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Lunch Seminar

In the Lunch Seminar, researchers from the University of Regensburg as well as extenal guests present their most recent research findings.

Unless stated otherwise, the seminar takes place on Wednesdays, 12:00-13:00 in person. We will notify you of any changes to this plan.

We gratefully acknowledge financial support by Regensburger Universit?tsstiftung Hans Vielberth.


Upcoming Talks

Lutz Arnold (Universit?t Regensburg)

Lutz Arnold talks about "The Economics of Green Debt"?in the Lunch Seminar of the Department of Economics and Econometrics.

To learn more about our speaker click here.


H 26, 12.00-13.00

Talks in Previous Semesters

Summer Semester 2024

Winter Semester 2023/24

Summer Semester 2023

Winter Semester 2022/23

Summer Semester 2022

Winter Semester 2021/22

in person
Aleksandr Alekseev (Universit?t Regensburg),

The Economics of Babysitting a Robot

in person
POWER LUNCH: OB Getrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer
in person
Vanessa Sch?ller (Universit?t Regensburg),

Can Monetized Carbon Information Increase Pro-Environmental Behavior? Experimental Evidence

17.11.2021: Philipp Gersing (Wirtschaftsuniversit?t Wien). CANCELLED!!!
Simone H?ckl (University of Stavanger), Closing the Gender STEM Gap - A Large-Scale Randomized-Controlled Trial in Elementary Schools
01.12.2021: Henning Hermes (DICE Uni Düsseldorf),?CANCELLED!!!

Florian Engl (Universit?t Regensburg), Control Aversion in Hierarchies

19.01.2022 Jane Wuth (TH Deggendorf), Regional Influence of Universities and Business Incubators on Start-up Emergence
26.01.2022: Veronika Püschel (Universit?t Regensburg), CANCELLED!!!
Michael Eichenseer (Universit?t Regensburg), Leading-by-Example in Public Goods Experiments: What do we know

Tobias Hartl (Universit?t Regensburg), CANCELLED!!!

Summer Semester 2021

28.04.2021: Denise Huber (Universit?t Regensburg), Shifting Responsibility - On Authority and Pro-Social Behavior
12.05.2021: Aleksandr Alekseev (Universit?t Regensburg), The Power of Incentives
02.06.2021: Stefanie Braun (Universit?t Regensburg), Agglomeration and Land Price Spillover Effects in German Housing Markets at the County Level
16.06.2021: Lea Cassar (Universit?t Regensburg), Investigating the Effects of Mindful Meditation on Academic Performance
23.06.2021: Vanessa Kunzmann (Universit?t Regensburg), Effects of Cross Country Fiscal Interdependence on Multipliers within a Monetary Union
07.07.2021: Kristof Dascher (Universit?t Regensburg), Streets are for Houses, or are Houses for Streets?: An Economic Approach to Modernist Architecture and Urban Connectivity
14.07.2021: David Ru? (Universit?t Regensburg), Listening to the Noise in Financial Markets

Winter Semester 2020/21

11.11.2020: Nicolas Motz (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Spillovers and Strategic Interaction in Immigration Policies

Veronika Püschel (Universit?t Regenburg), Progressive Pensions as an Incentive for Labor Force Participation


David Ru? (Universit?t Regensburg), Multidimensional Noise and Non-Fundamental Information Diversity
This event takes place in lecture hall H25 and not online. The number of participants is limited to a total of 12. Please register beforehand until Tuesday, Nov 24, at?fabian.kindermann@ur.de.

02.12.2020: Helena Fornwagner (Universit?t Regensburg), Gut-brain axis, microbiota, and economic behavior
13.01.2020: Lars Hornuf (Universit?t Bremen), Playing the Angel: Decomposing the Value of Early-Stage Investors
27.01.2021: Michael Heyna (Universit?t Regensburg),?Low-Wage Competition: Pains from Trade for Medium-Wage Countries
10.02.2021: Tobias Hartl (Universit?t Regensburg),?A fractional filter to estimate the COVID-19 contact rate

Summer Semester 2020

29.04.2020: Konstantin K?rner (Universit?t Regensburg),?Firms' Employment Adjustments to Foreign Direct Investments in a Low-Wage Country: Evidence from the Universe of German Firms with Affiliates in the Czech Republic
27.05.2020: Michaela Pagel (Columbia University),?Bumped: The Effects of Stock Rewards on Individual Spending
change in time: this seminar is scheduled 16.30-18.00
03.06.2020: Silvio St?dter (Universit?t Regensburg),?What drives differences in preferences between women and men? Gender vs. Sex
10.06.2020: Tobias Hartl?(Universit?t Regensburg),?Fractional trends and cycles in macroeconomic time series
08.07.2020: Johanna R?hrs?(Universit?t Regensburg),?Income Taxation and Job Creation
15.07.2020: Philipp Weinschenk?(TU Kaiserslautern),?Analyzing the Effects of Minimum Wages: A Microeconomic Approach

Winter Semester 2019/20

30.10.2019: Julian Heid (LMU Munich),?Party System Fragmentation in German Constituencies from 1949 to 2017
13.11.2019: Erich Renz (University of Regensburg),?The role of nudging in timing the replacement of durable products.
27.11.2019: Axelle Ferriere (Paris School of Economics),?Escaping the Losses from Trade: The Impact of Heterogeneity on Skill Acquisition
04.12.2019: David Domeij (Stockholm School of Economics),?Money Demand Recessions
18.12.2019: Power Lunch: MdL Jürgen Mistol
22.01.2020: Jana Friedrichsen (HU Berlin / DIW),??Choosing between explicit Cartel Formation and Tacit Collusion: an Experiment


Veronika Püschel (University of Regensburg),?Progressive Pensions as an Incentive for Labor Force Participation
05.02.2020: Nicolas Apfel (University of Regensburg),?Instrument Selection for Shift-Share IVs With an Extension to Multiple Endogenous Regressors

Summer Semester 2019

24.04.2019: Silvio St?dter (University of Regensburg), Smarter People are More Often Overconfident - Evidence From a Large-Scale Online Experiment.
15.05.2019: Johanna Mollerstrom (George Mason University), A meritocratic origin of egalitarian behavior.
05.06.2019: Sigrid Suetens (Tilburg University), Behavior and attitudes toward ethnic minorities: Evidence from the Netherlands.
12.06.2019: Power Lunch: MdL?Dr. Hopp
19.06.2019: Ted Loch-Temzelides (Rice University), Energy and Climate: Robust Solution Needed
03.07.2019: Moritz Janas (University of Konstanz), Delegation to a Group
10.07.2019: Christine Binzel (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg), Vernacularization, the ProtestantREformation and Development
24.07.2019: Dominik Sachs (University of Munich), The Indirect Fiscal Benefits of Low-Skilled Immigration

Winter Semester 2018/19

21.11.2018: Simon J?ger (MIT),?Wages and the Value of Nonemployment
07.11.2018: Martin Heckmann (University of California at Los Angeles),?Patient vs. Provider Incentives in Long Term Care

Summer Semester 2018

20.06.2018: Dieter Hoffmann-Axthelm,?Planerische Voraussetzungen urbaner R?ume
06.06.2018: Roland Weigand (AOK Bayern),?Automatic predictive models for morbidity-based risk adjustment
30.05.2018: Susanne Neckermann (University of Chicago),?Loss framed incentives and employee (mis-)behavior
23.05.2018: Michael Irlacher (LMU München),?Offshoring and non-monotonic employment effects across industries in general equilibrium
09.05.2018: Tommaso Reggiani (Masaryk University, Brno),?"There is good news!" Media negativity bias and tax compliance
11.04.2018: Power Lunch: Landr?tin Tanja Schweiger

Winter Semester 2017/18

31.01.2018: Oleg Sidorkin (IOS Regensburg),?The output additionality of R&D subsidies: Evidence from programmes interaction and learning effects
24.01.2018: Annekatrin Niebuhr (Universit?t Kiel/IAB),?Comparing ethnic segregation across German cities – measurement issues matter
17.01.2018: Christine Schimpfermann (Planungs- und Baureferentin Stadt Regensburg),?Stadtentwicklung Regensburg
10.01.2018: Power Lunch: Staatssekret?r?Albert Füracker
06.12.2017: Benjamin Elsner (IZA?Bonn),?Radiation and Human Capital: Long-Run Evidence from Exposure outside the Womb
25.10.2017: Armin Schwienbacher (Skema Business School, Lille),?The Information Content of Non-Binding Investment Commitments: Lessons from Equity Crowdfunding
11.10.2017: R. Anton Braun (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta),?Old, Frail, and Uninsured: Accounting for Puzzles in the U.S. Long-Term Care Insurance Market

Summer Semester 2017

28.06.2017: Hyok-Joo Rhee (Seoultech),?Growth Management and Density Controls.
26.04.2017: Ewa Feder-Sempach (University of Lodz).

Winter Semester 2016/17

01.02.2017: Ulrich Glogowsky (LMU München),?Behavioral Responses to Wealth Transfer Taxation: Bunching Evidence from Germany
30.11.2016: Kamila Cygan-Rehm (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg),?
Love your leave, don’t leave your love! Paid parental leave and children's living arrangements
23.11.2016: Simeon Schudy (LMU München),?Incentivizing Creative Problem Solving in Teams - Evidence from a Field Experiment
16.11.2016: Power Lunch: Margit Wild, MdL

Summer Semester 2016

13.07.2016: Konstantin K?rner (HU Berlin),?Offshoring and the Labor Market - Estimating the Heterogeneous Effects of Task Trade on Wages in Germany
06.07.2016: Lucas Herrenbrueck (Simon Frazer University Vancouver),?Quantitative Easing and the Liquidity Channel of Monetary Policy
29.06.2016: Alec Sproten (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg),?Cues for Consumer Decision Making on a Tor Network Cryptomarket for Drugs: Evidence from Silk Road Reloaded
22.06.2016: Kristina Czura (LMU München),?Willingness-to-pay for microinsurance and flexibility: Evidence from an agricultural investment lab-in-the-field experiment in Senegal
08.06.2016: Martin Gervais (University of Iowa),?What Should I Be When I Grow Up? Occupations and Unemployment over the Life Cycle
01.06.2016: Andreas Menzel (University of Warwick),?Organizational Learning: Experimental Evidence from Bangladeshi garment factories
25.05.2016: Jen Brown (University of British Columbia),?Home Prices, Mobility, and Job Search: Job Seekers? Behavior during the Great Recession
20.04.2016: Julie Chytilova (CERGE Prague),?Social Contagion of Ethnic Hostility

Winter Semester 2015/16

03.02.2016: Benjamin Lochner (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg),?Labor Market Sorting in Germany
27.01.2016: Christopher Krauss (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg),?Deep neural networks, random forests, gradient-boosted trees: Statistical arbitrage on the S&P 500 with state-of-the-art machine learning
20.01.2016: Swetlana Kreiser (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg),?Banking and the Macroeconomy: A Micro-Macro Linkage
02.12.2015: Dr. Jasmin Gider (Universit?t Bonn),?Do Investment Banks Matter for M&A Leakage?
28.10.2015: Bing Zhu (Universit?t Regensburg),?Housing Market Stability, Mortgage Regulation and Monetary Policy
21.10.2015: Benjamin Elsner (IZA Bonn),?A Big Fish in a Small Pond: Ability Rank and Human Capital Investment
14.10.2015: Bing Zhu (Universit?t Regensburg),?Asset Pricing, Spatial Linkages and Contagion in Real Estate Markets

Summer Semester 2015

01.07.2015: Prof. Dr. Tilan Tang (Clemson University),?Effect of horizontal mergers on Customers: Evidence from Medicare
29.04.2015: Tore Ellingsen (Stockholm School of Economics),?Rational Bubbles and Economic Crises: A Quantitative Analysis
15.04.2015: Efraim Benmelech (Northwestern University),?The Real Effects of Liquidity During the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Automobiles


Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und ?konometrie


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