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Contact Information

At the International Office you can get important information and advice if you are interested in a stay abroad, if you would like to come to Regensburg to study from abroad, or if you are planning to do research at the UR as a visiting scholar or PhD candidate.

You are welcome to visit us during our office hours. We also offer consultations via Zoom and of course, you can reach us by phone or email.

Head of Department, Program Coordination

Director of the International Office / Overseas Program Coordination

Marianne Sedlmeier

Administration Building, room 0.14

Phone + 49 (0)941 943-2373?

Fax + 49 (0)941 943-3882

Office hours: by appointment

E-Mail: marianne.sedlmeier@ur.de

ERASMUS+ Institutional Coordinator

Maria Grotz

Administration Building, room 0.23b????

Phone +49 (0)941943-1744

Fax +49 (0)941 943-3882

Office hours: by appointment

E-Mail: maria.grotz@ur.de

Study Abroad Advisors - Europe/Erasmus+

Virtual and face-to-face office hours?

It is indicated whether the office hour with the certain advisor takes place online or in person. If you wish to attend a zoom consultation, please click on the time slot and remain in the waiting room until you are admitted to the meeting.

Study Abroad, Scholarships Abroad (Europe/ERASMUS+)

Brigitte W?rnh?r

Administration Building, room 0.05

Phone +49 (0)941 943-2367

Fax +49 (0)941 943-3882

E-Mail: brigitte.woernhoer@ur.de

Office hours: Mon, 1:30pm-3pm (face-to-face)

Tue, 10am-11:30am (face-to-face)

Study Abroad, Scholarships Abroad (Europe/ERASMUS+, Latin America)

Jordi Balada-Campo

Administration Building, room 0.05

Phone +49 (0)941 943-5549

Fax +49 (0)941 943-3882

E-Mail: jordi.balada-campo@ur.de

Office hours: Mon, 10am-11:30am (face-to-face)

Wed, 1:30pm-3pm (face-to-face)

Study Abroad, Scholarships Abroad (Europa/ERASMUS+)

Lisa Keilhofer

Administration Building, room 0.05

Phone +49 (0)941 943-3026

Fax +49 (0)941 943-3882

E-Mail: lisa.keilhofer@ur.de

Office hours: Wed, 10am-11:30am (zoom)

Thu, 1:30pm-3pm (face-to-face)

Study Abroad, Scholarships Abroad (ERASMUS+ Institutional Coordinator)

Maria Grotz

Administration Building, room 0.23b????

Phone +49 (0)941943-1744

Fax +49 (0)941 943-3882

Office hours: by appointment

E-Mail: maria.grotz@ur.de

Study Abroad Advisors - Overseas

Study Abroad, Scholarships Abroad (North America, Asia, Australia)

Natalie Wilhelm

Administration Building, room 0.23c

Phone +49 (0)941 943-4141 (before noon)

Fax +49 (0)941 943-3882

E-Mail: natalie.wilhelm@ur.de

Office hours: Wed, 11am-12:30pm (face-to-face)

Thu, 11am-12:30pm (face-to-face)

Study Abroad, Scholarships Abroad (North America, Asia, Australia)

Charlotte Wahl-Luczak

Administration Building, room 0.23c

Phone +49 (0)941 943- 2379 (before noon)

Fax +49 (0)941 943-3882

E-Mail: charlotte.wahl-luczak@ur.de

Office hours: Tue, 11am-12:30pm (face-to-face)

Wed, 11am-12:30pm (face-to-face)

Study Abroad, Scholarships Abroad (Latin America, Europe/ERASMUS+)

Jordi Balada-Campo

Administration Building, room 0.05

Phone +49 (0)941 943-5549

Fax +49 (0)941 943-3882

E-Mail: jordi.balada-campo@ur.de

Office hours: Mon, 10-11:30am (face-to-face)

Wed, 1:30pm-3pm (face-to-face)

Study Abroad Advisor for Teacher Training Students

Virtual and face-to-face office hours

It is indicated whether the office hour with the certain advisor takes place online or in person. If you wish to attend a zoom consultation, please click on the time slot and remain in the waiting room until you are admitted to the meeting.

Study Abroad, Scholarships Abroad (study options and internships)

Katrin Sicklinger

Administration Building, room 0.13

Phone +49 (0)941 943 5939

Fax +49 (0)941 943 3882

E-Mail: katrin.sicklinger@ur.de

Office hours: Tue, 10-11:30am (face-to-face)

Wed, 3:30pm-5pm (zoom)

The virtual office hours on Wednesday (18.12.) will take place from 2-3 pm.?

Internships Abroad - Funding (Europe/Erasmus+)

The International Office does not offer internship placements.

? Erasmus+ Internship Funding

It is indicated whether the office hour with the certain advisor takes place online or in person. If you wish to attend a zoom consultation, please click on zoom link and remain in the waiting room until you are admitted to the meeting.

Funding Internships (ERASMUS+/ Europe)

Margit Früchtl

Administration Building, room 0.04

Phone +49 (0)941 943-4079

Fax +49 (0)941 943-3882

E-Mail: margit.fruechtl@ur.de

Office hours: Mon-Wed, 9am -12pm (phone)

Thu, 1pm - 2:30pm (zoom)

Magdalena Kistler

Administration Building, room 0.04

Office hours: Wed, 1:30pm - 3pm (in person)

Coming to Regensburg - Exchange Students

?? Information for exchange students coming to or already enrolled in Regensburg

Virtual and face-to-face office hours

We currently offer both face-to-face and zoom consultations.?

Exchange Student Coordinator

Coordination English Course Program

Christine Betzner

Administration Building, room 0.23a

Phone +49 (0)941 943-2306

Fax +49 (0)941 943-2349

E-Mail: international.exchange-student@ur.de

Office hours: Thu, 1.30 - 3.30 pm

In-person meetings by appointment

(also via zoom)

? Courses Taught in English for Exchange Students

Exchange Student Advisor

Katharina Schmaus

Administration Building, room 0.23a

Phone +49 (0)941 943-5842

Fax +49 (0)941 943-2349

E-Mail: international.exchange-student@ur.de

Office hours: Tue+Thu, 1.30 - 3.30 pm

In-person meetings by appointment

(also via zoom)

International Exchange and Degree-Seeking Students (accommodation)

Melanie Mendrela

Administration Building, room V.0.16

Phone +49 (0)941 943-2371

Fax +49 (0)941 943-3882

E-Mail: international.accommodation@ur.de

Office hours: Monday 09:30 - 11:30 am (in-person)

Wednesday 1:00 - 3:00 pm (in-person)

Transcript of Records

Joseph Parstorfer and Stella Orlogi

Administration Building, room 0.23d

Phone +49 (0)941 943-5794

Fax +49 (0)941 943-3882

E-Mail: international.transcript@ur.de

by appointment

Coming to Regensburg - International Degree-Seeking Students

If you have questions for us, be sure to use the contact form. Because we need personal data (privacy policy) from you to be able to advise you better.

? General Information for International Student Applicants

The Team

International Applicants and Degree-Seeking Students

Elli Wunderlich

Administration Building, room 0.12

Phone +49 (0)941 943-2382

E-Mail: international.degree-student@ur.de

Office hours:?

Monday - Friday, 9 am -12 pm (phone)

Tuesday, 10 am - 12 pm (in-person)

Thursday, 10 am - 12 pm (in-person meetings by appointment)

International Degree-Seeking Students

Patricia Kühn

Administration Building, room 0.12

Phone +49 (0)941 943-5571

E-Mail: international.degree-student@ur.de

Office hours:?

Wednesday 10 am - 12 pm (in person)?

Friday 9 am - 11 am?(in-person)

International Degree-Seeking Students & iSTEPS Program

Jhoana Palacio Pineda

Administration Building, room 0.12

Phone +49 (0)941 943-5863

E-Mail: international.degree-student@ur.de

Office hours:

Monday - Friday, 9 am -12 pm (phone)

By appointment on? Zoom

Monday, 11 am - 1 pm (in-person meetings by appointment)

International Degree-Seeking and Exchange Students (accommodation)

Melanie Mendrela

Administration Building, room V.0.16

Phone +49 (0)941 943-2371

E-Mail: international.accommodation@ur.de

Office hours: Monday 09:30 - 11:30 am (in-person)

Wednesday 1:00 - 3:00 pm (in-person)

International Degree-Seeking and Exchange Students (focus: Startklar)

Teresa Wellner

E-Mail: international.degree-student@ur.de




Coming to Regensburg - Internship at the UR

We offer interns and supervisors important information about the general conditions such as insurance, accommodation and internship agreements. Unfortunately, we cannot arrange internships for you!

? Information on formalities within the framework of the internship

Exchange Students and Interns

Katharina Schmaus

Administration Building, room 0.23a

Phone +49 (0)941 943-5842

Fax +49 (0)941 943-2349

E-Mail: international.exchange-student@ur.de

Office hours: Tue + Thu 1:30 - 3:30 pm (zoom)

In-person meetings by appointment

Teaching and Research at UR - Welcome Center

? Information for Doctoral Candidates and Visting Researchers

? Information for Hosts

How to reach us?

Opening times: Mo-Thu, 10am-2pm and Fr, 9.30am-12pm

Please make an appointment. We are also happy to advise you by e-mail, telephone or online via Zoom.

General Advice / Accommodation

Irina Go?

Welcome Center, room 0.00.108

Phone +49 (0)941 943-5862


Office hours: by appointment

General Advice / Accommodation

Sibylle Hackl

Welcome Center, room 0.00.108

Phone +49 (0)941 943-5970

E-Mail: accommodation.welcome-center@ur.de

Office hours: by appointment

General Advice / Events

Adela Myslikova

Welcome Center, room 0.00.102

Phone +49 (0)941 943-5702

E-Mail: info.welcome-center@ur.de

Office hours: by appointment


Student Assistant

Anahit Arakelyan

Welcome Center, room 0.00.102

E-Mail: tutor.welcome-center@ur.de


Grants / Finances

Christine Huber

Administration Building, room no. 0.15

Phone + 49 (0)941 943-2372

Fax + 49 (0)941 943-3882

E-Mail: christine.huber@ur.de

Office hours: by appointment

ERASMUS+, DAAD-Partnership Programmes with Eastern European Universities

Margit Früchtl

Administration building, room no. 0.04

Phone+49 (0)941 943-4079

Fax +49 (0)941 943-3882

E-Mail: margit.fruechtl@ur.de

Office hours: by appointment

Overall Projects & Processes

Recognition Process / Erasmus without Paper (EWP) / Homepage?

Viktoria Sch?fer

Administration Building, room 0.13??

Phone +49 (0)941 943 5543

Fax.: +49 (0)941 943 3882

E-Mail: viktoria.schaefer@ur.de

Office hours: by appointment

International Office - Mailing Address

Universit?t Regensburg

International Office

Universit?tsstr. 31

D-93053 Regensburg

UR International Office

Grafik: grauer, transpaenter Globus