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The following paragraphs will provide important information on how to apply to the University of Regensburg as an exchange student within the framework of an ERASMUS+? or other partnership program. Should you have the opportunity to stay for a whole year, we recommend you to choose this option. According to our experience, students profit a lot more in their personal, linguistic, and academic development when studying abroad for one year.

Planning Your Stay

Winter semester, summer semester or one whole year?

The decision whether you will come to Regensburg for a stay in the winter semester, summer semester, or a year-long stay certainly depends on a variety of factors. Should you have the chance, we recommend that you stay for a whole year. According to our experience, students profit more in their personal, academic, and linguistic development when studying abroad for a year rather than for one semester.

Winter Semester

What in other countries is often called “fall semester” is referred to as “winter semester” in Germany.


  • beginning of September for participation in the intensive German language course
  • Beginning of October for participation in the orientation course

Lecture Period:

Ca. mid-October – mid-February



Please note: Some exams, especially exams in business/economics/management information systems may be held as late as mid- March


End of February or end of March


Summer Semester

What in other countries is often called “spring semester” is referred to as “summer semester” in Germany.


  • Beginning of March for participation in the intensive German language course
  • Beginning of April for participation in the orientation course

Lecture Period:

Ca. mid-April until mid-July



Please note: Some exams, especially exams in business/economics/management information systems may be held as late as mid- August


End of July or end of August

Nomination Deadlines and Application Period

Nomination of exchange students by partner universities:

- by May 1st for the winter semester

- by November 1st for the summer semester


Application Period for exchange students:

- April 1st until May 15th for the winter semester

- September 20th until November 15th for the summer semester?

Application Process

1) Application at the Home Institution

Students wishing to study at the University of Regensburg as an exchange student need to apply to their home university first. Please contact the international office at your home university for further information about the application process and application deadlines.

2) Nomination by the Partner University

After you have successfully applied as an exchange student at your home university, your home university will send us the names of the selected candidates (=nomination). Immediately afterwards we will send you detailed information on how to apply for an exchange students stay at the University of Regensburg.


3) Submitting your Application Documents

Please submit the required application documents. Please note that we can only consider applications that are complete and have been sent within the application deadline.


4) Information Package

You will receive an information package via email ca. in mid-June or mid-December including the following documents:

  • Letter of acceptance issued by the University of Regensburg
  • Orientation guide with important information about your exchange stay
  • Room offer with acceptance form
  • Participants in the intensive German language course additionally receive: acceptance form ILC participation
  • Information about the payment of the fees


5) Finalizing the Application Process

Once you have completed the steps mentioned below, the application process has been completed:

  • Sign the following documents and return them via email to international.exchange-student@ur.de
    • Acceptance Form Dormitory Room (if applicable)
    • Acceptance Form ILC Participation (if applicable)
  • Payment of fees

Application Documents

Step 1:

As a first step students have to fill in the University of Regensburg’s Online Application Form.

Application Period for exchange students:

April 1st until May 15th for the winter semester

September 20th until November 15th for the summer semester

Please note:

The link below leads to a registration page where you can create an account for the application form. After you have successfully created your account, you will be able to access the application form. Creating your own account allows you to save your progress within the application form and to continue at a later point.

Please use a desktop computer or laptop/notebook to fill in the application form as you might encounter compatability problems when using a smartphone or tablet device.

Please prepare the following documents before filling in our online application form as you will need to upload them:

  • scan of your passport / ID
  • profile photo for your student ID
  • proof of valid health insurance
  • proof of language skills (no older than 2 years at the time of the application)
  • transcript of records

? Online Application Form


Step 2:

Hand in a learning agreement with your preliminary course choice until May 15th/November 15th.

Students participating in the ERASMUS+ programme:

Students participating in other partnership programmes:

After Submitting Your Application

Please allow us some time to review and process your documents.

Approximately in mid-June (for the winter semester) or mid-December (for the summer semester) we will send you an information package via e-mail which will explain all further steps to prepare your exchange stay in Regensburg.

Language Requirements

Language Requirements for Exchange Students

?? Courses taught in German language

In order to follow academic courses taught in German, exchange students should have a solid level of B2 in German (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)

Please note: Students wishing to take courses from the following faculties/institutes should have the following language skills:

Faculty / Institut German Language Level

Faculty of Medicine

upper level B2/ beginning of C1
Institute of German Language and Literature upper level B2/ beginning of C1
Business Administration B2 (completed)


? Courses taught in English language

In order to follow academic courses taught in English, exchange students should have a solid level of B2 in English (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)

Please note: Students wishing to take courses from the following faculties/institutes should have the following language skills:

Faculty / Institut English Language Level
Faculty of Business, Economics, Management Inform. Systems Upper B2/ C1
American and British Studies, English Linguistics C1


??German as a Foreign Language Courses

Students who like to take to courses from German as a Foreign Language only in order to e.g. improve their German language skills, do not need any prior knowledge in German.


What type of proof is accepted?

For your application as an exchange student you may hand in any type of official language test results like e.g.

German Level (equivalent to B2) English Level (equivalent to B2)
TestDaF: 4 times 3, or higher TOEFL 79
telc Certificate: B2 or higher IELTS 6.0 - 6.5
onSET: 80 and above TOIC 400-485 (listening)
385- 450
Goethe Certificate: B2 or higher Cambridge Language Certificate 169 - 176
Cambridge First Certificate pass

For both languages, we also accept confirmations by the home university of the students.

Please note: These regulations only apply to official exchange students from partner institutions, and your certificates must not be older than 2 years at the time of the application to UR!

  1. UR International Office

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