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M.A. English Linguistics

The M.A. in English Linguistics is a programme that provides an in-depth understanding of the English language in its structures, history and varieties. It also teaches advanced academic, research and presentation skills and contains options for studies abroad, project work and internships.


1.?Students acquire extensive advanced skills in linguistics, with a particular focus on the English language, language variation and the varieties of English, and on the diachronic evolution of the English language. Graduates will be able to differentiate and characterise lines of evolution of the English language in various linguistic areas. They learn to define, compare, and evaluate the structural characteristics and usage features of the English language and its varieties, and to analyse and assess texts regarding their structural and stylistic characteristics.

2.?Students learn to select, compare, and assess relevant contemporary methods appropriately, to apply them and to conduct analyses with them. Graduates can critically evaluate and apply relevant methods and theories.

3.?Students learn to evaluate current research approaches in English linguistics and to derive their own ideas for research, as well as to reflect on and discuss major linguistic works. Graduates are able to work independently on topics in English Linguistics, to use and critically evaluate and process academic literature, and to write a comprehensive study at a scholarly level.?????????

4.?Graduates can independently develop and write academic and interdisciplinary papers by reflecting on theories, models, and methods in current research. They are able to demonstrate that they can apply these methods and theories and that they can render them into target group specific writing in the context of an empirical study. Furthermore, they are able to develop a research concept with critical assessment in a structured written form including discussion and evaluation. They are familiar with the processing of academic results and recognize research desiderata.


Application deadline:

Applications for the academic year 2025/26 will be accepted between mid-April and June 1, 2025 (deadline).

Application process:

We are currently in the process of transitioning the application process to a digital platform (Campusportal SPUR). The application form on SPUR will go online approximately in mid-April 2025. We ask that you please hold your applications until then and submit them via SPUR after it goes live. Applications by email will no longer be accepted in 2025. Please find further information regarding the application process via SPUR here in due time.

Application documents:

  • CV (including name, date of birth, postal address, email address, the exact titles + grades of your qualifications, and the full name of your university)
  • a cover letter in English (approximately 2 pages) outlining your motivation for applying for an M.A. programme as well as the relevance of this programme for your professional and academic plans/goals
  • APS-certificate (for applicants from China, Vietnam, India)??
  • copy of your passport (only for international applicants)
  • English-language certificate (level C1 or higher or equiv.). This equals an overall IELTS band score of at least 7.0 or a TOEFL iBT score of at least 95 points.
  • University degree certificate: university degree with at least six semesters of standard period of study (full-time study) in English Linguistics or related subject combinations with an average grade of at least 2.50; foreign degrees will be converted according to the modified Bavarian formula
  • transcript of academic records, citing your attended courses and documenting your hitherto achieved credit points (at least 150 credit points ECTS) and your average grade
  • secondary school-leaving certificate (high-school or equiv.)
  • a sample of your own academic work (10-20 pages), written in English

Please note:

  • Our M.A. programmes are English-language programmes. German-language proficiency is not required for the application, although it is advisable to have basic German language skills to organize your studies and life in?Regensburg.
  • All M.A. students in the English Linguistics programme must acquire German language skills at level A1 (or equivalent) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) during their first year of studies.
  • All documents must be in either English or German. Simple copies of certificates and certified translations are sufficient for the application. However, all original documents must be shown at the Registrar's Office for enrolment.
  • Recommendation letters are not required.
  • There will be no entrance exams or interviews.

Further information:

  • International students: Please consult our International Office for information on accomodation, insurance, finances etc. (Information about scholarships and grants can be found here.)
  • For questions regarding your application, please write to Application.MasterDEAS@ur.de.



  • Applicants are required to hold an above-average first academic degree earned in a programme with components relevant/related to English Linguistics - a university degree with at least six semesters of standard period of study (full-time study), for example a B.A. or equivalent or higher.
  • Applicants must demonstrate their aptitude for the English Linguistics M.A. programme. See APPLICATION above for a list of all documents required for application.
  • Applicants need to possess an excellent command of the English language at level C1 or higher (or equivalent) according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR).


  • 4 semesters / 120 credit points (including M.A. thesis)
  • 10 modules (including M.A. thesis + practical component)
  • interdisciplinary and/or international component through the option of an internship
  • degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
  • start: every winter term (October)


Curriculum (for students starting in 2019 and later)

The programme consists of ten modules (120 credit points in total) which should be completed within four semesters. Thus, courses worth around 30 credit points (CP) should be selected each semester.

The practical component (module 9) can be completed either within the semester break or during the lecture period. Your fourth semester should be dedicated to your master's thesis.

You can find all courses in the online course catalogue (SPUR). Please note that, in several modules, you will be able to choose among a number of courses offered in the respective subject area each semester, i.e., there will be different seminars on the topics listed below.

Further general information that might help you get started with your studies is provided here.

Module Topic / Subject Area CP
ELG-M1 Methods and Skills in English Linguistics (I) 12
ELG-M2 Methods and Skills in English Linguistics (II) ?8
ELG-M3 English Linguistics: A Survey of Structure and Use ?8
ELG-M4 English Linguistics: Studying Structure and Use ?8
ELG-M5 Evolution and Variation in English (I) 14
ELG-M6 Evolution and Variation in English (II) 10
ELG-M7 English: Variation, Contact, Multilingualism (I) 10
ELG-M8 English: Variation, Contact, Multilingualism (II) 10
ELG-M9 Practical Module (Internship) 13
ELG-M10 Master's Thesis 27

  1. Fakult?t für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften

Department of English and American Studies - Student Advisory Service

Information for students

Student Advisory Service

Dr. Melanie Burgemeister
Gabriele M?dl

Tel. 0941/943-3667
