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Forschung / Research

Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin
Forschung / Research
Research Studium Institute Einrichtungen

Research of our faculty includes a broad spectrum of fields, such as Biomedicine, Cellular and Structural Biochemistry and Biophysics, Microbiology, Genetics, Molecular Ecology and Evolution, and Neurobiology. Using a variety of modern technologies, it spans biological scales from single molecules to intact cells, tissues, and various living organisms. This multifaceted research community creates an exciting and stimulating environment for teaching in the biological and biomedical sciences.

Collaborative research

Research groups (SFB, Forschergruppen) and Research Centers

Collaborative research centers (SFB)

Transregio 374
Tubulussystem und Interstitium der Niere: (Patho-)Physiologie und Crosstalk
Sonderforschungsbereich 924
Molecular mechanisms regulating yield and yield stability in plants
Sonderforschungsbereich 960
Die Bildung von Ribosomen : Grundlagen der RNP-Biogenese und Kontrolle ihrer Funktion

Research Groups (Forschergruppen)

Forschergruppe 1075
Regulation und Pathologie von hom?ostatischen Prozessen der visuellen Funktion

Forschungsgruppe 5424
Modulation of olfaction

Research Centers


Regensburg Center for Biochemistry

Regensburg Center of Neuroscience (RCN)

Research Training Groups (Graduiertenkollegs)

Graduiertenkolleg 960
Graduate Research Academy RNA Biology
Graduiertenkolleg 760
Medicinal Chemistry: Molecular Recognition - Ligand-Receptor Interactions
Graduiertenkolleg 2174
Neurobiology of Emotion Dysfunctions

Research in individual research groups (topics)

Anatomy and Physiology

Sascha Bandulik
Molecular pathophysiology of the adrenal cortex
We are interested in the physiological regulation of aldosterone synthesis and its cellular pathology.
Wolf Hayo Castrop
Rudolf Fuchshofer
Regulation der extrazellul?ren Matrix
Silke H?rteis Haerteis90x90
Translationale Nieren- und Tumorforschung: From bench to bedside and from bedside to bench

Forschung Silke H?rteis

VHB Kurs - 3D-in-vivo-Tumor-Modell
Einsatzm?glichkeiten des 3D-in-vivo-Tumor-Modells in der Forschung sowie in der Ausbildung von Studierenden der Medizin


Karl Kunzelmann
Ionentransport beim Gesunden und Kranken
Armin Kurtz
Renin producing cells of the kidney
How is the development, differentiation and function of renin producing cells in the kidney regulated and coordinated and how are the cell integrated into the blood pressure control of the body . Read more….
Will W. Minuth
Repair of diseased renal parenchyma.
Survival of implanted stem/progenitor cells in diseased renal parenchyma is limited. To overcome this problem, basics for a new implantation technique are under development.
Markus Reichold
Pathophysiologie des tubul?ren Transports in der Niere
Rainer Schreiber
Ano 6 and kidney function
Calcium-activated chloride channels (Ano 1-10) play important roles in transepithelial transport, but the cellular function is still unsolved.
Frank Schweda
Ernst Tamm
Hom?ostase des menschlichen Auges
Charlotte Wagner
Rekrutierung reninbildender Zellen
in der Niere
Richard Warth
Genetic disorders of renal transport
We study the mechanisms by which mutated genes cause kidney diseases.
Ralph Witzgall
Mechanismen des Nierenversagens

Biology Education

Arne Dittmer
Developing Scientific Awareness, Communications Skills and Reflective Practice
We investigate the professional development of biology teachers concerning the competence to teach students about ethical issues, scientific controversies or the cultural meaning of biology.

Biophysics Biochemistry and Bioinformatics

Patrick Babinger
Funktionsaufkl?rung von Enzymen
Neva Caliskan
Recoding mechanisms in infections
Christoph Engel
Structural Biochemistry of transcription
We use structural Biology tools, such as cryo-Electron Microscopy and X-ray crystallography to elucidate ribonuclear-protein complex structures at atomic resolution. This allows us to study the molecular basis of transcription by eukaryotic RNA-polymerases.
Joachim Griesenbeck
Chromatin dynamics in yeast
Our research aims to investigate structural and compositional changes in chromatin when a eukaryotic gene switches its transcriptional state.
Gernot L?ngst
Chromatin-Dynamik und Generegulation
Gunter Meister
Genregulation durch microRNAs
Phillip Milkereit

Dr. Chitra Rajendran

Protein Crystallography

Structural and functional biology of proteins

Prof. Dr. Till Rudack


Structural Bioinformatics

We study ...
Remco Sprangers
Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy
We unravel the atomic mechanism behind large molecular machines that are involved in RNA turnover
Reinhard Sterner
Enzyme evolution and protein design
We are reconstructing the evolution of enzymes in the laboratory and are designing tailor-made proteins more
André C. Stiel
Christine Ziegler
Structure and function of membrane proteins

Plant Sciences

Dresselhaus Teaser Thomas Dresselhaus Thomas Klein Sw
Reproduction, Fertility and Development
With a focus on the regulation of cell polarity, identity and signaling we are studying plant germline development and function, fertilization mechanisms and early seed development.?
Klaus Grasser
Chromatin, gene expression
and development

We study how transcript elongation and co-transcriptional processes in the chromatin context modulate plant developmental responses.

Florian Hartig
Theoretical Ecology
We study theory, models and statistical methods in ecology, evolution and conservation.

Prof. Dr. Aline Koch

Plant RNA Transport
We study how regulatory non-coding and coding RNAs can be used as "sprayable RNAs" to improve the agricultural value of crops
Linde-teaser90x90 Karina van der Linde Linde90x90
Small maize proteins in development and pathogenicity
We aim to identify and study small maize proteins involved in tassel development and interaction of maize with the biotrophic pathogen Ustilago maydis.
Christoph Oberprieler
Plant Evolution and Systematics
We study evolutionary processes that shape plant diversity. Molecular techniques, phylogenetic methods, and population genetic tools are used to investigate particularly the effects of hybridization and polyploidization in plant evolution.
Christoph Reisch
Molecular Ecology and Conservation Genetics
Genetic variation is essential for plant evolution and conservation. We analyse the mechanisms creating genetic variation and ask how much variation is needed for the longterm protection of endangered plant species
Stefanie Sprunck
Flowering plant gamete interactions and polar tip growth
We isolate flowering plant gametes to identify the molecular mechanisms of gamete interactions. Tip growth is studied in pollen tubes and root hairs

Genetics and Microbiology

Markus Jeschek
Synthetic Microbiology
We construct synthetic microbes with new-to-nature properties to enable sustainable, bio-based production of value-added goods combining molecular biology, chemistry and data science in an interdisciplinary approach.
Wolfgang Seufert
Regulation of the Cell Division Cycle
We study how cells proceed through mitosis and how cell cycle entry is influenced by mRNA translation using budding yeast as a model.
Frank Sprenger
Cell Cycle Control in Drosophila
How is cell proliferation controlled and coordinated in a multicellular organism? Ask the fruit Drosophila more
Grohmann-teaser90x90 Dina Grohmann Grohmann90x90
single molecule biochemistry
Thomm-teaser90x90 Winfried Hausner Thomm90x90
Archaeelle Transkription

Zoology and Neurobiology

Oliver Bosch
Neurobiology of reproductive behaviour
Maternal behaviour is the most important social behaviour of a lactating mother. How is this behaviour regulated by the brain neuropeptides vasopressin, oxytocin and corticotropin-releasing factor?
Bj?rn Brembs
Spontaneous Behavior and Operant Learning
We use invertebrate model systems to study the neurobiology of behavior: how do brains decide what to do next?
Simon Chao-En Chang
Zellul?re Neurobiologie
Tomer Czaczkes
Individual and collective decision making in ants
Ant colonies achieve amazing feats of organisation. Individual ants are also surprisingly smart. We explore how individual behaviours affects colony decisions.
Veronika Egger
Neuronal mechanisms of odor processing
We investigate processing of olfactory stimuli within the olfactory bulb, both at the level of individual synapses and in neuronal networks.
Gudrun Herzner
Antimicrobial defense strategies of insects
We investigate the diverse and elaborate defense mechanisms insects deploy to fight pathogenic and competing microorganisms.
Inga D. Neumann
Behavioural and Molecular Neurobiology
We study genetic, molecular and neuronal mechanisms underlying emotional and social behavior, focusing on the neuropeptides oxytocin, vasopressin, and neuropeptide S, and by chronic stress.
Tamara Pokorny
Variability and evolution of chemical signals
We investigate the causes and consequences of signal variability for communication in insects.
Ruther-teaser90x90 Joachim Ruther Ruther90x90
Chemical communication in insects
We study chemical cues and signals used by insects for communication and orientation within complex environments.
Ruther-teaser90x90 Stephan Schneuwly Ruther90x90
Developmental Biology and Neurodegeneration
We use the model organism Drosophila melanogaster to study gene functions related to human diseases which either affect the process of development or lead to neurodegeneration as in Parkinson’s disease.
Eva Schultner
Ecology - Evolution – Development
I want to?understand how environment – and especially social environment?–?influences individual development and modulates evolution of complex traits.
Erhard Strohm
Evolutionary and chemical ecology of insects
We study behavioural, physiological and chemical adaptations of insects focussing on interactions of bees and wasps with brood parasites and symbionts.

Research in individual research groups (alphabetical)



Patrick Babinger
Funktionsaufkl?rung von Enzymen
Sascha Bandulik
Molecular pathophysiology of the adrenal cortex
We are interested in the physiological regulation of aldosterone synthesis and in its cellular pathology.
Oliver Bosch
Neurobiology of reproductive behaviour
Maternal behaviour is the most important social behaviour of a lactating mother. How is this behaviour regulated by the brain neuropeptides vasopressin, oxytocin and corticotropin-releasing factor?
Bj?rn Brembs
Spontaneous Behavior and Operant Learning:
We use invertebrate model systems to study the neurobiology of behavior: how do brains decide what to do next?
Wolf Hayo Castrop
Tomer Czaczkes
Individual and collective decision making in ants
Ant colonies achieve amazing feats of organisation. Individual ants are also surprisingly smart. We explore how individual behaviours affects colony decisions.
Arne Dittmer
Developing Scientific Awareness, Communications Skills and Reflective Practice

We investigate the professional development of biology teachers concerning the competence to teach students about ethical issues, scientific controversies or the cultural meaning of biology.

Dresselhaus Teaser Thomas Dresselhaus Dresselhaus
Reproduction, Fertility and Development
With a focus on the regulation of cell polarity, identity and signaling we are studying plant germline development and function, fertilization mechanisms and early seed development. more
Veronika Egger
Neuronal mechanisms of odor processing
We investigate processing of olfactory stimuli within the olfactory bulb, both at the level of individual synapses and in neuronal networks.
Christoph Engel
Structural Biochemistry of transcription
We use structural Biology tools, such as cryo-Electron Microscopy and X-ray crystallography to elucidate ribonuclear-protein complex structures at atomic resolution. This allows us to study the molecular basis of transcription by eukaryotic RNA-polymerases.
Rudolf Fuchshofer
Regulation der extrazellul?ren Matrix
Klaus Grasser
Chromatin, gene expression
and development

We study how transcript elongation and co-transcriptional processes in the chromatin context modulate plant developmental responses.

Joachim Griesenbeck
Chromatin dynamics in yeast
Our research aims to investigate structural and compositional changes in chromatin when a eukaryotic gene switches its transcriptional state.
Dina Grohmann
single molecule biochemistry



Silke H?rteis
Translationale Nieren- und Tumorforschung: From bench to bedside and from bedside to bench
Forschung Silke H?rteis

VHB Kurs - 3D-in-vivo-Tumor-Modell
Einsatzm?glichkeiten des 3D-in-vivo-Tumor-Modells in der Forschung sowie in der Ausbildung von Studierenden der Medizin
Florian Hartig
Theoretical Ecology
?We study theory, models and statistical methods in ecology, evolution and conservation.
Winfried Hausner
Gudrun Herzner
Antimicrobial defense strategies of insects
We investigate the diverse and elaborate defense mechanisms insects deploy to fight pathogenic and competing microorganisms.
Aline Koch
Plant RNA Transport
We study how regulatory non-coding and coding RNAs can be used as "sprayable RNAs" to improve the agricultural value of crops
Markus Kretz
Long Noncoding RNAs in Tissue Homeostasis
We focus on investigating the roles of long non-coding RNAs in regulation of normal and neoplastic tissue.
Karl Kunzelmann
Ionentransport beim Gesunden und Kranken
Armin Kurtz
Renin producing cells of the kidney
How is the development, differentiation and function of renin producing cells in the kidney regulated and coordinated and how are the cell integrated into the blood pressure control of the body . Read more….
Gernot L?ngst
Chromatin-Dynamik und Generegulation
Gunter Meister
Genregulation durch microRNAs
Phillip Milkereit


Inga D. Neumann
Behavioural and Molecular Neurobiology
We study genetic, molecular and neuronal mechanisms underlying emotional and social behavior, focusing on the neuropeptides oxytocin, vasopressin, and neuropeptide S, and by chronic stress.
Christoph Oberprieler
Plant Evolution and Systematics
We study evolutionary processes that shape plant diversity. Molecular techniques, phylogenetic methods, and population genetic tools are used to investigate particularly the effects of hybridization and polyploidization in plant evolution.
Ruther-teaser90x90 Jan Oettler Ruther90x90
Evolutionary Innovation and Rapid Adaptation
Evolution produces a huge diversity of forms and functions. I use ants to understand how.
Markus Reichold
Pathophysiologie des tubul?ren Transports in der Niere
Christoph Reisch
Molecular Ecology and Conservation Genetics
Genetic variation is essential for plant evolution and conservation. We analyse the mechanisms creating genetic variation and ask how much variation is needed for the longterm protection of endangered plant species

Prof. Dr. Till Rudack


Structural Bioinformatics

We study ...
Ruther-teaser90x90 Joachim Ruther Ruther90x90
Chemical communication in insects
We study chemical cues and signals used by insects for communication and orientation within complex environments.
Ruther-teaser90x90 Developmental Biology and Neurodegeneration Ruther90x90
We use the model organism Drosophila melanogaster to study gene functions related to human diseases which either affect the process of development or lead to neurodegeneration as in Parkinson’s disease.
Rainer Schreiber
Ano 6 and kidney function
Calcium-activated chloride channels (Ano 1-10) play important roles in transepithelial transport, but the cellular function is still unsolved.
Eva Schultner
Ecology - Evolution – Development
I want to?understand how environment – and especially social environment?–?influences individual development and modulates evolution of complex traits.
Frank Schweda


Wolfgang Seufert
Regulation of the Cell Division Cycle
We study how cells proceed through mitosis and how cell cycle entry is influenced by mRNA translation using budding yeast as a model.
Frank Sprenger
Cell Cycle Control in Drosophila
How is cell proliferation controlled and coordinated in a multicellular organism? Ask the fruit Drosophila more
Stefanie Sprunck
Flowering plant gamete interactions and polar tip growth
We isolate flowering plant gametes to identify the molecular mechanisms of gamete interactions. Tip growth is studied in pollen tubes and root hairs.
Reinhard Sterner
Enzyme evolution and protein design
We are reconstructing the evolution of enzymes in the laboratory and are designing tailor-made proteins more
Erhard Strohm
Evolutionary and chemical ecology of insects
We study behavioural, physiological and chemical adaptations of insects focussing on interactions of bees and wasps with brood parasites and symbionts.
Ernst Tamm
Hom?ostase des menschlichen Auges
Herbert Tschochner
rRNA Synhese
Our interest is to understand mechanism and regulation of the RNA polymerase I transcription machinery.
Charlotte Wagner
Rekrutierung reninbildender Zellen in der Niere
Richard Warth
Genetic disorders of renal transport
We study the mechanisms by which mutated genes cause kidney diseases.
Ralph Witzgall
Mechanismen des Nierenversagens
Christine Ziegler
Structure and function of membrane proteins

  1. Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin
  2. Faculty Research
Bio Neubau 02

Universit?t Regensburg
Universit?tsstr. 31
D-93053 Regensburg

93040 Regensburg