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Information for Students

Organizing Your Studies

Here you will find all relevant information concerning the organization of your studies at the Department of English and American Studies (DEAS).

If?you have any questions, please contact the?degree program coordinators.

Please note: Due to the very high number of students in the B.A. and teacher training programs at the Department of English and American Studies, students may not be able to complete their studies within the standard period of study (Regelstudienzeit). Waiting times for the admission to many classes are to be expected.

Some Helpful Links


? Please register here (by clicking on "Abonnieren" and entering your name and email address)

Subscribers of 'AnglistikAmerikanistik-News' will receive important information on dates (e.g. registration for classes or exams), additional classes, or special events. Changes to the regulations of studies will also be announced via 'AnglistikAmerikanistik-News'.?It is therefore highly recommended that students subscribe to this newsletter.

Please note that events outside the Department of English and American Studies that will not take place in English and information that is only relevant for B.A. and Lehramt students may be announced in German only.

Basismodul Kulturwissenschaft ab SoSe 2025 (BA & Lehramt)

Ab Sommersemester 2025 werden die Vorlesung IBIS und das Seminar BIC durch eine neue Vorlesung, "Society and Culture: UK" (2 SWS, 5 ECTS), ersetzt.

Aus organisatorischen Gründen kann die Vorlesung "Society and Culture: UK" allerdings erst ab dem Wintersemester 2025/26 angeboten werden.

Was bedeutet das für Sie?

Sie haben die Vorlesung IBIS schon abgelegt, das Seminar BIC aber noch nicht:

Das Seminar BIC wird noch bis einschlie?lich Sommersemester 2026 angeboten.

Sie besuchen derzeit die Vorlesung IBIS:

Wenn Sie die Klausur bestehen besuchen Sie danach bis Sommersemester 2026 das Seminar BIC.

Sollten Sie die Klausur in diesem Semester nicht bestehen, wird es innerhalb von sechs Monaten eine Wiederholungsklausur geben (der Termin wird rechtzeitig vorher bekannt gegeben). Die Vorlesung IBIS wird allerdings nicht nochmals angeboten!

Sollten Sie auch die Wiederholungsklausur nicht bestehen, k?nnen Sie ab Wintersemester 2025/26 die Vorlesung "Society and Culture: UK" besuchen; diese wird Ihnen dann als ?quivalent anerkannt.

Alternativ steht es Ihnen jetzt noch frei, sich in FlexNow von der Klausur wieder abzumelden und anstelle von IBIS & BIC die neue Vorlesung "Society and Culture: UK" zu besuchen. Die neue Vorlesung wird allerdings erstmals im Wintersemester 2025/26 angeboten.

Sie haben das Seminar BIC bereits abgelegt, die Vorlesung IBIS aber noch nicht und besuchen diese auch nicht im laufenden Semester:

Sie k?nnen ab dem WS 2025/26 die Vorlesung "Society and Culture: UK" besuchen und sich diese für Vorlesung IBIS anerkennen lassen.

Sie haben den anglistischen Teil des Basismoduls Kulturwissenschaft noch nicht begonnen:

Sie besuchen ab dem WS 2025/26 die Vorlesung "Society and Culture: UK".

Course Registration

Course registration on SPUR

SPUR is used as the online course catalog and also for the electronic course registration. Students who are interested in taking a class can register here and will then be allocated places depending on the available capacities in courses with a limited number of participants. Registration takes place before the start of the lecture period each semester. In the course catalog, students will find all relevant information as to whether it is necessary to register electronically, and when course registration takes places.

Please note?that students who have been admitted to a class and are absent from the first session of class will lose their place in the seminar. Students who are on the waiting list and are present can then move up during the first session.

Course registration in the online course catalog?serves the dual purpose of registering interested students and, in the case of courses with a limited number of participants, allocating places.

>>>?Access to the course catalog in SPUR?<<<

Please note:?Registration in SPUR does NOT automatically include registration in FlexNow. If you want to get credit points, you must still register separately in FlexNow.

1. Registration periods

At the Department of English and American Studies, there are usually two registration periods: one (ending earlier) for courses for students in higher semesters, one (ending later) for courses relevant to first-semester students. Course registration may or may not be open for lectures. Please check for individual course registration periods for lectures in the course catalog on SPUR.

Registration period for summer semester 2025 (most seminars):

--> January 27, 2025 - March 9, 2025

Registration period for summer semester 2025 (courses relevant for first-semester students such as General Language Course A + Introduction to English and American Literary Studies, and lectures in American Studies):

--> January 27, 2025 - April 16, 2025


35981 Teaching Shakespeare and Popular Cultures (Exkursion): Sunday, February 2, 2025

Pronunciation Exam:?registration deadline is Sunday, July 13, 2025

Introduction to English Linguistics: English in Use, Grammar, Language Analysis: registration deadline is Sunday, April 27, 2025

35795 Democracy, Responsibility, and Judgment: Transatlantic Anglophone Novels after 1945: course registration ends on Thursday, April 24, 2025

Please note:

  • Registration periods for individual courses may differ from the ones listed above. It is therefore essential that you always check the information in the course catalog for the respective course and inform yourself in good time about the registration deadlines for the courses you would like to take.
  • The registration periods for courses offered by other departments and institutions at the university do not necessarily coincide with those of the Department of English and American Studies.

2. Further information on course registration in SPUR

  • Course registration in SPUR works with the?student account?(e.g. abc12345) you received upon enrolment. You can only apply for a course place if you are logged in to SPUR.
  • Course registration in SPUR can be carried out from within the course description or via the individual study planner. When registering for courses in your own degree program, select the module position for which you want to take the course. All possible uses for the respective course in your degree program will be displayed; if there is only one possibility, it will be selected automatically. It is possible to select several parallel courses for the registration to one course type, but you can only get admitted to one of the parallel groups.
  • It is best to register for the desired courses and set your priorities for each parallel group during the first few days or weeks of the registration period. After a few days, it is advisable to check how the situation has developed and whether you might should modify your priorities to improve your chances of getting admitted. It is not necessary to register in the first second of the registration period.?Admission is not on a first come - first served basis, the time of registration has no effect on the allocation of a course place. However, it is still not advisable to wait until the last day or the last minute to register.
  • The Department will regularly review the situation and adjust the course offer to the demand, if necessary and possible.
    In the event of a very high demand for a particular type of course, we will try to offer an additional course if possible. In this case, everyone who has already registered for a course of that type will be notified by email.
    If demand is very low, courses may be cancelled or changed to other course types. This is another reason not to wait until the last minute to register.

How can I deregister?

You can also?withdraw?from courses during the registration period. Please deregister from courses you do not want to take after all. This will make organization easier for everyone involved and give your fellow students a fair chance at a place. If you would like to withdraw from a course after the end of the SPUR registration, please write an email to the course instructor.

3. Please note

  • If you missed the registration period in SPUR or were unable to register for some reason, you will have to wait until after the allocation of places has taken place. Provided that places are still available, you may then contact the course instructor via email to enquire about a place in their course.
  • If you did get a place allocated in SPUR but do not show up for the first session without an excuse,?you will lose your place in the course
    (present students who are on the waiting list can then move up accordingly).
  • Quite often, a few course places become available during the first session because students do not show up. Students from the waiting list are therefore encouraged to come to the first session if possible.

Registration for exams in FlexNow

1. What is FlexNow?

FlexNow is the examination management system used by the University of Regensburg. All students need to register themselves in FlexNow for the examinations in the courses they are attending (an examination can be a written final exam but also a seminar paper or an oral exam). All of your grades and acquired ECTS credit points are entered and recorded in FlexNow.

Exam registration: What is?FlexNow? How do I?register for an exam?

Please note:?Registration in SPUR does NOT automatically include registration in FlexNow. If you want to get credit points, you must still register separately in FlexNow!

>>>?Access to FlexNow?<<<

2. When do I have to register?

Registration and deregistration period for summer semester 2025:

Monday, May 5, 2025 - Sunday, July 13, 2025

(including registration for the Pronunciation Exam)

Registration periods for some courses may differ from the one above, for example for block courses.

FlexNow registration for block courses in winter semester 2024/25:

35767 British and Irish Cultures (parallel group 9), Gabriela Dafinger:?February 17-26, 2025

35778 Proseminar English Literature 3: George Orwell in Context (parallel group 4), Mir Ali Hosseini:?October 28, 2024-March 9, 2025

35787?Key Approaches in Critical Theory: Emancipation, Critique, Universalism, Mir Ali Hosseini:?November 11, 2024-March 22, 2025

35789?Essayism: From Montaigne to Essay Film, Mir Ali Hosseini:?October 28, 2024-March 28, 2025

35967 Proseminar Interkulturelles Lernen / Britische und nordamerikanische Kultur im Englischunterricht:

-?Teaching Words and Grammar (parallel group 5), Dr. Stefanie Fuchs:?January 10-26, 2025

- Drama and Performance in English Language Education (parallel group 6), Dr. Max von Blanckenburg:?February 17-20, 2025

-?Visual Literacy in the Competency-Oriented Foreign Language Classroom (parallel group 7), Dr. Susanne Leikam:?February 17-23, 2025

-?Literature in English Language Teaching (parallel group 8), Simon-Lasse Brodersen:?October 28, 2024- tba

3. What else do I have to pay attention to?

  • Please note that you need to register yourself in FlexNow within the registration period to gain credit points.?Late registration?(after the deadline)?is not possible!
  • Do not wait until the last day of the registration period but try to register at least two weeks before the deadline so any problems that may arise (login, missing courses, unclear examination regulations, etc.) can be investigated and resolved in good time.
  • Please also note that registration in FlexNow is?binding?and that you can only withdraw from the examination after the end of the registration and deregistration period if you have a valid reason (e.g. a medical certificate).
  • Teacher training students should observe the?instructions for the module in English Language Teaching (Fachdidaktik Englisch)?(esp. registration for internships).
  • After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with a?transaction ID. This serves as a receipt for the registration. Do not delete this email until after the exam!

4. Who must/can register?

  • All teacher training, B.A., and M.A. students must register in FlexNow for the courses of the Department of English and American Studies.?Without registration in FlexNow, credit points cannot be recorded, and grades cannot be entered. You must therefore register in FlexNow for the courses in which you want to take exams or acquire credit points - i.e. for all compulsory courses taken in the respective semester.
    Important: Credits will not be awarded if the FlexNow registration does not work, e.g. because prior achievements are missing.
  • Only ERASMUS and other exchange students are exempt from FlexNow registration.

5. Notes on registration

  • After registration, you will receive an email with a transaction ID. This serves as a receipt for the registration. If you have any queries with the Examination Office, please quote the transaction ID.
  • Double-check your registration: After each registration or deregistration process, log into the system again and check whether you are registered for the desired courses. There should be a blue question mark next to the names of the courses you have registered for. If something has not worked, you can still fix it within the registration period.
  • For courses with several parallel groups, it is essential that you register for the correct group. If you are unsure which group you belong to, check the course description in SPUR or ask your instructor.
  • If you have any problems with the FlexNow registration, please contact the?degree program coordinators?before the end of the registration period.

Course Catalog on SPUR

Electronic Course Catalog (on SPUR)

The complete course catalog (current and past semesters), including daily changes, can be found in the?electronic course catalog?on SPUR.

Location of classrooms and lecture halls

Module Catalogs

Which classes are compulsory in your study programs is stated in the?module descriptions.

Credit Transfer

Credit transfer from another university

To transfer course credit from another university (in Germany or abroad) to UR, the following documents must be submitted:

N.B.: Credit may be transferred to a specific module or to the electives (freier Wahlbereich).?

Credit transfer within UR

For the credit transfer within UR (for example when studying for two degrees simultaneously or after changing from one degree program to another), you will need the following:

N.B.: It is possible to transfer credits to your electives (freier Wahlbereich im B.A./allgemeiner Wahlbereich nach § 22 LPO).

Going Abroad

All students are strongly encouraged to spend an extended period of time studying or working in an English-speaking country.

Time spent abroad does not mean a “loss of time” - not even with regard to the standard period of study. For the stay abroad, one or two semesters of leave can be granted; the advantage gained in language skills and academic knowledge will often have an accelerating effect on further studies.

The stay abroad should normally begin after the 4th-6th semester (often in the winter semester).

Various scholarship and exchange programs are available for a stay abroad. It is also possible to apply for a position as an assistant teacher or teaching assistant at schools, colleges, or universities in English-speaking countries.

The International Office in the Administration Building is the central information and service unit?for study abroad programs. Application deadlines (start planning your stay abroad at least one year before the planned departure date!), application forms and further information on the various programs and possibilities are available there, on GRIPS, and on their?website. Faculty members of the Department of English and American Studies are also available for personal advice on questions concerning a stay abroad.

To get some first-hand information from students who previously studied abroad: Testimonials can be found on?GRIPS.

Application and funding

There are several ways of organizing a semester abroad, some of which include financial support:

  • Application for one of the university places at various European partner universities with?ERASMUS+
  • Application for one of the places to study at various American, Canadian or Australian universities that have agreed on a?direct exchange?with the University of Regensburg. Most of these universities have reduced the normally rather high admission and tuition fees for exchange students to a considerable extent. At some American universities, students may commit to a remunerated teaching assistantship
  • Application for a foreign language assistantship (Teaching Assistant), e.g. in England, at the Pedagogical Exchange Service (PAD) or at partner universities in the USA
  • Teacher training students please also note the offers for teacher training students (e.g. teaching internships abroad) on the website of the?International Office
  • self-organized?internship in Europe?with a potential funding within the ERASMUS program. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis
  • self-organized?internship overseas?with a sponsorship by PROMOS
  • application for a?DAAD one-year scholarship?to an English-speaking country worldwide or?within Europe
  • application for a binational?Fulbright Scholarship?--> USA --> Fulbright (only for USA)

Partner institutions:?

The University of Regensburg’s partner universities and locations are very diverse and include many English-speaking countries (United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland, ...). You can use the?search engine?on the International Office's website to view specific exchange offers.


BAf?G supports studying abroad under certain conditions. Further information on partner universities, exchange programs and funding opportunities can be found on the homepage of the?International Office.

Credit transfer from universities abroad

To get credit transferred from a university abroad, please note that there are certain procedures:

Before your departure:

  • in order to discuss the recognition modalities, please consult with your?professors/representatives of each department?prior to your stay abroad. The course selection for participants in the ERASMUS and PROMOS programs must be recorded in the Learning Agreement.
  • students should be enrolled at a partner university for one or two semester(s) or term(s). A certificate of enrolment must be submitted.

After your return:

Undergraduate Seminars and lectures: Students may transfer classes from the 1st-3rd year of study as undergraduate seminars or lectures. Normally, students should be required to write a term paper of approximately 5-8 pages for class. Grades will be converted according to a?conversion table?that is coordinated throughout the university and continually updated.

Advanced Seminars:??Students may transfer classes from the 3rd-4th year of study as graduate seminars. Normally, students should be required to write a term paper of approximately 12-15 pages for class, or two or more shorter papers, which, in total, are equal in length. Grades will be converted according to a?conversion table?that is coordinated throughout the university and continually updated.

Language:?Students may transfer classes by attending and completing a comparable class at a university abroad.

  • for GLC C: at least two pieces of written work must have been submitted to pass a class from the 3rd-4th year of study. Grades will be converted according to a?conversion table?that is coordinated throughout the university and continually updated.

Cultural Studies: Cultural Studies courses from an exchange university may be accepted if graded written work of approximately 5-8 pages was submitted there. Grades will be converted according to a?conversion table?that is coordinated throughout the university and continually updated.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language: Prior consultation with the TEFL professor in Regensburg is required go get credit transfer for a TEFL class.

Teaching internships:?For questions regarding the transfer of teaching internships according to § 34 LPO I, please contact your respective internship office (depending on the school type) as well as the TEFL professors and the Department of School Pedagogy. Contact details can be found on the RUL website at?Anerkennung von Lehramtspraktika. General information about the transfer in teacher training programs can also be found on the RUL website.

Electives:?Credit obtained at a university abroad may also be transferred to the electives (Freier Wahlbereich).

  1. Fakult?t für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften

Department of English and American Studies - Student Advisory Service

Information for students

Student Advisory Service

Dr. Melanie Burgemeister
Gabriele M?dl

Tel. 0941/943-3667
