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Master Mathematics

Preface on the qualification objectives of the Masters Course?

The Master's degree ?Mathematics’ builds on a completed undergraduate degree in mathematics or a comparable degree. It is designed to provide trainees with a thorough scientific basis and knowledge, skills, and methods in the field of mathematics taking into account the requirements of the professional world. Graduates are capable of an independent and responsible evaluation of complex scientific problems and the practical application of solutions.

General study information

Standard period of study : 4 semesters; 120 ECTS credits

Degree awarded : Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree

Beginning : winter and summer semester (if you start at the beginning of the summer semester a course guidance is recommended).

Language of instruction: English

Course contents: It is required to succesfully complete two of the three following compulsory elective modules (18 ECTS each) :

? Arithmetic Geometry (Algebraic Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry, ...)

? Global Analysis and Geometry (Differential Geometry, Algebraic Topology, ...)

? Applied Analysis (Functional Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, ...)

In addition, the student chooses an area of ??specialisation (18 ECTS have to be aquired), where the Master's thesis (30 ECTS) is written. Also mandatory is a Seminar Module (9 ECTS).?

In addition to the above mathematical courses, there is the ?minor subject’ where at least 12 ECTS are required and courses in areas of ?general interest’ (elective module, e.g. language courses, programming courses) where at least 8 ECTS are required. In the minor subject and the elective module together at least 27 ECTS are required.

Possible minor subjects include: actuarial science, business administration, chemistry, computational science, mathematics, philosophy, physics, economics or business informatics. Any other minor subject must be approved by the Master Examination Board. Please note that - except for the minor mathematics- the language of instruction for the minor is often German.

The elective module covers the whole course program of the university and opens up the possibility to acquire other than mathematical knowledge especially professional and soft skills (for example, by attending language courses, presentation and rhetoric events, computer courses).

Further Information

Information about the Master Mathematics Regensburg in DAAD - International Programmes

Courses and Regulations


Commented Course Catalog

Examination Regulations

Examination Regulations and Module Catalog (in German)

Examination Regulations English translation (pdf)

Only the German original is legally binding. No legal claims or titles result from the English translation.

Qualification requirements

?Prerequisites for admission to the Master's program are:

1. A successfully completed university degree or an equivalent degree with at least six semesters of study in mathematics or a closely related field with an average grade of at least "good" (2.50).

2. Proof of advanced knowledge in mathematics to the extent of at least 18 credit points, which correspond to the module ?Vertiefungsmodul BV’ of the Bachelor program Mathematics at the University of Regensburg.

3. Proof of knowledge of English at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR); Proof is possible by an equivalent TOEFL or IELTS test, or by any other equivalent document.?

Application deadline

Application deadline for the following winter semester:? June 1

Application deadline for the following summer semester:? December 1

Application details for international students

Application International Applicants

The application process is online via the campus portal of the University of Regensburg. The application period for the winter semester 2025 is from 15 April to 1 June, 2025.

Required documents

  • Final certificate of the first university degree (if this is not yet available, a certified proof of previous study and examination achievements amounting to at least 140 LP, showing the preliminary Bachelor (overall) grade.
  • Transcript of Records
  • Module catalog (syllabus), showing the content of the courses
  • Proof of knowledge of the English language on level B2
  • Curriculum vitae
  • ?If applicable, proof of further qualifications such as tutoring in mathematics, stays abroad, relevant work experience or internships in relevant institutions
  • School leaving certificate
  • Copy of passport
  • APS certificate for applicants with a Bachelor's degree from China, India, Vietnam
  • letter of motivation


For questions concerning your application for the Master Program Mathematics or other inquiries about the Master Program, please contact:?

Dr. Catharina Würth

Email: Studienbuero.mathematik "at" ur.de

Phone +49-941-943 2805

Academic/Mathematical Advice:

Prof. Dr. Luise Blank

Email: luise.blank "at" ur.de

Phone +49-9941-943 2794

Tutorials for Incoming students

Under the following link you can find tutorials on various topics such as application, enrolment, digital administration systems, etc. Some are accessible without restriction, others require an account for the computer systems of the University of Regensburg, which you will receive after enrolment: Mediathek der Universit?t Regensburg

International Office

Further help can be found when visiting our University's international office. Here you can get specific information on topics such as

  • Application / Admission / Registration
  • Visa and Residence Regulations
  • Finances
  • Health Services
  • Arrival Information
  • Accommodation
  • Organizing Your Studies
  • Life in Regensburg
  • Special Programs for Refugees
  • A FAQ page
  • A download page for frequently used form sheets

  1. Schools/Faculty

Faculty of Mathematics


Mathematics Building
Room 212
Phone +49 941 943 2806
Fax +49 941 943 4923
