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Prof. Dr. Max Keller

Akademischer Rat

Prof. Dr. Max Keller

Geb?ude CH, Zi. 24.1.83

Telefon 0941 943-3329
Telefax 0941 943-4820

E-Mail max.keller@ur.de



  • Synthesis and characterization of radiolabeled and fluorescence labeled ligands (molecular tools) for G-protein coupled receptors (e.g. muscarinic acetylcholine, neuropeptide Y and neurotensin receptors)
  • Development of selective ligands for muscarinic acetylcholine receptors
  • Development of neurotensin and neuropeptide Y receptor PET ligands for in vivo tumor imaging
  • Pharmacological characterization of GPCR ligands in cell based binding and functional assays


Fabian Ertl

Albert Gattor

Franziska Schettler

  1. Fakult?t für Chemie und Pharmazie
  2. Institut für Pharmazie