Fakult?t für Mathematik
Universit?t Regensburg
Universit?tsstra?e 31
93053 Regensburg
Dean?Prof. Dr. Helmut Abels
Room M 110
Phone +49 941 943 4288
Email helmut.abels@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
Vice-Dean?Prof. Dr. Moritz Kerz
Room M 218
Phone +49 941 943 2781
Email moritz.kerz@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
Dean of Research?Prof. Dr. Clara L?h
Room M 232
Phone +49 941 943 2572
Email clara.loeh@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
Dean of Studies?Prof. Dr. Stefan Friedl
Room M 118
Phone +49 941 943 2797
Email stefan.friedl@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
Kerstin E?berger, Room M 212, Phone +49 941 943 2866
Office hours: Thi, Wen 9am-12pm, please make an appointment
Fr 9am-12pm only by telephone and by e-mail
Email: fakultaet.mathematik@ur.de
Administrative Employees
Markus Butz, Room M 001, Phone +49 941 943 2765
Office hours:
Mo, Thu 9am-12pm
Email: fakultaet.mathematik@ur.de
Sandra Hofbauer, Room M 212, Phone +49 941 943 2806
Office hours:
Mo-Wen 9am-12pm
Email: fakultaet.mathematik@ur.de
Bettina Sennebogen, Room? M 001, Phone +49 941 943 2765
Office hours: Mo, Wen? 9am-12pm, please make an appointment
E-Mail: fakultaet.mathematik@ur.de
Opening times:
Mo-Thu 9am-12pm
Fr 9am-12am only by telephone or by e-mail
PD Dr. Anca Matioc, Room 208, Phone 943 2796,?anca.matioc@ur.de (Link)
Deputy? Julian Blawid, Room M112B, Phone 943 2817,? julian.blawid@ur.de
Head of the Examination Committee Prof. Dr. Felix Finster
Secretary's Office: Tabea Rester Zi. M 111 A Tel. (0941) 943 2773
Officials in Charge Administration Employee Natalie Laffert, Physics Building Room 1.0.08, Phone 943 2499, Fax 943 5017
Head of the Examination Committee Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bunke
Secretary's Office: Brigitte Lindner, Room 226, Phone 943 2757, Fax 943 2576
Officials in Charge Administration Employee Natalie Laffert, Physics Building Room 1.0.08, Phone 943 2499, Fax 943 5017
Head of the Examination Committee Prof. Dr. Guido Kings
Secretary's Office: Claudia Weigert, Room 217, Phone 943 2993, Fax 943 1736
Officials in Charge Zentrales Prüfungssekretariat, PT-Geb?ude
Head of the Examination Committee Prof. Dr. Stefan Krauss
Secretary's Office: Brigitte Eichenseher, Room 108, Phone 943 2787, Fax 943 812787
Officials in Charge Zentrales Prüfungssekretariat, PT-Geb?ude
Representative of the Faculty of Mathematics in the commitee for Studienplanung of all participating faculties: Prof. Dr. Stefan Krauss
Head of the Examination Committee Prof. Dr. Tilo Wettig, Fakult?t für Physik
Secretary's Office: Heidi Decock, Zi. Phy 4.1.14, Telefon 943 2006, Telefax 943 1734
Official in Charge Administration Employee Natalie Laffert, Physics Building Room 1.0.08, Phone 943 2499, Fax 943 5017
Prof. Dr. Walter Gubler, Room 209
Secretary's Office: Rosina Bonn, Room 217, Phone 943 2766, Fax 943 1736
Deputy Prof. Dr. Felix Finster, Room 225, Phone 943 2774
Dean Prof. Dr. Helmut Abels
Vice-Dean Prof. Dr. Moritz Kerz
Dean of Research?Prof. Dr. Clara L?h
Dean of Studies?Prof. Dr. Stefan Friedl
Professors: Prof. Dr. Bernd Eberhard Ammann, Prof. Dr. Georg Dolzmann, Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke, Prof. Dr. Walter Gubler, Prof. Dr. Richard H?fer, Prof. Dr. Marc Hoyois
Academic Staff: Dr. Han-Ung Kufner, PD Dr. Florian Strunk
Supporting Staff: Saskia Lindenberg
Students: Florian Fürstberger, Anna Kaminski
Women's Representative: Prof. Dr. Anca Matioc
Florian Fürstberger, Anna Kaminski, Elias Best, Sophia Krottenthaler, Isabell Holzmannstetter
Physics Building Room 5.1.02, Phone 943 2011
Professors Walter Gubler, Stefan Friedl, Stefan Krauss
Students? Florian Gammer, Elias Best, Florian Fürstberger (Deputy Charlotte Heusinger)
Professors Stefan Friedl, Helmut Abels, Moritz Kerz
Academic Staff Luise Blank, Lukas Prader
Other staff Catharina Würth
Students Florian Gammer, Kristina Dengler, Charlotte Heusinger, Hanifah Mumtaz, Florian Fürstberger?
(Any faculty member may attend meetings).