Academic Positions
10/2022- | Appointment as Professor?for Transregional Cultures of Knowledge at the University of?Regensburg |
04/2022-09/2022 | Guest Professorship?(Vertretungsprofessur) for?Global History at the Free University of Berlin |
10/2016-03/2022 | Head of Volkswagen "Freigeist" Junior Research Group???The Cold War's Clash of Civilizations? at Center for Global History, Free University of Berlin |
09/2015-06/2016 | Harvard Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, Harvard University |
10/2014-08/2015 | Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Research Fellow?at Zentralasien-Seminar, Humboldt Universit?t zu Berlin |
09/2013-06/2014 | Harvard Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, Harvard University |
Academic Training
07/2013 | Awarded D.Phil. in History,?Faculty of History,?University of Oxford |
10/2011-07/2013 | Doctoral Student at the?Faculty of History,?University of Oxford |
09/2011? | Awarded?M.Phil. in Economic and Social History,?Faculty of History,?University of Oxford |
10/2009-06/2011 | M.Phil. Student in Economic and Social History at the?Faculty of History, University of Oxford |
10/2008-09/2009 | Fulbright Scholar and Student of?History and Slavic Studies at?Georg-August-Universit?t G?ttingen and Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin |
09/2004-06/2008? | Bachelor's Student in?German Studies and European Cultural Studies at Princeton University |
Research Interests
- History of the Soviet Union in a global context; socialist internationalism; Soviet development aid in the Global South; Communist movements in the Global South
- History of Central Asia, Afghanistan, and Iran
- Entanglements between the post-socialist world and the Islamic world
- Imperial entanglements in 19th and 20th century Eurasia: Russian Empire/USSR, Ottoman Empire, Iran, China, Japan
- History of the Cold War in a global context
- History of the spread and reception of revolutionary ideologies: Communism, Islamism, Maoism
- World order politics and the history of international order; alternative international orders (Communism, Pan-Islamism, the Non-Aligned Movement, the New International Economic Order)
- History of international development
- International political economy; global monetary policy
- Humanitarian Invasion: Global Development in Cold War Afghanistan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
In Preparation
Islamist Internationalism: Between the Cold War and Decolonization
Edited Translations
- Carl Schmitt,?Writings on War.?Cambridge: Polity, 2011
Selected Articles
- “Doomed to Good Relations: The Soviet Union, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the Fate of Anti-Imperialism in the 1980s,”?The Journal of Cold War Studies?(Winter 2022)
- “Asymmetries of Internationalism: Performing and Remembering Subnational Internationalism in the Age of Developed Socialism,”?The Russian Review?80:4 (September 2021).
- “‘Neither East Nor West,’ Neither Liberal Nor Illiberal? Iranian Islamist Internationalism in the 1980s,”?Journal of World History?31:1 (2020).
- “Persian Visions of Nationalism and Inter-Nationalism in a World at War,” in?Beyond Versailles: Sovereignty, Legitimacy, and the Formation of New Polities After the Great War, Hrsg. v. Marcus Payk und Roberta Pergher. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2019.
- “Graveyard of Development? Development in Cold War Afghanistan,” in?The Development Century, Hrsg. v. Erez Manela und Stephen Macekura. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
- “An Union Reframed: Postwar Soviet Documentary Photography and Central Asia,”?Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History?17:3 (Sommer 2016).
- “Getting Re-Acquainted with the 'Muslims of the USSR': Staging Soviet Islam in Iran and Turkey, 1980-1982,”?Ab Imperio?(4/2011).
- “Under a Red Veil: Staging Afghan Emancipation in Moscow,”?The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review?38:1 (2011).
- “Soviet Nationalities Policy,?USSR in Construction, and Soviet Documentary Photography in Comparative Context, 1931-1937,”?Ab Imperio?(2/2010)
Teaching and Science Communication
Summer Semester 2025
- Decolonization and the End of European Empires
- The Global Cold War
- Global History: Methods, Approaches, Sources
- Intellectuals and Decolonization
- Topics in Intellectual History: Malcolm X
Winter Semester 2024/25
- American Conservatism: Intellectuals, Movements, Institutions
- Central Asia from Independence to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, 1991-2022
- The Iranian Revolution: A Global History
- What Is American Conservatism?
Summer Semester 2024
- The 1970s
- The Cold War: A Global History
- Regional Histories of the Cold War: Europe, Asia, the Middle East
- Russia's Wars
- Tips, Tricks and Hacks: How to Design, Write and Revise a Research Project in the Humanities and Area Studies
Winter Semester 2023/24
History Lab: Mit digitalen Archiven forschen und wissenschaftliche Kurzvideos produzieren am Beispiel der digitalisierten Archive des V?lkerbundes
Trauma and Cultural Production in Post-Conflict Societies: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon
Summer Semester 2023
- The Cold War: A Global History
- Colonization and Decolonization in Eastern Europe, Southeastern Europe and Eurasia
- Hannah Arendt?
Winter Semester 2022/23
- Research Colloquium for Transregional History
- Afghanistan and the Great Powers
- Transregional Eurasia, 1850s-Present
Science Communication
2021 Interview on the history of Afghanistan, American Prestige Podcast
2021 Interview on the history of Afghanistan, The Peel Podcast, 08.10.2021?
2021 Interview on the elections in Germany, American Prestige Podcast, 27.09.2021
2021 Interview on the history of the USSR in Afghanistan, The Slavic Connexion Podcast, 24.09.2021?
2021 Interview on the history of Afghanistan, Counterpoint Podcast with Amanda Vanstone (Australia), 13.09.2021
2021 Interview on the history of Afghanistan, Politics, Theory, Other Podcast, 03.09.2021
2021 Interview on the history of Afghanistan, Himal Southasian magazine (Colombo, Sri Lanka), 31.08.2021
2021 Interview on the history of Afghanistan, ?1 Europa Journal, ?RF, 30.08.2021
2021 Article on the history of development aid in Afghanistan, Noema magazine (Los Angeles, USA), 24.08.2021
Projects and networking
Committee work and academic functions
Internationalization Officer of the Faculty PKGG (2022-)
Reviewer activity (selection): Ab Imperio; American Councils; American Political Science Review; Cambridge University Press; Central Asian Survey; Columbia University Press; European Commission Research Executive Agency; European Research Council; Indiana University Press; International History Review Journal of Cold War Studies; Journal of Global History Kritika; Oxford University Press; Stanford University Press; Routledge
Lectures and conferences
2025 “Islam and the Cold War,” Pierre du Bois Conference, Geneva Graduate Institute, 21.01.2025
2024 “The Shi'a Islamist Discovery of the Third World, 1960s-1980s,” University of California, Berkeley, February 24, 2024
2023 “From the ‘Imam of Atheism’ to ‘Orthodox Iran’: Russia and Shi'a Islamist Movements, 1970s - Present,” Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia, University of Michigan, USA 13.09.2023
2022 “Lighting a Candle for Khomeini: How the Human Rights Movement Transformed the Islamic Movement in the Long 1970s,” University of Connecticut, USA 14.04.2022?
2021 “Iranian Islamist Internationalism and Histories of the Cold War,” The PostCold War Middle East: Iran, Iraq and International Politics in the 1980s, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 06.05.2021?
2020 “Iran's Soviet-Afghan War: Revolutions, Diasporas, Diplomacy, 1970s-1990s,” International History Forum, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland, 15.12.2020?
Conferences and workshops?
2023 “Reform's Long Shadows: Global Reactions to Perestroika and 'Reform and Opening Up,” Point Alpha Research Institute, October 5-7, 2023?
2019 “Cold War Islamisms,” Freie Universit?t Berlin, 15.3.2019-16.3.2019?
2018 “New Histories and Anthropologies of Development, Humanitarianism, and Human Rights,” Freie Universit?t Berlin, 15.11.2018-16.11.2018?
2018 “The Middle East in the 1980s: An Exploratory Workshop,” Freie Universit?t Berlin, 30.6.2018
2021 “Archives of the Global South: Researching & Conceptualizing Anti-Imperial Internationalism,” Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Annual Meeting, 23.6.2021?
2018 “New Approaches to the History of the United States and the Third World,” Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Annual Meeting, June 23, 2018
2018 “Bids for Recognition: International Society and Third World Sovereignty,” Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Annual Meeting, June 22, 2018?
2017 “The Origins of Global History: A Reappraisal,” (Toynbee Prize lecture, Jürgen Osterhammel), American Historical Association Annual Meeting, 6.1.2017
Cooperation/ Projects
Internal Funding Programs at the University of Regensburg
- "UR Fellows"?Funding Program (Interdisciplinary Research Collaborations and Interdisciplinary Networking at the University of Regensburg, together with Dr. Dani Nassif for Project "Writing a “History Without Documents”:?Using Literary and Creative Sources to Write the History of Post-Conflict Societies), (2023-2024)
- ?"freiraum2023@ur"?Funding Program (Program for Development and Testing of Innovative Ideas in Digital Teaching for the Project "Researching with Digitized Archives and Producing Short Videos"), (2023)
- Host for?Prof. Dr. Mia Fuller, the 1st?Berkeley-Regensburg Guest Professor (2023)(Press Release)
- Outgoing Fellowship Program, Leibniz ScienceCampus "Europe and America in the Modern World" (University of Michigan), (2023) (Report)
Other Funding Programs
- Funding from the Gerda and Hermann Weber Foundation (Gerda-und-Hermann-Weber-Stiftung) for the Planned 2027 Conference "Communist Regimes and the Global Economy Since the 1970s" (2024)
- Funding from?Bavarian-Czech Academic Agency (BTHA) for International Workshop "Central Asia trans/regional: New Regional Studies Approaches" (2024)
- Funding from?Point Alpha Research Institute for International Workshop?"Reform's Long Shadows:?Global Reactions to Perestroika and ‘Reform and Opening Up,’ 1978-1991"?(More Information)?(2023)