. Regine Bachmaier
  • Dr. Jonathan Eroms
  • Prof. Dr. Rainer Müller

non-academic staff

  • Dr. Andreas Becker
  • Manuel M?rz
  • Carmen Kleeberger


  • Ludwig Kr?nzlein
  • Michael Ebertseder
  • Claire Stamboltsyan

Application for election of doctoral candidates

Within the framework of the introduction of the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (BayHIG), doctoral candidates who are sufficiently active in research were granted the right to vote and stand for election in the group of academic staff, employees and doctoral candidates in university elections.
The basic prerequisite for the faculty to be able to confirm the sufficient scope of scientific activity is that a degree in a doctoral subject or a related subject has been completed before the doctorate and that the doctoral students have concluded a supervision agreement with the University of Regensburg.

In order to check the prerequisite, it is necessary that doctoral candidates who do not already belong to the above-mentioned group due to their work as research assistants register with their RZ-account using the form in Lucom. The examination will be carried out by the faculty.
Please note that the last date for submitting an application to check the requirement is 14.4.2025.

Link to the application form

Election proposals

Eligibility to vote

Eligibility to vote results from § 3 of the Election Statutes of the University of Regensburg (Wahlsatzung).

Only those eligible to vote who are entered in the electoral register can exercise the right to vote and stand for election.

The electoral register will be available in the electoral office (administrative building, room no. 2.21) from April 28th to 30th, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Inspection outside of these times is possible after registering by telephone at 0941/943-2314 or -2454 or by email at wahlen@ur.de. It will close on April 30, 2025.

A written reminder can be lodged with the electoral office against non-entry or incorrect entry in the electoral roll no later than first working day after the electoral roll is closed on May 2, 2025.

Voting in electronic voting

The university elections 2025 for the election of group representatives to the senate, faculty councils and student convention will be held as an electronic election from June 11, 2025 (12:00 noon) until June 18, 2025 (12:00 noon).

For security reasons, voting is only possible within the university network. There are the following options to connect:

  • On campus
    • You use a PC of the university with LAN connection (e.g. computer room at the campus/CIP-Pool)
    • You can connect to the university network with your internet-enabled device using Eduroam
  • off cmapus

If you have any technical questions, prease contact the computer center:
Tel.: 0941/943-4444 (students)
Tel.: 0941/943-5555 (staff)
E-Mail: support@ur.de
Room: RZ 0.02

For basic queries about the election, please contact the election office by e-mail:
E-mail: wahlen@ur.de

Safety instructions

To guarantee the security and confidentiality of electronic voting, it is necessary that voting takes place via a secure terminal device.

Furthermore, it must be ensured that the computer centre account is protected by assigning a secure password known only to the user. If there is even a vague suspicion that third parties may have gained knowledge of the computer centre password, the user must change it immediately and inform support@ur.de.

The password should not be saved in the web browser.

During the dialling process, please do not reload the page or press the F5 key. Otherwise, the votes entered up to that point will be discarded and you will have to re-enter them in full after logging in again.

After completing the voting process, it is recommended that to log out of the voting application and lose the web browser.

Information on technical problems with electronic voting

Election portal cannot be accessed (error message)

Possible Couse: You are outside the University of Regensburg data network

The login to the election portal does not work

  • Problems with the RZ account
    • Typo: Check whether the RZ account was entered correctly
    • RZ account does not exist or no longer exists: Contact the information desk
  • Problems with the password
    • Password has expired: Renew password at https://serviceportal.uni-regensburg.de/login (previous password must be known)
    • Incorrect passwort/typo: Check that the correct password is being used
    • Password cannot be renewed independently via the service portal: Contact the information desk

If you have any questions, the information stand (service desk) is available:)

Tel. 0941/943-4444 (students)
Tel. 0941/943-5555 (staff)
Email: support@ur.de
Room: RZ 0.02

University Elections


Referat II/6
Peter Grimm
Verwaltungsgeb?ude, Zi. 2.10