Evolutionary and Systematic Botany
The principal aim of our scientific work is to celebrate the science of plant evolution and systematics in all of its diversity, juxtaposing the different forms, patterns, and processes observable in the living world (biodiversity) with the multitude of methodological tools being used in our scientific endeavour to study the multi-facetted and interwoven layers of diversity from the DNA level over the species level to the global scale of organismal patterns.
Plant systematics is a fascinating scientific discipline because it combines in a synthesising manner the extremely diverse and highly specialised fields dealing with the diversity of plant life on earth: (a) taxonomy as the cornerstone that enables us to grasp and cherish organismic diversity, collect information about it, and communicate this information to others, (b) phylogenetics that tries to reconstruct the spatial and temporal details of the history of these taxonomic entities, and (c) evolutionary biology that tries to explain the processes that lead to the ongoing differentiation populations and the emergence of new entities of biodiversity or to their loss.
Dealing with biodiversity in this systematic manner that is sometimes called ?abstact biodiversity research? (i.e., describing biodiversity within a certain taxonomic group, reconstructing its history, and evaluating the processes that shape it), the field of systematics constitutes the counterbalance and logic complement of the ecological disciplines that are dealing with biodiversity on temporarily and spatially more restricted axes, but without the taxonomical restriction inherent to the systematic discipline (?concrete biodiversity reasearch? addressing eco-systems and their structural and functional diversity along with questions of stability of organismal communities).
Fields of presently on-going research projects in the plant evolution and systematics group
1. Evolution of polyploidy complexes
Aspects of the evolutionary biology of plants, especially the importance of the processes of polyploidisation and hybridisation, form the major field of our current research: In the field of polyploidy, we are focussing on the two genera Leucanthemum (41 species; ploidy levels from 2x to 22x) and Leucanthemopsis (ploidy levels from 2x to 6x) of the Compositae-Anthemideae as a model groups to reconstruct the reticulate species trees caused by polyploid speciation (including novel next-generation-sequencing methods and novel species-tree reconstruction methods) and the consequences of polyploidy through crossing experiments and expression studies.
2. The role of hybridisation in plant evolution
We have studied hybridisation in plant groups as diverse as Salix, Viola, and Senecio. In the latter case, we are presently using transplantation experiments, food-choice experiments with slugs and snails, and phytochemical analyses in the Senecio nemorensis syngameon to infer the connection between the patterns of genetic variation observed in hybrid swarms, the variation of the spectra of secondary metabolites (here: alkaloids), and the consequences on herbivory-mediated fitness of parental and intermediate genotypes.
3. Biogeography, phylogeography, and phyloecology
Based on molecular phylogenetic reconstructions above and on population genetic analysis at and below the species level we are addressing questions concerning the temporal and spatial diversification of plant species and species groups (historical biogeography, phylogeography), especially in the Mediterranean region. Combining phylogenetic and phylogeographical reconstructions with GIS-based eco-climatological modelling of ecological niches we are aiming at a better understanding of causes and consequences of plant differentiation processes.
4. Phylogeny and taxonomy of Compositae-Anthemideae
The reconstruction of the tree of life is one of the fundamental problems of evolutionary research. In the camomile tribe (Anthemideae) of the sunflower family (Compositae, Asteraceae) with its 112 genera and its over 1700 species we are trying to incorporate results of molecular phylogenetic reconstructions into the taxonomy of the tribe.
Head | |||
Prof. Dr. Christoph Oberprieler | 3129 Fax. 3115 | E4.2.321 | |
? | |||
Technician | |||
Viktoria Reil | 3104/3130 | E4.2.323 | |
Fax. 3115 | |||
? | |||
PhD Students (graduate students) | |||
Marco Dorfner | 3130 | E4.2.323 | |
Ulrich Lautenschlager | 3128 | E4.2.319 | |
? | |||
Bachelor and Master Students (undergraduate students) | |||
Tobias Branner | 3104 | E4.2.121 | |
Pia Donhauser | 3128 | E4.2.319 | |
Anna Schicktanz | 3128 | E4.2.319 |
Visiting Scientists | |||
Dr. Alicia Agudo | (Madrid, Spain) | 2013-2014/2015 | |
Dr. David Gutierrez | (Salamanca, Spain) | 2014-2015 | |
Dr. Hajar Hassanpour | (Teheran, Iran) | 2016 | |
Prof. Dr. Ali Sonboli | (Teheran, Iran) | 2010 | |
Dr. Eleni Liveri | (Patras, Greece) | 2015 |
[1] Dr. Martina Talianova (2011-2013): Effects of polyploidy on the coordination of gene expression between organellar and nuclear genomes in Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae) ─ DFG project OB 155/10-1. [2] Dr. Miriam Stock (2017): Phylogeny and subtribal classification of Compositae-Anthemideae based on nrDNA ITS/ETS and cpDNA sequence information. [3] Dr. Agnes Scheunert (2018-2021): Establishing single-copy nuclear markers for the phylogenetic analysis of the polyploid complex of Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae) ─ DFG project OB 155/13-1. |
Graduate Alumni / Abgeschlossene Dissertationen
[9] Dr. Tankred Ott (2019-2022): Development of a bioinformatical pipeline for integrative species delimitation in Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae) . → Novo Nordisk - AI and Analytics Centre of Excellence, Bagsv?rd (Denmark). [8] Dr. Florian Wagner (2015-2020): Snow White and Rose Red: Studies on the contrasting evolutionary trajectories of the genera Leucanthemum Mill. and Rhodanthemum B.H.Wilcox & al. (Compositae, Anthemideae) . → ?kologische Bildungsst?tte Schloss Mitwitz, Mitwitz. [7] Dr. Manuela Bog (2010-2015): Hybridisation and its consequences – Population genomics, herbivory, and phytochemistry in the Senecio nemorensis syngameon. → Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University, Greifswald. [6] Dr. Salvatore Tomasello (2010-2014): Polyploidy and high mountain environments – Evolutionary processes at different scales in the subtribe Leucanthemopsidinae (Compositae, Anthemideae). → Department of Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants, Albrecht-von-Haller-Institute for Plant Sciences, Georg-August-University, G?ttingen. [5] Dr. Kamil Konowalik (2009-2014): Reconstructing reticulate relationships in the polyploid complex of Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae). → Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wroclaw (Poland). [4] Dr. Roland Greiner (2007-2011): The impact of polyploidy on genetic structure and reproductive isolation in the genus Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae).→ Naturwissenschaftliches Technikum Dr. Künkele, Landau i.d. Pfalz. [3] Dr. Rosa Maria Lo Presti (2005-2009): Geological vs. climatological diversification the Mediterranean area: Micro- and macroevolutionary approaches in Anthemis L. (Compositae, Anthemideae). [2] Dr. Sven Himmelreich (2004-2009): Phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of the southern hemisphere genus Leptinella Cass. (Compositae, Anthemideae). → Thermo Fisher Scientific GeneArt GmbH, Regensburg. [1] Dr. J?rg Meister (2001-2008): Comparative phylogeography of palaeo-african woodland species from the monsoonal fog oases of the southern Arabian Peninsula. → Privatgymnasium Holzkirchen. |
Undergraduate Alumni / Abgeschlossene Examensarbeiten
[103] Lucie Kern (2025): Morphometrische und durchflusszytometrische Untersuchungen im Achillea millefolium-Aggregat (Compositae, Anthemideae). - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [102] Julia Brunner (2025): Haben Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. und Leucanthemum ircutianum DC. (Asteraceae) unterschiedliche ?kologische Ansprüche an ihre Standorte? - Eine zytologische und ?kologische Analyse. - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [101] Sinah Schadl (2024): Zytometrische und ?kologische Analysen im Leucanthemum vulgare-Komplex (Compositae, Anthemideae) in der n?rdlichen Oberpfalz. - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [100] Simon Balk (2024): Zytometrische und ?kologische Analysen im Leucanthemum vulgare-Komplex (Compositae, Anthemideae) im Landkreis Kelheim. - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [99] Anna-Lena Th?lstede (2024): Taxon delimitation in the tetraploid Leucanthemum ircutianum-group (Compositae, Anthemideae) based on nuclear and chloroplast data. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [98] Felix Müller (2024): Phylogenetische Analyse von Arten der Gattung Epilobium L. (Onagraceae) aus dem ?stlichen Passauer Landkreis mithilfe von Einzelmarkeruntersuchungen. - Zulassungs- und Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [97] Eva Fellermayer (2024): Inferring phylogenetic relationships among Chilean Baccharis L. (Compositae, Astereae) species using AFLPseq fingerprinting. - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [96] Annalena Breitmoser (2024): Analysis of hybrid swarms of the Senecio nemorensis-group (Compositae, Senecioneae) based on morphological and bioclimatic data using multivariate statistical methods. - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [95] Regina Harisow (2024): Zytometrische und ?kologische Analysen im Leucanthemum vulgare-Komplex (Compositae, Anthemideae) in Landau an der Isar und Umgebnung. - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [94] Marie Pr?bster (2024): Zytometrische und ?kologische Analysen im Leucanthemum vulgare-Komplex (Compositae, Anthemideae) im Raum Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz und Bayern. - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [93] Ann-Sophie Sch?llhorn (2024): Durchflusszytometrische und morphometrische Untersuchungen zum Vergleich der Viola-Arten V. riviniana Rchb. und V. reichenbachiana Boreau (Violaceae). - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [92] Johannes G?ssele (2024): Species delimitation in the Leucanthemum pachyphyllum-group (Compositae, Anthemideae). - Masterarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [91] Isolde Kirschke (2024): Molecular genetic characterization of Epilobium L. species (Onagraceae) using AFLPseq fingerprinting. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [90] Lea Raith (2023): Molekulargenetische Analyse der Hybridisierung zweier Rhodanthemum-Arten (Compositae, Anthemideae) mittels AFLPseq-Fingerprinting. - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [89] Sarah-Maria Eder (2023): The phylogeny of the genus Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae) based on chloroplast genomes sequenced with Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION. - Masterarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [88] Viktoria Reil (2023): Rekonstruktion der phylogenetischen Beziehungen zwischen chilenischen Baccharis-Arten (Compositae, Astereae) mittels AFLPseq-Fingerprinting. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [87] Nadine Benda (2023): On the position of Vogtia based on complete plastid genomes from representatives of Compositae-Anthemideae. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [86] Alexander Pieper (2023): Molekulargenetische Analyse der Hybridisierung zweier Baccharis-Arten (Compositae, Astereae) mittels AFLPseq-Fingerprinting. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg.? [85] Pia Donhauser (2022): Analyse von Hybridschw?rmen der Senecio nemorensis-Gruppe (Compositae, Senecioneae) mittels automatisierter Morphometrie und AFLPseq-Fingerprinting. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [84] Daniel Sulas (2022): Herbarium morphometrics and AFLP-based genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) in the Senecio nemorensis-group (Compositae, Senecioneae). - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [83] Maximilian Kurz (2021): Zytometrische und ?kologische Analysen im Leucanthemum vulgare-Komplex (Compositae, Anthemideae) in Deutschland. - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [82] Alisha T?pfer (2021): An updated subtribal classification of the Compositae tribe Anthemideae using three new markers (DSP, VIP5, and NPF3.1).?- Masterarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [81] Leopold Neubauer (2021): Zytometrische und ?kologische Analysen im Leucanthemum vulgare-Komplex (Compositae, Anthemideae) in der Hallertau. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [80] Philipp Ott (2021): AFLP-basierte RADseq-Genotypisierung mittels Nanopore-Sequenzierung in der Senecio nemorensis-Gruppe. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [79] Melissa Gruber (2021): Phylogenetic analysis in diploid Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae) based on exon and intron sequences from Signal Peptidase. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [78] Clarissa Altheimer (2021): Zytometrische und ?kologische Analysen im Leucanthemum vulgare-Komplex (Compositae, Anthemideae) im Landkreis Augsburg. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [77] Melanie Grandis (2021): Morphometrische und durchflusszytometrische Untersuchungen im Achillea millefolium-Aggregat (Compositae, Anthemideae) - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [76] Lisa Cihak (2021): ?kologische Artabgrenzung der Wiesenmargeritenarten Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. und Leucanthemum ircutianum DC. - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [75] Stephan Bergmann (2021): Phylogenetic relationships of diploid and polyploid Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae) species based on chloroplast haplotype sequence variation. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [74] Maximilian Schall (2021): Species delimitation in Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae) using morphological, molecular, and eco-climatological data. - Masterarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [73] Erik Schabel (2020): Cytometric and ecological analyses of the Leucanthemum vulgare aggregate (Compositae, Anthemideae) in Eastern Bavaria. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [72] Simone Reinhardt (2020): Third-generation sequencing of three Senecio chloroplast genomes by using Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [71] Lena Bachl (2019): Phylogenetische Analyse der Leucanthemum atratum-Gruppe (Compositae, Anthemideae) mittels des Kernmarkers CPA. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [70] Sarah-Maria Eder (2019): Phylogenetische Untersuchung der Leucanthemum pluriflorum-Gruppe (Compositae, Anthemideae) mittels des Kernmarkers CPA. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [69] Alisha T?pfer (2019): Untersuchungen zur phylogenetischen Stellung südfranz?sischer Leucanthemum-Arten (Compositae, Anthemideae) mittels neu etablierter Kernmarker. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [68] Raphael Sedlmaier (2019): Phylogenetische Analysen an diploiden Arten der Gattung Leucanthemum Mill. (Asteraceae, Anthemideae) mittels des neu etablierten Kernmarkers CAF1. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [67] Marco Dorfner (2019): Next-generation sequencing of chloroplast genomes in Leucanthemum (Compositae, Anthemideae) using long-range PCR. - Masterarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [66] Thomas Lingl (2019): Third-generation sequencing of two Leucanthemum chloroplast genomes by using Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [65] Lena Schinh?rl (2019): Flow-cytometric and molecular-genetic analyses on the taxon delimitation in Corsican Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae). - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [64] Tankred Ott (2019): Species delimitation in the Rhodanthemum arundanum-group (Compositae, Anthemideae) by Genotyping-by-Sequencing. - Masterarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [63] Maximilian Mandlinger (2018): Molekulargenetische, flowzytometrische und morphometrische Untersuchungen in der Viola riviniana-Gruppe (Violaceae). - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [62] Lena Brandl (2018): Morphometrische und flowzytometrische Untersuchungen in der Viola riviniana-Gruppe (Violaceae). - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [61] Stefan Ried (2018): Species delimitation in the Leucanthemum vulgare aggregate: Cytometric and morphometric investigations. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [60] Emerenz Ried (2018): Species delimitation in the Leucanthemum vulgare aggregate: Molecular and ecological investigations. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [59] Elena Verkhoturova (2018): Molecular phylogenetics of the Anthemis cupaniana-group (Compositae, Anthemideae). - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [58] Maximilian Schall (2018): Species delimitation in the Rhodanthemum arundanum-group (Compositae, Anthemideae). - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [57] Daniel Lenz (2017): Molecular-genetic investigations on hybridization and distribution of Senecio ovatus?and Senecio hercynicus?in the Inner Bavarian and Bohemian Forest. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [56] Christiana Skarlatopoulou?(2017): Phylogenetics and species delimitation in the Centaurea pullata group (Compositae, Cardueae). - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg.[55] Stephanie Menz (2016): Molekulargenetische Untersuchungen zur Sippenabgrenzung in Centaurea sect. Melanoloma (Cass.) DC. (Compositae, Cardueae). - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [54] Verena Reichhart (2016): Phylogenie und Mermalsevolution in den Anthemideae-Leucantheminae (Compositae) basierend aud cpDNA-Sequenzdaten. - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. ?[53] Claudia Zimmer (2015): Populationsgenomische (AFLP-fingerprinting) und morphometrische Untersuchungen an Diplotaxis harra (Forssk.) Boiss. (Brassicaceae). Masterarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. ? [52] Markus Johann Mühlbauer (2015): Implementation und Validierung eines Algorithmus zur Rekonstruktion von Speziesnetzwerken in polyploiden Komplexen. – Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. ? [51] Sabine H?rtl (2015): Molekulargenetische Untersuchungen zur Sippenabgrenzung in der Leucanthemum ageratifolium-Gruppe (Compositae, Anthemideae). – Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. ? [50] Simone Barisch (2015): Ausarbeitung eines Kurstages zur ?Formenkenntnis und Systematik der Pflanzen‘ und Untersuchung der Sequenzen von ITS2 und trnL-trnF in der Hybridzone der Arten Viola hirta L. und Viola odorata L. (Violaceae). – Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. ? [49] Tankred Ott (2015): Phylogeography of Gymnosporia dhofarensis (Sebsebe) Jord. and G. parviflora (Vahl) Chiov. (Celastraceae) in the Southern Arabian Peninsula. - Bachelorarbeit Universit?t Regensburg.
[43] Florian Wagner (2013): Molekulargenetische Untersuchungen zur homoploiden und polyploiden Hybridisierung in der Gattung Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae). - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [42] Ulrich Lautenschlager (2013): Molekulare Charakterisierung und Barcoding an Vertretern der Gattungen Spirodela und Landoltia (Lemnaceae). - Bachelorarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [35] Michael Elmer (2013): Untersuchungen zur Herbivorie an drei Vertretern der Senecio nemorensis-Gruppe (Compositae, Senecioneae) und deren Hybriden. - Zulassungs- und Masterarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [34] Andreas Fackelmann (2013): Molekulargenetische Untersuchungen (AFLP-fingerprinting) zur Sippenabgrenzung in der Leucanthemum glaucophyllum-Gruppe. - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. - Zulassungsarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. [33] Theresa Muckenthaler (2012): Untersuchungen zur Etablierung eines Transposon-basierten Markersystems für die Analyse der Senecio nemorensis-Gruppe. - Diplomarbeit, Universit?t Regensburg. |
- 2025 -
[136] Conti, F., Bracchetti, L., Dorfner, M., Benda, N. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2025): Leontodon albanicus subsp. acroceraunicus (Asteraceae, Cichorieae), a new subspecies from southern Albania. - Biology (Basel) 14: 259. doi: 10.3390/biology14030259
[135] Durka, W., Michalski, S. G., H?fner, J., Bucharova, A., Kolár, F., Müller, Ch. M., Oberprieler, Ch., Semberová, K., [...] & RegioDiv Konsortium (2025): Assessment of genetic diversity among seed transfer zones for multiple grassland plant species across Germany. - Basic and Applied Ecology 84: 50-60.
- 2024 -
[134] Oberprieler, Ch. (2024): Senecio nemorensis agg. - Artengruppe Hain-Greiskraut. Pp. 2262-2265. In: Meierott, L. & al. (eds.), Flora von Bayern. - Haupt Verlag, Bern.
[133] Oberprieler, Ch., Lenz, D., Donhauser, P. & B?ssler, C. (2024): Surviving the extinction vortex? Discovering remnant stands of Senecio hercynicus (Compositae, Senecioneae) evading genetic swamping by its congener S. ovatus in the Bavarian and Bohemian Forest region. - Flora 320: 152602.
[132] Durka, W., Michalski, S. G., H?fner, J., Kolár, F., Müller, Ch. M., Oberprieler, Ch., Semberová, K. & RegioDiv Konsortium (2024): Projekt RegioDiv - genetische Vielfalt krautiger Pflanzen in Deutschland: Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen für die Regio-saatgut-Praxis. - Natur und Landschaft 99: 322-332.
- 2023 -
[131] Conti, F., Oberprieler, Ch., Dorfner, M., Schabel, E. & Bartolucci, F. (2023): Pedicularis rostratospicata subsp. marsica (P. sect. Rostratae, Orobanchaceae), a new subspecies from the central Apennines (Italy). - Biology (Basel) 12: 2614. doi: 10.3390/plants12142614
[130] Scheunert, A., Lautenschlager, U., Ott, T. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2023): NANO-STRAINER: a workflow for identification of single-copy nuclear loci for plant systematic studies, using target capture and Oxford Nanopore long reads. - Ecology & Evolution 13: e10190. doi: 10.1002/ece3.10190
[129] Hassanpour, S., Moazzeni, H., Sonboli, A., Hoseini, S., Pirani, A., Joharchi, M. R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2023): Molecular and morphological data reveal a new species of Sclerorhachis (Compositae, Anthemideae) and the reassessment of another species of the genus. - Pl. Syst. Evol. 309: 10. doi: 10.1007/s00606-022-01840-0
[128] Oberprieler, Ch., Ott, T. & Vogt, R. (2023): Picks in the fabric of a polyploid complex: integrative species delimitation in the tetraploid Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae) representatives. - Biology (Basel) 12: 288. doi: 10.3390/biology12020288
[127] Oberprieler, Ch. (2023): The Wettstein tesseract: a tool for conceptualising species-rank decisions and illustrating speciation trajectories. - Taxon 72: 1-7. doi: 10.1002/tax.12825
[126] Conti, F., Oberprieler, Ch., Dorfner, M., Schabel, E., Nicoara, R. & Bartolucci, F. (2023): Adonis fucensis (A. sect. Adonanthe, Ranunculaceae), a new species from the central Apennines (Italy). - Biology (Basel) 12: 118. doi: 10.3390/biology12010118
- 2022 -
[125] Ott, T., Schall, M., Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2022): The warps and wefts of a polyploid complex: integrative species delimitation of the diploid Leucanthemum (Compositae, Anthemideae) representatives. - Plants (Basel) 11: 1878. doi: 10.3390/plants11141878
[124] Oberprieler, Ch., Verkhoturova, E. & Domina, G. (2022): Allopolyploidisation in a geological collision zone: on the origin of the tetraploid Anthemis cupaniana Nyman (Compositae, Anthemideae) in Sicily. - Plant Syst. Evol. 308: 29.
[123] Tomasello, S. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2022): Reticulate evolution in western Mediterranean mountain ranges: the case of the Leucanthemopsis polyploid complex.?- Frontiers Plant Sci. 13: 842842.
[122] Oberprieler, Ch., T?pfer, A., Dorfner, M., Stock, M. & Vogt, R. (2022): An updated subtribal classification of Compositae tribe Anthemideae based on extended phylogenetic reconstructions. - Willdenowia 52: 117-149.
[121] Dorfner, M., Ott, T., Ott, P. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2022): Long-read genotyping with SLANG (Simple-Long-read loci Assembly of Nanopore data for Genotyping). - Appl. Plant Sci. 10: e11484.
[120] Oberprieler, Ch., Conti, F., Dorfner, M., Eder, S., Heuschneider, A., Ott, T., Scheunert, A. & Vogt, R. (2022): The taxonomy of Leucanthemum ircutianum DC. (Compositae, Anthemideae) on the Apennine Peninsula based on AFLP fingerprinting, cpDNA sequence variation, and eco-climatological niche reconstruction. - Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 199: 830-848.
- 2021 -
[119] Oberprieler, Ch. & Vogt, R. (2021): Tribus Anthemideae Cass. (au?er Achillea).?Pp. 868-877. In: Müller, F. & al. (eds.), Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, Gef??pflanzen: Grundband, 22. Auflage. - Springer Spektrum, Berlin.
[118] Kadereit, J. W. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2021): Tribus Senecioneae Cass. (Senecio L. - Greiskraut, Kreutkraut). Pp. 865-857. In: Müller, F. & al. (eds.), Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, Gef??pflanzen: Grundband, 22. Auflage. - Springer Spektrum, Berlin.
[117] Vogt, R., Wagner, F. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2021): The genus Heteromera (Compositae, Anthemideae). - Willdenowia 51: 233-249.
[116] H?randl, E., Oberprieler, Ch., Marhold, K. & Wagner, N. (2021): Editorial - Evolution and biodiversity of wild polyploids. - Frontiers Plant Sci. 12: 723439.
[115] Paolacci, S., Bog, M., Lautenschlager, U., Bonfield, R., Appenroth, K.-J., Oberprieler, Ch. & Jansen, M. A. K. (2021): Clonal diversity amongst island populations of alien, invasive Lemna minuta Kunth. - Biol. Invasions 23: 2649-2660.
[114] Volkova, P., Bog, M., Zablocka, B. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2021): Elevation does not matter? Genome screening using AFLP fails to reveal selection along elevational transects: a case study of Caucasian Primula vulgaris Huds. (Primulaceae). - Flora 274: 151726.
- 2020 -
[113] Lautenschlager, U., Wagner, F. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2020): AllCoPol: Inferring allele co-ancestry in polyploids. - BMC Bioinformatics 21: 441.
[112] Ott, T., Palm, Ch., Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2020): GinJinn: An object-detection pipeline for feature extraction from herbarium specimens. - Applic. Plant Sci. 8(6): e11351.
[111] Wagner, F., Ott, T., Schall, M., Lautenschlager, U., Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2020): Taming the Red Bastards: Hybridisation and species delimitation in the Rhodanthemum arundanum-group (Compositae, Anthemideae). - Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 144: 106702.
[110] Scheunert, A., Dorfner, M., Lingl, Th. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2020): Can we use it? On the utility of de novo and reference-based assembly of Nanopore data for plant plastome sequencing. - PLoS ONE 15(3): e0226234.
- 2019 -
[109] Oberprieler, Ch., Schinh?rl, L., Wagner, F., Hugot, L. & Vogt, R. (2019): Karyological and molecular analysis of Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae) in Corsica. - Willdenowia 49: 411-420.
[108] Oberprieler, Ch., Talianova, M. & Griesenbeck, J. (2019): Effects of polyploidy on the coordination of gene expression between organellar and nuclear genomes in Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae). - Ecol. Evol. 9: 9100-9110.
[107] Oberprieler, Ch., Hassanpour, H., Sonboli, A., Ott, T. & Wagner, F. (2019): Multi-locus phylogenetic reconstructions reveal ample reticulate relationships among genera in Anthemideae subtribe Handeliinae (Compositae). - Plant Syst. Evol. 305: 487-502.
[106] Wagner, F., Ott, T., Zimmer, C., Reichhart, V., Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2019): 'At the crossroads towards polyploidy': Genomic divergence and extent of homoploid hybridisation are drivers for the formation of the ox-eye daisy polyploid complex (Leucanthemum Mill., Compositae-Anthemideae). - New Phytologist 223: 2039-2053.
[105] Tomasello, S., Stuessy, T. F., Oberprieler, Ch. & Heubl, G. R. (2019): Ragweeds and relatives: molecular phylogenetics of Ambrosiinae (Asteraceae). - Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 130: 104-114.
- 2018 -
[104] Liveri, E., Tomasello, S., Hammerschmid, Ch., Kamari, G. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2018): Age and differentiation of the endemic Greek genus Hymenonema Cass. (Compositae, Cichorieae, Scolyminae) based on a multilocus species-tree reconstruction. - Plant Syst. Evol. 304: 1255-1267.
[103] Oberprieler, Ch., Konowalik, K., Fackelmann, A. & Vogt, R. (2018): Polyploid speciation across a suture zone: Phylogeography and species delimitation in S French Leucanthemum Mill. representatives (Compositae-Anthemideae). - Plant Syst. Evol. 304: 1141-1155.
[102] Vogt, R., Konowalik, K. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2018): Karyological analysis reveals two new polyploid marguerite taxa (Leucanthemum Mill., Compositae-Anthemideae) in S France and NW Italy. - Willdenowia 48: 221-226.
[101] Lo Presti, R. M., Oberprieler, Ch. & Vogt, R. (2018): Tribus VI - Anthemideae (gen. 56-79). Pp. 815-881. In: Pignatti, S. (ed.), Flora d?Italia, 2nd edition. - Edagricole, Milano.
[100] Oberprieler, Ch., Zimmer, C. & Bog, M. (2018): Are there morphological and life-history traits under climate-dependent differential selection in S Tunisian Diplotaxis harra (Brassicaceae) populations? - Ecol. Evol. 8: 1047-1062.
[99] Hassanpour, H., Zare-Maivan, H., Sonboli, A., Kazempor-Osaloo, S., Wagner, F., Tomasello, S. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2018): Phylogenetic species delimitation unravels a new species in the genus Sclerorhachis (Rech.f.) Rech.f. (Compositae, Anthemideae). - Plant Syst. Evol. 304: 185-203.
- 2017 -
[98] Oberprieler, Ch., Ott, T., Hipper, A., Kilian, N., Bog, M., Tomasello, S. & Meister, J. (2017): Pleistocene shaping of genetic diversity in a monsoon-affected environment: the case of Gymnosporia (Celastraceae) in the southern Arabian Peninsula. - Plant Syst. Evol. 303: 1399-1412.
[97] Oxelman, B., Brysting, A. K., Jones, G. R., Marcussen, T., Oberprieler, Ch. & Pfeil, B. E. (2017): Phylogenetics of allopolyploids. - Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 48: 543-557.
[96] Bog, M., Elmer, M., Doppel, M., Ehrnsberger, H. F., Heilmann, J. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2017): Phytochemical investigations and food-choice experiments with two mollusc species in three central Europe Senecio L. (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) species and their hybrids. - Chemoecology 27: 155-169.
[95] Wagner, F., H?rtl, S., Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2017): 'Fix Me Another Marguerite!': Species delimitation in a group of intensively hybridising lineages of ox-eye daisies (Leucanthemum Mill., Compositae-Anthemideae). - Mol. Ecol. 26: 4260-4283.
[94] Bog, M., B?ssler, C. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2017): Lost in the hybridisation vortex: High-elevation Senecio hercynicus (Compositae, Senecioneae) is genetically swamped by its congener S. ovatus in the Bavarian Forest National Park (SE Germany). – Evol. Ecol. 31: 401-420.
[93] Tomasello, S. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2017): Frozen ploidies – A phylogeographic analysis of the Leucanthemopsis alpina polyploid complex (Compositae, Anthemideae). – Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 183: 211-235.
[92] Kilian, N., Galbany-Casals, M., Sommerer, R., Oberprieler, Ch., Smissen, R., Miller, A., Rabe, K. (2017): Systematics of Libinhania, a new endemic genus of Gnaphalieae (Asteraceae) from Socotra archipelago (Yemen), inferred from plastid, low-copy nuclear and nuclear ribosomal DNA loci. – Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 183: 373-412.
[91] Bog, M., Ehrnsberger, H. F., Elmer, M., B?ssler, C. & Oberprieler Ch. (2017): Do differences in herbivore resistance contribute to elevational niches of species and hybrids in the central European Senecio nemorensis (Compositae, Senecioneae) syngameon? – Persp. Plant Ecol. Evol. Syst. 24: 61-71.
[90] Oberprieler, Ch., Wagner, F., Tomasello, S. & Konowalik, K. (2017): A permutation approach for inferring species networks from gene trees in polyploid complexes by minimising deep coalescences. – Methods Ecol. Evol. 8: 835-849.
- 2016 -
[89] Stutz, S., Hinz, H. L., Konowalik, K., Müller-Sch?rer, H., Oberprieler, Ch. & Schaffer, U. (2016): Ploidy level in the genus Leucanthemum correlates with resistance to a specialist herbivore. – Ecosphere 7(9): e01460.
[88] Oberprieler, Ch. & Vogt, R. (2016): On the taxonomic position of Tanacetum funkii (Compositae-Anthemideae). – Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 73(2): e046. DOI: 10.3989/ajbm.2427.
[87] Oberprieler, Ch., Bog, M. & Berchtold, B. (2016): Herbivory and fitness components in an introgressive hybrid swarm of Senecio hercynicus and S. ovatus (Compositae, Senecioneae). – Flora 220: 117-124.
[86] Kadereit, J. W., Albach, D., C., Ehrendorfer, F., Galbany-Casals, M., Garcia-Jacas, N., Gehrke B., Kadereit, G., Kilian, N., Klein, J. T., Koch, M. A., Kropf, M., Oberprieler, Ch., Pirie, M. D., Ritz, Ch., R?ser, M., Spalik, K., Susanna, A., Weigend, M., Welk, E., Wesche, K., Zhang, L.-B. & Dillenberger, M. S. (2016): Which changes are needed to render all genera of the German flora monophyletic? – Willdenowia 46: 39-91.
[85] Oberprieler, Ch. (2016): Pflanzenevolution durch genetisches Patchwork. – Naturwiss. Rundschau 69: 35-38.
- 2015 -
[84] Konowalik, K., Wagner, F., Tomasello, S., Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2015): Detecting reticulate relationships among diploid Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae) taxa using multilocus species tree reconstruction methods and AFLP fingerprinting. – Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 92: 308-328.
[83] Bog, M., Lautenschlager, U., Landrock, M. F., Landolt, E., Fuchs, J., Sowjanya Sree, K., Oberprieler, Ch. & Appenroth, K.-J. (2015): Genetic characterization and barcoding of taxa in the genera Landoltia and Spirodela (Lemnaceae) as revealed by three plastidic markers and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). – Hydrobiologia 749: 169-182.
[82] Oberprieler, Ch., Heine, G. & B?ssler, C. (2015): Can divergent selection save the rare Senecio hercynicus from genetic swamping by its spreading congener S. ovatus (Compositae, Senecioneae)? – Flora 210: 47-59.
[81] Tomasello, S., ?lvarez, I., Vargas, P. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2015): Is the extremely rare Iberian plant species Castrilanthemum debeauxii (Compositae, Anthemideae) a ?living fossil?? Evidence from a multi-locus species tree reconstruction. - Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 82: 118-130.
- 2014 -
[80] Himmelreich, S., Breitwieser, I. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2014): Phylogenetic relationships in the extreme polyploid complex of the New Zealand genus Leptinella Cass. (Compositae, Anthemideae) based on AFLP data. – Taxon 63: 883-898.
[79] Oberprieler, Ch., Greiner, R., Konowalik, K. & Vogt, R. & (2014): The reticulate evolutionary history of the polyploid NW Iberian Leucanthemum pluriflorum clan (Compositae, Anthemideae) as inferred from nrDNA ETS sequence diversity and eco-climatological niche-modelling. – Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 70: 478-491.
- 2013 -
[78] Oberprieler, Ch., Dietz, L., Harlander, Ch. & Heilmann, J. (2013): Molecular and phytochemical evidence for the taxonomic integrity of Salix alba, S. fragilis, and their hybrid S. ×rubens (Salicaceae) in mixed stands in SE Germany. – Plant Syst. Evol. 299: 1107-1118.
[77] Marhold, K., Stuessy, T. F. (eds.) & al. [20 co-authors] (2013): The Future of Botanical Monography: Report from an international workshop, 12-16 March 2012, Smolenice, Slovak Republic. – Taxon 62: 4-20.
[76] Greiner, R., Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2013): Evolution of the polyploid north-west Iberian Leucanthemum pluriflorum clan (Compositae, Anthemideae) based on plastid DNA sequence variation and AFLP fingerprinting. – Ann. Bot. 111: 1109-1123.
- 2012 -
[75] Oberprieler, Ch., Konowalik, K., Altpeter, S., Siegert, E., Lo Presti, R. M., Greiner, R. & Vogt, R. (2012): Filling of eco-climatological niches in a polyploid complex – A case study in the plant genus Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae) from the Iberian Peninsula. – Flora 207: 862-867.
[74] Sonboli, A. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2012): Insights into the phylogenetic and taxonomic position of Tanacetum semenovii Herder (Compositae, Anthemideae) based on nrDNA ITS sequence data. – Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 45: 166-170.
[73] Greiner, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2012): The role of inter-ploidy block for reproductive isolation of the diploid Leucanthemum pluriflorum Pau (Compositae, Anthemideae) and its tetra- and hexaploid relatives. – Flora 207: 629-635.
[72] Himmelreich, S., Breitwieser, I. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2012): Phylogeny, biogeography, and evolution of sex expression in the southern hemisphere genus Leptinella Cass. (Compositae, Anthemideae). – Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 65: 464-481.
[71] Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2012): Chromosome numbers of North African phanerogams. X. Plants collected during Iter Mediterraneam V of OPTIMA in Morocco. – Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien. B 113: 193-221.
[70] Greiner, R., Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2012): Phylogenetic studies in the polyploid complex of the genus Leucanthemum (Compositae, Anthemideae) based on cpDNA sequence variation. – Plant Syst. Evol. 298: 1407-1414.
[69] Sonboli, A., Stroka, K., Kazempour Osaloo, S. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2012): Molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of Tanacetum L. (Compositae, Anthemideae) inferred from nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnH-psbA sequence variation. – Plant Syst. Evol. 298: 431-444.
- 2011 -
[68] Sonboli, A., Kazempour Osaloo, S., Vallès, J. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2011): Systematic status and phylogenetic relationship of the enigmatic Tanacetum paradoxum Bornm. (Asteraceae, Anthemideae): evidences from nrDNA ITS, micromorphological, and cytological data. – Plant Syst. Evol. 292: 85-93.
[67] Lo Presti, R. M. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2011): The central Mediterranean as a phytodiversity hotchpotch: phylogeographical patterns of the Anthemis secundiramea group (Compositae, Anthemideae) across the Sicilian Channel. – J. Biogeogr. 38: 1109-1124.
[66] Oberprieler, Ch., Hartl, S., Schauer, K. & Heilmann, J. (2011): Morphological, phytochemical, and genetic variation in mixed stands and a hybrid swarm of Senecio germanicus and S.?ovatus (Compositae, Senecioneae). – Plant Syst. Evol. 293: 177-191.
[65] Oberprieler, Ch., Eder, C., Meister, J. & Vogt, R. (2011): AFLP fingerprinting suggests the allopolyploid origin of two members of the Leucanthemum vulgare aggregate (Compositae, Anthemideae) in Central Europe. – Nordic J. Bot. 29: 370-377.
- 2010 -
[64] Lo Presti, R. M., Oppolzer, S. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2010): A molecular phylogeny and a revised classification of the Mediterranean genus Anthemis s.l. (Compositae, Anthemideae) based on three molecular markers and micromorphological characters. – Taxon 59: 1441-1456.
[63] ?kinci, N. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2010): Genetic relationships among NE Turkish Lilium L. (Liliaceae) species based on Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. – Plant Syst. Evol. 284: 41-48.
[62] Kilian, N., Galbany-Casals, M. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2010): Helichrysum nicolai (Compositae, Gnaphalieae), systematics of a new dwarf local endemic of the cape Verde Islands, W. Africa. – Folia Geobot. 45: 183-199.
[61] Oberprieler, Ch., Barth, A., Schwarz, S. & Heilmann, J. (2010): Morphological and phytochemical variation, genetic structure, and phenology in an introgressive hybrid swarm of Senecio hercynicus and S. ovatus (Compositae, Senecioneae). – Plant Syst. Evol. 286: 153-166.
[60] Sonboli, A. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2010): Phylogenetic relationship and taxonomic position of Xylanthemum tianschanicum (Krasch.) Muradyan (Compositae, Anthemideae) as inferred from nrDNA ITS data. – Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 38: 702-707.
- 2009 -
[59] Oberprieler, Ch., Meister, J., Schneider, Ch. & Kilian, N. (2009): Genetic structure of Anogeissus dhofarica (Combretaceae) populations endemic to the monsoonal fog oases of the southern Arabian Peninsula. – Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 97: 40-51.
[58] Lo Presti, R. M. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2009): Evolutionary history, biogeography and eco-climatological differentiation of the genus Anthemis L. (Compositae, Anthemideae) in the Circum-Mediterranean area. – J. Biogeogr. 36: 1313-1332.
[57] Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2009): Chromosome numbers of North African phanerogams IX. In: Marhold, K. & Breitwieser, I. (eds.), IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 8. – Taxon 58: 1282-1283, E2.
[56] Oberprieler, Ch., Himmelreich, S., K?llersj?, M., Vallès, J., Watson, L. E. & Vogt, R. (2009): Tribe Anthemideae Cass. – Pp. 631-666. In: Funk, V. A. & al. (eds.), Systematics, Evolution, and Biogeography of the Compositae. – IAPT, Washington.
[55] Funk, V. A. & al. [56 co-authors] (2009): Compositae metatrees: the next generation. – Pp. 747-777. In: Funk, V. A. & al. (eds.), Systematics, Evolution, and Biogeography of the Compositae. – IAPT, Washington.
- 2008 -
[54] Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2008): Chromosome numbers of North African phanerogams VIII. More counts in Compositae. – Willdenowia 38: 497-519.
[53] Himmelreich, S., K?llersj?, M., Elden?s, P. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2008): Phylogeny of southern hemisphere Compositae-Anthemideae based on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA ndhF sequence information. – Plant Syst. Evol. 272: 131-153.
[52] Meister, J., Kilian, N. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2008, ?2007?): Genetic structure of Euclea schimperi (Ebenaceae) populations in monsoonal fog oases of the Southern Arabian Peninsula. – Nordic J. Bot. 25: 217-226.
- 2007 -
[51] Oberprieler, Ch., Vogt, R. & Watson, L. E. (2006, ?2007“): XVI. Tribe Anthemideae Cass. – In: Kadereit, J. W. & Jeffrey, C. (eds.), The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. VIII: Flowering Plants, Eudicots, Asterales. - Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
[50] Oberprieler, Ch., Himmelreich, S. & Vogt, R. (2007): A new subtribal classification of the tribe Anthemideae (Compositae). – Willdenowia 37: 89-114.
[49] Raudnitschka, D., Hensen, I. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2007): Hybridization of Senecio hercynicus and S. ovatus (Compositae, Senecioneae) along an altitudinal gradient in Harz National Park (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany). – Systematics and Biodiversity 5: 333-344.
- 2006 -
[48] Gemeinholzer, B., Oberprieler, Ch. & Bachmann, K. (2006): Screening the applicability of molecular markers for plant identification using the NCBI and EBI nucleotide databases and Asteraceae species belonging to the tribes Lactuceae and Anthemideae. – Taxon 55: 173-187.
[47] Ikinci, N., Oberprieler, Ch. & Güner, A. (2006): On the origin of European lilies: phylogenetic analysis of Lilium section Liriotypus using sequences of the nuclear ribosomal transcribed spacers. - Willdenowia 36: 647-656.
[46] Meister, J., Hubaishan, M. A., Kilian, N. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2006): Temporal and spatial diversification of the shrub Justicia areysiana Deflers (Acanthaceae) endemic to the monsoon affected coastal mountains of the southern Arabian Peninsula. – Plant Syst. Evol. 262: 153-171.
[45] Oberprieler, Ch. & Vogt, R. (2006): The taxonomic position of Matricaria macrotis Rech.fil. (Compositae, Anthemideae). - Willdenowia 36: 329-338.
[44] Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2006): The genus Plagius L?Hér. ex DC. (Compositae, Anthemideae). - Willdenowia 36: 47-68.
- 2005 -
[43] Hensen, I. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2005): Population size affects genetic diversity and seed production in the rare Dictamnus albus (Rutaceae) in Central Germany. – Conservation Genetics 6: 63-73.
[42] Hensen, I., Oberprieler, Ch. & Wesche, K. (2005): Genetic structure, population size, and seed production of Pulsatilla vulgaris (Ranunculaceae) in Central Germany. – Flora 200: 3-14.
[41] Meister, J., Hubaishan, M. A., Kilian, N. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2005): Chloroplast DNA variation in the shrub Justicia areysiana Deflers (Acanthaceae) endemic to the monsoon affected coastal mountains of the Southern Arabian Peninsula. – Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 148: 437-444.
[40] Oberprieler, Ch. (2005): Temporal and spatial diversification of Circum-Mediterranean Compositae-Anthemideae. – Taxon 54: 951-966.
- 2004 -
[39] Oberprieler, Ch. (2004): On the taxonomic status and the phylogenetic relationships of some unispecific Mediterranean genera of Compositae-Anthemideae. I. Brocchia Vis., Endopappus Sch.Bip., and Heliocauta Humphries. – Willdenowia 34: 39-57.
[38] Oberprieler, Ch. (2004): On the taxonomic status and the phylogenetic relationships of some unispecific Mediterranean genera of Compositae-Anthemideae. II. Daveaua Willk. ex Mariz, Leucocyclus Boiss., and Nananthea DC. – Willdenowia 34: 341-350.
- 2003 -
[37] Greuter, W., Oberprieler, Ch. & Vogt, R. (2003): The Euro+Med treatment of Anthemideae (Compositae) – generic concepts and required new names. – Willdenowia 33: 37-43.
[36] Martins, L., Oberprieler, Ch. & Hellwig, F. H. (2003): A phylogenetic analysis of Primulaceae s.l. based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence data . – Plant Syst. Evol. 237: 75-85.
- 2002 -
[35] Krüger, A. M., Hellwig, F. H. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2002): Genetic diversity in natural and anthropogenic inland populations of salt-tolerant plants: RAPD analyses of Aster tripolium L. (Compositae) and Salicornia ramosissima (Chenopodiaceae). – Mol. Ecol. 11: 1647-1655.
[34] Oberprieler, Ch. (2002): A phylogenetic analysis of Chamaemelum Miller (Compositae, Anthemideae) and related genera based upon nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnL/trnF IGS sequence variation. – Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 138: 255-273.
[32-33] Oberprieler, Ch. (2002): Anthemis L.; Hypochaeris L. - Pp. 650-654, 686-687 in: Valdés, B., Rejdali, M., Achhal El Kadmiri, A., Jury, S. L. & Montserrat, J. M. (eds.), Catalogue des Plantes Vasculaires du Nord du Maroc, incluant des Clés d??dentification / Checklist of Vascular Plants of N Morocco with Identification Keys, Vol. 2. - CSIC, Madrid.
[31] Oberprieler, Ch. & Vogt, R. (2002): Cladanthus Cass., p. 197. – In: Greuter, W. & Raus, Th. (ed.): Med-Checklist Notulae, 21. - Willdenowia 32: 195-208.
[30] Oberprieler, Ch. & Vogt, R. (2002): Hypochaeris arachnoidea Poir., a hitherto neglected species in NW Africa. – Willdenowia 32: 231-236.
[28-29] Oberprieler, Ch. & Vogt, R. (2002): Nolletia Cass.; Xeranthemum L. - Pp. 635, 723 in: Valdés, B., Rejdali, M., Achhal El Kadmiri, A., Jury, S. L. & Montserrat, J. M. (eds.), Catalogue des Plantes Vasculaires du Nord du Maroc, incluant des Clés d??dentification / Checklist of Vascular Plants of N Morocco with Identification Keys, Vol. 2. - CSIC, Madrid.
[20-27] Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (2002): Bellium L.; Pallenis (Cass.) Cass.; Chamaemelum Mill.; Matricaria L; Cladanthus Cass.; Anacyclus L.; Gymnostyles Juss.; Aaronsohnia Warb. & Eig. - Pp. 635, 638-640, 654-657, 665 in: Valdés, B., Rejdali, M., Achhal El Kadmiri, A., Jury, S. L. & Montserrat, J. M. (eds.), Catalogue des Plantes Vasculaires du Nord du Maroc, incluant des Clés d??dentification / Checklist of Vascular Plants of N Morocco with Identification Keys, Vol. 2. - CSIC, Madrid.
- 2001 -
[19] Oberprieler, Ch. (2001): Phylogenetic relationships in Anthemis (Compositae, Anthemideae) based on nrDNA ITS sequence variation. – Taxon 50: 745-762.
- 2000 -
[18] Oberprieler, Ch. & Vogt, R. (2000): The position of Castrilanthemum Vogt & Oberprieler and the phylogeny of Mediterranean Anthemideae (Compositae) as inferred from nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnL/trnF IGS sequence variation. – Plant Syst. Evol. 225: 145-170.
- 1999 -
[17] Oberprieler, Ch. & Vogt, R. (1999): Notes on some species of Anthemis (Compositae, Anthemideae) in Cyprus. – Bocconea 11: 89-104.
- 1998 -
[16] Oberprieler, Ch. (1998): The Systematics of Anthemis L. (Compositae, Anthemideae) in W and C North Africa. – Bocconea 9: 1-328.
[15] Scholz, H., Oberprieler, Ch. & Vogt, R. (1998): Chromosome numbers of North African phanerogams. VII. Some notes on North African Gramineae. – Lagascalia 20: 265-275.
- 1997 -
[14] Oberprieler, Ch. & Vogt, R. (1997): Reports (692-699), pp. 262-266. – In: Kamari, G. & al. (eds.), Mediterranean chromosome number reports - 6. – Fl. Medit. 6: 223-337.
- 1996 -
[13] Oberprieler, Ch. & Vogt, R. (1996): Chromosome numbers of North African phanerogams. VI: Some counts in Leguminosae. – Willdenowia 25: 669-680.
[12] Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (1996): Castrilanthemum Vogt & Oberprieler, a new genus of the Compositae-Anthemideae. – Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 54: 336-346.
[11] Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (1996): The genus Nivellea B.H.Wilcox & al. (Compositae, Anthemideae). – Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 122: 123-135.
- 1995 -
[10] Kilian, N., Oberprieler, Ch. & Vogt, R. (1995): Chromosome numbers of North African phanerogams. V: Some counts in Launaea (Compositae, Lactuceae). – Willdenowia 25: 273-281.
[9] Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, Ch. (1995): Mauranthemum, a new name for Leucoglossum B.H.Wilcox & al. non S.Imai (Compositae, Anthemideae). – Taxon 44: 377-378.
- 1994 -
[8] Hellwig, F., Oberprieler, Ch., Vogt, R. & Wagenitz, G. (1994): Chromosome numbers of North African phanerogams. III: Some counts in Centaurea (Compositae, Cardueae). – Willdenowia 24: 249-254.
[7] Oberprieler, Ch. & Vogt, R. (1994): Reports (294-312), pp. 262-269. In: Kamari, G. & al. (eds.), Mediterranean chromosome number reports - 4. – Fl. Medit. 4: 233-301.
[6] Oberprieler, Ch. (1994): Anthemis gharbensis (Compositae, Anthemideae), a new species from NW Morocco. – Willdenowia 24: 83-89.
[5] Oberprieler, Ch. (1994): Die Senecio nemorensis-Gruppe (Compositae, Senecioneae) in Bayern. – Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 64: 7-54.
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Skripte zu den Lehrveranstaltungen sind über das GRIPS-System der Universit?t Regensburg verfügbar.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Oberprieler
Evolutionary and Systematic Botany
Institute of Plant Sciences
University of Regensburg
Universit?tsstr. 31
D-93053 Regensburg
Room: E4.2.321
Phone: +49-941 943 3129