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Prof. Dr. Jochen Petzold

Office hours during the winter term:???

During term: Wednesdays, 14:15 to 15:45 except 29.01., 05.02.
Additional office hours (14:15 to 15:45) on 28.01., 04.02.

Office hours during term break:
Wednesday, 12 February, 14:00 to 15:30
Wednesday, 19 February, 14:00 to 15:30
Thursday, 13 March, 13:00 to 14:30
Wednesday, 26 March, 14:00 to 15:30
Thursday, 10 April, 14:00 to 15:30


If you're interested in fantasy and sci fi: I've contributed to the radio feature "B?se Orks, gierige Ferengi: Rassismus in Fantasy and Science Fiction".

The feature (in German) can still be accessed via Deutschlandfunk Mediathek.

Research Interests

Victorian Literature for Children and Young Adults

An early research interest, connected with my work on South African fiction, was the representation of Africa and Africans in nineteenth century British adventure fiction (Ballantyne, Conrad, Haggard, Henty).

In 2008, I was granted a EU-funded Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the Unviersity of Edinburgh, to examine the representation of natural science in periodicals for young readers, published between 1847 and 1900. The research project was scheduled to run for two years (2009 and 2010), but had to be terminated after 15 months when I was appointed Professor of British Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Regensburg. The data collected in Edinburgh has led to a number of publications.


South African Literature

I started working on South African literature in the late 1990s; my main research interest was at first connected with the interdependencies of 'history' and 'identity', and it led to my doctoral thesis Re-imagining White Identity by Exploring the Past (Trier:?WVT, 2002). More recently, focus has shifted towards the representation of South Africa's cities and their 'problems' (eg. migration/immigration, violence, HIV/AIDS). Most recently, I published a biography of South African Nobel laureate Nadine Gordimer, Nadine Gordimer: Eine starke Stimme gegen die Apartheid, (that includes an introduction to her oeuvre and to South Africa's political history) on the occasion of Gordimer's centenary in 2023.

Genre Theory / Theory of Poetry

In my Habilitationsschrift, Sprechsituationen lyrischer Dichtung: Ein Beitrag zur Gattungstypologie (Würzburg:?K?nigshausen &?Neumann, 2013), I use an approach based on cognitive science to examine genre theory, more specifically the theory of (lyrical) poetry. In connection with this research theme, I was awarded funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for a project examining the speaker position in a large selection of poems written in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The?final report can be downloaded as a pdf (in German).

More recently, my interest in poetic genres has led to the publication of A History of the Sonnet in England: "A little world made cunningly" (Berlin: Schmidt, 2022).


List of Publications


Nadine Gordimer: Eine starke Stimme geegen die Apartheid. Darmstadt: wbg Theiss,
???? 2023.

A History of the Sonnet in England: "A little world made cunningly". Berlin: Erich
???? Schmidt Verlag, 2022.

Sprechsituationen lyrischer Dichtung: Ein Beitrag zur Gattungstypologie.
???? ZAA Monographs. Würzburg: K?nigshausen & Neumann, 2012.

Re-imagining White Identity by Exploring the Past: History in South African Novels
???? of the 1990s.
Studies in English Literary Cultural History 5. Trier: WVT,
???? 2002.



"From Depoliticising Burns to Trumpeting the Revolution: Ferdinand Freiligrath and
???? the Reception of Robert Burns in Germany." The Meeting of Scotland and Europe.
???? Ed. Aniela Korzeniowska and Izabela Szymanska. Warszwa: Semper, 2024.
???? 131-144.

"Ballantyne 'on the Rocks'. The Arctic as Adventure-Arena." What is North? Imagining
???? and Representing the North from Ancient Times to the Present Day
. Ed. Oisín
???? Plumb, Alexandra Sanmark, Donna Heddle. Turnhout: Brepols, 2020. 227-243.

"A Girl's Own Empire? Imperialism and the Girl's Own Paper, 1880 to 1903." Imperial
???? Middlebrow
. Ed. Christoph Ehland and Jana Gohrisch. Leiden: Brill, 2020. 22-43.

"Victorian Gendered Photography in the Boy's Own Paper and the Girl's Own Paper."
???? Victorian Periodicals Review 52.1 (2019): 57-79.

"'What is there that women cannot do?': Ambiguities of Gender, Genre, and Repre-
???? sentation in 'Our Tour in Norway,' a Travelogue in the Girl's Own Paper." Victorian
???? Periodicals Review
51.3 (2018): 539-557.

"'A dialogue I'll tell you as true as my life': Formen und Funktionen des Dialogs in der
???? englischen Stra?enballade." Das Dialoggedicht / Dialogue Poems. Ed. Christina
???? Johanna Bischoff, Till Kinzel, Jarmila Mildorf. Heidelberg: Winter, 2017. 243-258.

"Whose Hillbrow? Xenophobia and the Urban Space in the 'New' South Africa."
???? Contested Communities: Communication, Narration, Imagination. Ed. Susanne
???? Mühleisen. ASNEL Papers 21. Leiden: Brill Rodopi, 2017. 171-186.

"Anti-Slavery Discourse in Three Adventure Stories by R.M. Ballantyne." Empires and
???? Revolutions: Cunninghame Graham and His Contemporaries
. Ed. Carla Sassie and
???? Silke Stroh. Glasgow: Scottish Literature International, 2017. 32-46.

"Constructing and Deconstructing the Fantasy Hero: Joe Abercrombie's 'First Law'
???? Trilogy." Heroes and Heroism in British Fiction Since 1800. Ed. Barbara Korte &
???? Stefanie Lethbridge. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. 135-150.

"'I'm not going.' Questions of Home and Society in Nadine Gordimer's No Time
???? Like the Present
." Anglistentag 2015, Paderborn: Proceedings. Ed. Christoph
???? Ehland, Ilka Mindt and Merle T?nnies. Trier: WVT, 2016. 67-76.

"Chains of Voices: Multiperspectivity and Historical 'Truth' in Three Novels by
???? André Brink." English in Africa 43.1 (2016): 87-100.

"Inventing the Victorian Boy: S.O Beeton's The Boy's Own Magazine." The Making
???? of English Popular Culture
. Ed. John Storey. Abington: Routledge, 2016.
???? 76-89.

"Laughing at Racism or Laughing with the Racists? The 'Indian Comedy' of
???? Goodness Gracious Me." British TV Comedies: Cultural Concepts, Contexts and
???? Controversies
. Ed. Jürgen Kamm & Birgit Neumann. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2016.
???? 185-196.

"Raising Ghosts or Laying Them to Rest? Ghost Stories in Two Victorian Magazines
???? for 'Boys'." Geister: Einblicke in das Unsichtbare. Ed. Dieter Petzold. Inklings:
???? Jahrbuch für Literatur und ?sthetik
33. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2016. 27-40.

"'Making it Fit': The Appropriation of Poe in Boy's Own Magazine." The Edgar Allan
???? Poe Review
16.2 (2015): 155-168.

"Dystopia of Reproduction: P.D. James, The Children of Men (1992) and Alfonso
???? Cuarón, Children of Men (2006)." Dystopia, Science Fiction, Post-Apocalypse:
???? Classics - New Tendencies - Model Interpretations
. Ed. Eckart Voigts and
???? Alessandra Boller. Trier: WVT, 2015. 333-345.

"It's Not Cruel, It's Science! The Re-Invention of Bird-Nesting in Late Victorian
???? Juvenile Culture." Anglistentag 2013 Konstanz: Proceedings. Ed. Silvia Mergen-
???? thal & Reingard Nischik. Trier: WVT, 2014. 9-19.

"'How like us is that ugly brute, the ape!': Darwin's 'Ape Theory' and Its Traces in
???? Victorian Children's Magazines." Reflecting on Darwin. Ed. Eckart Voigts, Barbara
???? Schaff and Monika Pietrzak-Franger. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014. 57-71.

"'Are You Learning to Grow Old?': 'Aging Well' with the Help of The Girl's Own
???? Paper
, 1880 to 1900." Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Aging in Nineteenth-
???? Century Culture
. Ed. Katharina Boehm, Anna Farkas, and Anne-Julia Zwierlein.
???? London: Routledge, 2014. 147-164.

"Mr Gorilla, the 'Lion of the Season': Die Britische Gorilla-Manie im Spiegel
???? Viktorianischer Kinderliteratur." Animalia in fabula:?Interdisziplin?re Gedanken
???? über das Tier in der Sprache, Literatur und Kultur.
Ed. Miorita Ulrich und
???? Dina De Rentiis. Bamberg:?University of Bamberg Press, 2013. 179-198.

"The Victorian Debate on Science Education and the Case of 'Robina Crusoe'."
???? Anglistentag 2011 Freiburg: Proceedings. Ed. Monika Fludernik and
???? Benjamin Kohlmann. Trier: WVT, 2012.

"John Gay's Polly and the Politics of 'Colonial Pastoral'." Zeitschrift für Anglistik
???? und Amerikanistik
60.2 (2012):107-120.

"Polly Peachum, a 'Model of Virtue'? Questions of Morality in John Gay's Polly."
???? Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 35.3 (2012): 343-357.

"'The end was not ignoble'? Bird-Nesting Between Cruelty, Manliness and Science
???? Education in British Children's Periodicals, 1850-1900." Time of Beauty,
???? Time of Fear: the Romantic Legacy in the Literature of Childhood.
Ed. James
???? Holt McGavran, Jr. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press, 2012. 128-150.

"Robert Louis Stevensons Treasure Island." "Klassiker" der internationalen Jugend-
???? literatur: Kulturelle und epochenspezifische Diskurse aus Sicht der Fach-
???? disziplinen.?Ed. Anita Schilcher und Claudia Maria Pecher. Hohengehren:
???? Schneider, 2012. 83-97.

“'Nothing like this can be your fault at your age' Trauma-Narrative and the
???? Politics of Self-Accusation in The Innocence of Roast Chicken." Trauma,
???? Memory, and Narrative in the Contemporary South African Novel.
Ed. Ewald
???? Mengel and Michela Borzaga. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012. 319-333.

"'Play up! play up! and play the game!' The Militarization of Cricket in Victorian
???? Boys' Magazines." Journal for the Study of British Cultures Special Issue:
???? "Sports." Ed. Christian Schmitt-Kilb. 18.1 (2011): 27-39.

"Moral Opposition to Gay's Beggar's Opera: William Duncombe's 'Evidence'
???? Refuted." Notes and Queries NS 57.1 (2010): 71-73.

"The Needlework of War-time: The South African War in Magazines for Young
???? Readers." Anglistentag 2008 Tübingen: Proceedings. Ed. Christoph Reinfandt
???? and Lars Eckstein. Trier: WVT, 2009. 481-490.

[with Barbara Korte] "Censorship in Britain: Then and Now." Censorship and
???? Cultural Regulation in Contemporary Britain.
Ed. Barbara Korte and Jochen
???? Petzold. 15.2 (2008): 97-108.

"The Subjectivity of Absence: Verbal Cues for Constructing an Individual Point of
???? View in Poems with 'Hidden' Speakers." Anglistentag 2007 Münster:
???? Proceedings
. Ed. Klaus Stierstorfer. Trier: WVT, 2008. 235-243.

"Geschichte als Verbrechen: Zur Verknüpfung von history und crime in Romanen
???? André Brinks." Geschichte im Krimi: Beitr?ge aus den Kulturwissenschaften.
???? Ed. Barbara Korte and Sylvia Paletschek. K?ln: B?hlau, 2009. 227-239.

"White Angst in South Africa – The Apocalyptic Vision of John Conyngham."
???? Embracing the Other: Addressing Xenophobia in the New Literatures in
???? English
. Ed. Dunja Mohr. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008. 141-151.

"'Translating' the Great Trek into the Twentieth Century: Re-interpretation of the
???? Afrikaner Myth in Three South African Novels." English in Africa 34.1 (2007):
???? 115-131.

[with Rüdiger Heinze] "No More Room in Hell: Utopian Moments in the Dystopia
???? of 28 Days Later." Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Special Issue
???? "The Disappearance of Utopia?" Ed. Rüdiger Heinze and Jochen Petzold. 55.1
???? (2007): 53-68.

[with Rüdiger Heinze] "Introduction: The Disappearance of Utopia?" Zeitschrift für
???? Anglistik und Amerikanistik
, Special Issue "The Disappearance of Utopia?" Ed.
???? Rüdiger Heinze and Jochen Petzold. 55.1 (2007): 1-3.

"Integrating Jack and John: Anthologizing Donne in the Twentieth Century."
???? Anglistik 18.1 (2007). 9-26.

"Subverting the Master Discourse? The Power of Women's Words in
???? Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew and Fletcher's The Woman's Prize, or
???? The Tamer Tamed
." Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 31.2 (2006):
???? 157-170.

"Children's Literature after Apartheid: Examining 'Hidden Histories' of South
???? Africa's Past." Children's Literature Association Quarterly 30.2 (2005):
???? 140-151.

"Ridiculing Rainbow Rhetoric: Christopher Hope's Me, the Moon and Elvis
???? Presley
." Towards a Transcultural Future: Literature and Society in a 'Post'-
???? Colonial World.
ASNEL Papers 9.2. Ed. Geoffrey Davis, Peter Marsden,
???? Bénédicte Ledent and Marc Delrez. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2005. 285-292.

"Das Motiv der Farm bei J. M. Coetzee: Dekonstruktion eines südafrikanischen
???? Mythos." Normen, Ausgrenzungen, Hybridisierungen und 'Acts of Identity'. Ed.
???? Monika Fludernik and Hans-Joachim Gehrke. Würzburg: Ergon, 2004.
???? 95-114.

"Afrika als 'Other': Landschaftsdarstellung im englischen Abenteuerroman und
???? die Kolonisierung Afrikas." Ordnungen der Landschaft: Natur und Raum
???? technisch und symbolisch entwerfen.
Hrsg. Stefan kaufmann. Identit?ten und
???? Alterit?ten Bd. 12. Würzburg: Ergon, 2002. 175-190.

"In Search of a New National History: Debunking Old Heroes in Robert Kirby's
???? The Secret Letters of Jan van Riebeeck." Research in African Literatures,
???? Special Issue "Nationalism", 32.3 (2001): 143-154.

"André Brink's Magical History Tour: Postmodern and Postcolonial Influences in
???? The First Life of Adamastor." English in Africa 27.2 (2000): 45-58.

"Zwischen 'Nigger' und 'Noble Savage': Das Afrikabild in R. M. Ballantynes Black
???? Ivory
." Afrika in den europ?ischen Literaturen zwischen 1860 und 1930.
???? Hrsg. Titus Heydenreich und Eberhard Sp?th. Erlangen: Universit?tsbund
???? Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2000. 171-188.

"Marlow's Racism and the Subversion of Truths in Heart of Darkness." L'Epoque
???? Conradienne
25 (1999): 9-25.

? ?


[with Anne-Julia Zwierlein, Katharina Boehm and Martin Decker] Anglistentag 2017,
???? Regensburg: Proceedings.
Trier: WVT, 2018.

[with Barbara Korte] Journal for the Study of British Cultures. Special Issue
???? "Censorship". 15.2 (2008).

[with Rüdiger Heinze] Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik. Special Issue
???? "The Disappearance of Utopia?" 55.1 (2007).


D.???Reviews & Reports

(rev.) "David Kerler and Timo Müller, eds. Poem Unlimited: New Perspectives on
???? Poetry and Genre
. Anglia Book Series 63. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019." Anglia 139.2
???? (2021): 468-471.

(rev.) "Leslie Allin, Penetrating Critiques: Emasculated Empire and Victorian Identity
???? in Africa
(Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2020)" Victorian Periodicals Review 54.2 (2021):
???? 378-380.

(rev.) "Grzegorczyk, Blanka. Discourses of Postcolonialism in Contemporary British
???? Children's Literature. New York &?London:?Routledge, 2015." Geister: Einblicke
???? in das Unsichtbare.
Ed. Dieter Petzold. Inklings: Jahrbuch für Literatur und
???? ?sthetik
33. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2016. 246-249.

(rev.) "Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock, ed. The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and
???? Cinematic Monsters
. Farnham:?Ashgate, 2014." Inklings: Jahrbuch für Literatur
???? und ?sthetik
32 (2015): 240-242.

(rev.) "Kristine Moruzi. Constructing Girlhood through the Periodical Press,
??? 1850-1915
. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012." Anglistik 25.2 (2014): 171-172.

(rev.) "John Miller. Empire and the Animal Body. London and New York: Anthem,
???? 2012." ZAA 61.4 (2013): 411-412.

(rev.) "Jana Gohrisch & Ellen Grünkemeier, eds. Listening to Africa: Anglophone
???? African Literatures and Cultures
? (Heidelberg: Winter, 2012)." Journal for the
???? Study of British Cultures
? 20.1 (2013): 82-85.

(rev.) "Carol Freeman, Elizabeth Leane and Yvette Watt, eds. Considering Animals:
???? Contemporary Studies in Human-Animal Relations
(Farnham: Ashgate, 2012)."
???? Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 165.1 (2013):
???? 195-196.

(rev.) "Johann Schmidt. Gro?britannien 1945-2010: Kultur, Politik, Gesellschaft.
?????(Stuttgart:?Kr?ner, 2011)." Inklings: Jahrbuch für Literatur und ?sthetik 30

(rev.) "Michelle J. SmithEmpire in British Girls' Literature and Culture: Imperial Girls,
???? 1880-1915
(Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011)." Zeitschrift für Anglistik
???? und Amerikanistik
60.4 (2012): 407-408.

(rev.) "Saskia Lettmaier.?Broken Engagements: The Action for Breach of Promise
???? of Marriage and the Feminine Ideal, 1800-1940
(Oxford: OUP, 2010)."
???? Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 60.2 (2012): 194-195.

(rev.) "Andrea Gutenberg. K?rper, Sexualit?t und Moral: Die Auseinandersetzung
???? mit Degenerationsvorstellungen in englischer Literature und Kultur
???? 1910-1940
(Trier: WVT, 2009)." Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
???? 59.1 (2011): 93-94.

(rev.) "Sonja Altn?der, Inhabiting the "New" South Africa: Ethical Encounters at the
???? Race-Gender Interface in Four Post-Apartheid Novels by Zo? Wicomb,
???? Sindiwe Magona, Nadine Gordimer and Farida Karodia
(Trier: WVT, 2008)."
???? Anglistik 21.1 (2010): 228-229.

(rev.) "Yulisa Amadu Maddy and Donnarae MacCann, Neo-Imperialism in
???? Children's Literature About Africa: A Study of Contemporary Fiction
???? York: Routledge, 2009)." Children's Literary Association Quarterly 34.3
???? (2009): 300-302.

(rev.) "Thomas Kullmann, Englische Kinder- und Jugendliteratur: Eine Einführung
???? (Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2008)." Zeitschrift für Anglistik und
???? Amerikanistik
57.4 (2009): 403-404.

(rev.) "Claudia Drawe, Erinnerung und Identit?t in ausgew?hlten Romanen der
???? Postapartheid
(Trier: WVT, 2007)." Anglistik 20.1 (2009): 231-232.

(rev.) "Ulrich Pallua, Eurocentrism, Racism, Colonialism in the Victorian and
???? Edwardian Age
(Heidelberg: Universit?tsverlag Winter, 2006)." Anglia 125.2
???? (2007): 386-389.

(rev.) "Eva Müller-Zettelmann and Margarete Rubik, eds, Theory into Poetry: New
???? Approaches to the Lyric
(Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2005)." Zeitschrift
???? für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
55.2 (2007): 195-196.

(rev.) "Kay Sulk, 'Not Grace, then, but at Least the Body': J.M. Coetzees Schriften
???? 1990–1999
(Bielefeld: Transcript, 2005)." Anglistik 18.1 (2007): 217-218.

(rev.) "Robert Douglas-Fairhurst, Victorian Afterlives: The Shaping of Influence in
???? Nineteenth-Century Literature
". Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
???? 51.4 (2003): 461-462.

(rev.) "Elmar Schenkel, H. G. Wells: Der Prophet im Labyrinth". Zeitschrift für
???? Anglistik und Amerikanistik
51.3 (2003): 326-327.

[with Haike Frank] "Embracing the Other" (Conference Report). European English
???? Messenger
11.2 (2002): 75-76.



[with Rüdiger Heinze] "The Disappearance of Utopia? An Interview with Ernest
???? Callenbach on the Role and Function of Utopian Thought in Contemporary
???? American Society." Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Special Issue
???? "The Disappearance of Utopia?" Ed. Rüdiger Heinze and Jochen Petzold. 55.1
???? (2007): 87-92.


Papers Held at Conferences

Papers at Conferences

“Before Mass Tourism: Readers' Fictional and Factual Journeys to the Orkney and
???? Shetland Islands in the 1820s." April 2024. "The Northern Isles and the Arctic:
???? Environment, Heritage and Tourism." 6th St Magnus Conference. University of the
???? Islands and Highlands, Lerwick, Shetland.

"From Depoliticising Burns to Trumpeting the Revolution: Ferdinand Freiligrath and
???? the Early Reception of Robert Burns in Germany." September 2022. "Scotland in
???? Europe." University of Warsaw, Poland.

"'What is there that women cannot do?' A Radical Travelogue in the Girl's Own Paper."
???? July 2017. "Borders and Border Crossings." 49th Annual Conference of the
???? Research Society for Victorian Periodicals. Freiburg i.Br., Germany.

"Writing to Save Their Souls: R.M. Ballantyne's Support of the Royal National Lifeboat
???? Institution." July 2017. "Travel, Translation and Communication." 9th Annual
???? Conference of the Victorian Popular Fiction Association. London, UK.

"Popular and Political: Crime Writing as a Commentary on South African Society."
???? July 2016. The 17th Triennial ACLALS Conference. Stellenbosch, South Africa.
???? Reise gef?rdert durch den DAAD.

"Ballantyne 'On the Rocks': Boys' Adventures in the Arctic." April 2016. "Visualising
???? the North." 3rd International St Magnus Conference. University of the Islands and
???? Highlands. Orkney Isles, Scotland. Paper on youtube

"Paternalistic 'Emancipation': Anti-slavery Discourse in the Adventure Stories of
???? Robert Michael Ballantyne." July 2015. "Empires and Revolutions: R.B.
???? Cunninghame Graham and Other Scottish Writers on Globalisation and
???? Democracy (c. 1850 - 1950)." Annual Conference of ASLS. Stirling, Scotland.

"Nur ein toter Ork ist ein guter Ork? Rassismus in Fantasy & SciFi." June 2015.
???? Festival Contre le Racisme. Universit?t Regensburg.

"Laying to Rest the Ghosts?! Ghost Stories in Two Victorian Magazines for 'Boys'."
???? Mai 2015. "Ghosts: A Conference on the Nearly Invisible." Universit?t Leipzig.

"'I believe in Darwin's theory: we are descended doubtless from gorillas.' Victorian
???? Monkey-Mania and Children's Literature." Guest Lecture, November 2014,
???? Universit?t Braunschweig.

"'It's Not Cruel, It's Science!' The Re-invention of Bird-nesting in Late Victorian
???? Juvenile Culture." September 2013. Anglistentag, Sektion "Victorian Lives,"
???? Universit?t Konstanz.

"Chains of Voices: Subjectivity, Multiperspectivity and Historical ‘Truth’ in Novels of
???? André Brink.” M?rz 2013. “Contrary: The Oeuvre of André Brink.” University of
???? Pretoria (South Africa). Reisef?rderung durch den DAAD.???

“Laughing Away Racism? The ‘Indian Comedy’ of Goodness Gracious Me.”
???? November 2012. Ringvorlesung “A History of British TV Comedy: Poetics –
???? Politics – Interpretations.” Universit?t Passau, WS 2012/13.

“Mr Gorilla, ‘The Lion of the Season’: Die Britische ‘Gorilla-Manie’ im Spiegel der
???? Viktorianischen Kinderliteratur.” Dezember 2011. Ringvorlesung “Das Tier in der
???? Sprache, Literatur und Kultur.” Universit?t Bamberg, WS 2011/12.

“‘Are you learning to grow old?’ The Politics of Ageing in The Girl’s Own Paper.”
???? November 2011. The Cultural Politics of Ageing in the Nineteenth Century:
???? Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Universit?t Regensburg.

“I had some pet theories of my own on the subject of education, which I could
???? now put to the test” – The Victorian Deabte on Science Education and the
???? Case of “Robina Crusoe.” September 2011. Anglistentag, Sektion “Varia,”
???? Unviersit?t Freiburg.

“(Post-)Colonial Space: Writing South Africa.” Juli 2011. Lehrerfortbildung des
???? Instituts für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universit?t Regensburg.

“Piraten! Robert Louis Stevensons Treasure Island als Klassiker der
???? Kinderliteratur.” Juni 2011. Ringvorlesung: Klassiker der Kinderliteratur,
???? Universit?t Regensburg.

“John Gay’s Polly and the Politics of ‘Colonial Pastoral’.” Juni 2011. “Postcolonial
???? Studies Across the Disciplines,” Jahrestagung der GNEL/ASNEL, Universit?t
???? Hannover.

“‘Wie ?hnlich ist uns der Affe, dies ?u?erst scheu?liche Tier!’ Darwins
???? 'Affentheorie’ im Spiegel der englischen Kinderliteratur.” November 2010.
???? Antrittsvorlesung an der Universit?t Regensburg.

“Whose Hillbrow? Xenophobia and the Urban Space in the New South Africa.” Mai
???? 2010. “Contested Communities,” Jahrestagung der GNEL/ASNEL, Universit?t
???? Bayreuth.

“‘Monkey Business’ Darwin’s ‘Ape Theory’ and its Traces in Victorian Children’s
???? Magazines.” November 2009. “Darwin Among the Disciplines,” Konferenz,
???? Universit?t G?ttingen.

“More than ‘Blood and Thunder’: The Popularization of Science and the Juvenile
???? Magazines, 1850–1900.” Juni 2009. “The Hockliffe Conference 2009,”
???? University of Bedfordshire, Gro?britannien.

“‘For a’ that’ – ‘Trotz alledem!’: Burns, Freiligrath and the Birth of a Leftwing
???? Slogan.” Mai 2009. “Translating Romanticism”, Konferenz, IASH, University of
???? Edinburgh

“‘The Needlework of Wartime’: The South African War in Magazines for Young
???? Readers.” Oktober 2008. Anglistentag, Sektion “Varia,” Universit?t Tübingen.

“The Subjectivity of Absence: Verbal Cues for Constructing an Individual Point of
???? View in Poems with ‘Hidden’ Speakers.” September 2007. Anglistentag,
???? Sektion “Cognitive Approaches in Literature and Linguistics,” Universit?t
???? Münster.

“Family and Nation in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things.” M?rz 2007.
???? Gastvortrag als Erasmus-Austauschdozent, University of St. Andrews,
???? Schottland.

“Geschichte als Verbrechen: Zur Verknüpfung von ‘history’ und ‘crime’ im
???? zeitgen?ssischen südafrikanischen Roman.” Dezember 2006. Symposium
???? “Geschichte und Krimi,” Universit?t Freiburg.

“Shakespeares Othello.” November 2006. Podiumsdiskussion im Rahmen der
???? Veranstaltungsreihe "Text und Szene," Studium Generale, Universit?t
???? Freiburg.

“No More Room in Hell: Utopian Moments in the Dystopia of 28 Days Later.” Mit
???? Rüdiger Heinze, Freiburg. Januar 2006. Internationales EUCOR-Symposium
???? “The Disappearance of Utopia?” Universit?t Freiburg.

“‘Translating’ the Great Trek into the Twentieth Century: Re-interpretations of
???? the Afrikaner Myth in Three South African Novels.” Mai 2005. Jahrestagung
???? der GNEL/ASNEL, Universit?t Kiel.

“Censorship in South Africa – Nadine Gordimer’s Burger’s Daughter.” Mai 2005.
???? Aktionstag ‘Zensur’ zum internationalen Tag der Pressefreiheit, Universit?t
???? Freiburg.

“Studentenproteste in Deutschland: 1968 – 2003.” M?rz 2004. Gastvortrag als
???? Erasmus-Austauschdozent, University of Ulster (Coleraine, Nordirland).

“The Irish in England” Januar 2004. Ringvorlesung “Multicultural Britain”,
???? Wintersemester 2003/04, Universit?t Freiburg.

“‘Hidden Histories’ and the Search for Local Identity in a New South Africa.” Mai
???? 2003. Jahrestagung der GNEL/ASNEL, Universit?t Magdeburg.

“White Angst in South Africa – The Apocalyptic Visions of John Conyngham.” Mai
???? 2002. Jahrestagung der GNEL/ASNEL, Universit?t Erfurt.

“André Brink: Post-Modernist Moralist.” Mai 2002. “Versions and Subversions,”
???? International Conference on African Literatures, HU Berlin.

“Landschaftsdarstellung im englischen Abenteuerroman und die Kolonisierung
???? Afrikas.” Mai 2001. “Ordnungen der Landschaft,” Workshop des SFB 541,
???? Universit?t Freiburg.

“Südafrika als ‘Rainbow Nation’ – Fragen der nationalen Identit?t.” Juni 2000.
???? Berichtskolloquium des SFB 541, Universit?t Freiburg.

“Christopher Hope’s Me, the Moon and Elvis Presley as a Critique of Rainbow
???? Rhetoric.” Juni 2000. Jahrestagung der GNEL/ASNEL, RWTH Aachen.

“Brink’s Magical History Tour: The First Life of Adamastor.” Juli 1999.
???? Jahrestagung der Association of University English Teachers of South Africa
???? (AUETSA), Pretoria (Südafrika).

“Das Afrikabild in Robert Michael Ballantynes Black Ivory.” Januar 1999.
???? Interdisziplin?res Kolloquium “Afrika in den europ?ischen Literaturen
???? zwischen 1860 und 1930,” Universit?t Erlangen.

“Der postmoderne historische Roman in Südafrika: André Brinks The First Life of
???? Adamastor
und Mike Nicols This Day and Age.” Dezember 1998.
???? Berichtskolloquium des SFB 541, Universit?t Freiburg.

Information primarily for students

Courses (Registration etc.)

Registration for Courses

Registration for my courses will always be online, via the electronic course catalogue (SPUR). After the registratio period you will be notified if you are accepted into the class ("zugelassen") or not. Even if you are accepted, it is vital that you come to the first session. If you are not present in the first session and did not let me know before, you may lose your place in the course!

Course Materials

All course materials (syllabi, reading-lists, texts, etc) will be placed on GRIPS.

Term Paper

To my mind, finding a topic that interests you is one of the most important aspects of writing a term paper. Hence, I do not have lists of possible topics, but if you need help I will try to assist you in finding 'your' topic. For all paper-projects, come and see me during my office hours.

I expect you to hand in a paper proposal before you start writing your term paper.

In a "Hauptseminar", your paper should be 15 to 20 pages long (using Times New Roman 12 pt, line-spacing 1,5, margins c. 2,5 cm). It should include a table of contents and it has to contain a list of works cited. Please follow the guidelines of this style sheet when writing a term paper.

If you are registered for the seminar in FlexNow, your term paper is officially an exam, which means that I have to archive it. Please don't hand in the paper with coil binding ("Spiralbindung"); you don't need to put the paper in a folder, it is enough to simply staple the pages together.

There is a more comprehensive introduction on How To Write A Term Paper.

Feedback on Your Term Paper

I will give you written feedback on your paper and I'll write in the margins of the paper itself. If you need to register the course in FlexNow I will have to archive the paper -- so I will not be able to return it to you. But you can look at your paper for at least four weeks after the grades have been registered (at the Sekretariat Anglistik) and you are allowed to photocopy your paper.

Information on Final Thesis

Thinking about writing your final thesis (BA, MA, Staatsexamen) under my supervision?

To my mind, finding a topic that interests you is one of the most important aspects of writing a final thesis. Hence, I do not have lists of possible topics, but if you need help I will try to assist you in finding 'your' topic. For all thesis-projects, come and see me during my office hours.

For all final papers, there are two milestones I will want to discuss with you in an office hour: your outline and your thesis (often but not always, the two go hand in hand).

I strongly advise you to hand in a paper proposal before you start writing your thesis (please note: this is the last milestone befor you start writing, I don't expect you to have a paper proposal when we first talk about your ideas for your thesis!).

Please follow the guidelines of this style sheet when writing your thesis.

Specific information on the BA Thesis (in German)

Specific information on the MA Thesis (in German)

Specific information on the MA Thesis (in English)

Specific information on the "Zulassungsarbeit" (Staatsexamen; in German)

"Zula" im nicht-vertieften Studium (Grund-, Mittel- und Realschulen):

Since you are not required to take a seminar in literary studies, you had little chance to practice writing an academic paper in our field. This is not ideal, but it does not mean that you cannot write your "Zula" in British Studies -- indeed, many students have done so successfully.

Please have a look at my short introduction How to write a term paper to get an idea of what is expected of you.

Final Thesis Supervised at the University of Regensburg

Thesis I supervised at the University of Regensburg (Erstgutachten)


2. Thomas Graf, "The Plurality of Imperial Identities in British Invasion Fiction,
???? 1871-1914" (2021)

1. Sandra Stadler, "Contemporary South African Literature for Young Adults: Space,
???? Gender and Social Economics" (2015)

? ?


10. "Feminist Development Policy and Its Representation in the German Print Media:
???? A Postcolonial and Postcolonial Feminist Analysis" (European Studies, 2024)

? 9. "'Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know': The Motif of the Modern Dr Faust(us) in
???? Late Victorian Literature" (2023)

? 8. "(Un)Masking the Spectre: The Late Victorian Female Criminal at the Intersection
???? of Criminal, Gender and Consumer Discourse in Late Nineteenth-Century
???? Sensation and Detective Fiction" (2022)

? 7. "Caught Between Romance and Change: Contrasting Aspects of Scottish Identity
???? from Sir Walter Scott to Irvine Welsh" (2020)

? 6. "Dangerous Toys: Abuse of Technology and Its Socio-Psychological Implications
???? in Black Mirror" (2019)

? 5. "Portrayal of Trauma in Selected Poems of Ciaran Carson from The Irish for No
???? to Until Before After" (2019)

? 4. "The New Woman and Her Fallen Sisters: Images of Deviant Womanhood in Late
???? Victorian Women's Magazines" (2017)

? 3. "Benefits and Books: The Literary Response to the Social Welfare System in
???? Scotland, 1980-2014" (2016)

? 2. "Women in Gordimer's Rainbow Nation: The Representation of Women in the
???? Post-apartheid Novels of Nadine Gordimer" (2014)

? 1. "Exploring the Colonial Encounter: Hybridity of Irish Identity Represented in
???? George Bernard Shaw's John Bull's Other Island, and Brian Friel's Making History
???? and Translations " (2013)



9. "The Cultural Phenomenon of 'Jack the Ripper'" (2013)

8. "Settlers and Savages, Hunters and Beasts, Slaves and Fugitives: A Survey of
???? Sub-Saharan Africa in the Works of R.M. Ballantyne" (2012)

7. "'Happy Multicultural Land': The conciliatory Effect of Humour in Timothy Mo's
???? Sour Sweet, Meera Syal's Anita and Me and Zadie Smith's White Teeth " (2011)

6. "The Contemporary Glasgow Novel" (2011)

5. "Children of a Fighting Race: An Analysis of Irish Postcolonial Identity in
???? Short Fiction" (2011)

4. "British Lesbian Writing in the 20th Century: Literary Lesbian Images as Reflections,
???? Modifiers and Constitutors of Society" (2011)

3. "'Revisiting Manderley' -- Re-Evaluating Approaches to Daphne du Maurier's
???? Rebecca (1938)" (2011)

2. "'Thanks, but We're Working in the UK Already': A comparative Analysis of Eastern
???? European Migrants in the British Daily Press" (2011)

1. "Writing Identity in Salman Rushdie's The Moor's Last Sigh and The Enchantress of
???? Florence" (2010)



68. "Marriage, Family, and the Self-fulfilment of Women: A Comparative Analysis of
???? Selected Cinematic Adaptations of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice" (2024)

67. "Along the Highland/Lowland Divide in R.L. Stevenson's Kidnapped " (2024)

66. "Female Emancipation and Lesbian Existences in the Chapter 'The Twelve Dancing
???? Princesses' in Sexing the Cherry by Jeanette Winterson" (2023)

65. "'Free, Feminist and Powerful': Representations of Black British Motherhood and
???? Queer Identity in Bernardine Evaristo's Girl, Woman, Other (2019)" (2023)

64. "'Adapt or Perish': Evolution and Degeneration in Selected Works by H.G. Wells"
???? (2023)

63. "The Mechanisms of Immortaltiy: Of Phylacteries and Horcruxes" (2022)

62. "Jacobitism, Scottish National Identity and the Duality of Identities in Violet
???? Jacob's Flemington and D.K. Broster's The Flight of the Heron" (2022)

61. "Manliness in A.C. Doyle's Sherlock Holmes" (2021)

60. "Heroism in Detective Fiction and Film: Sherlock Holmes in Arthur Conan
???? Doyle's Fiction and the BBC's Sherlock " (2021)

59. "Performances of a Performance: Pluralities of Gender in Feminist Analogue Art"
???? (2021)

58. "Gender and Sexuality in Queer Literature" (2021)

57. "(Anti-)Colonialism in Stevenon's Treasure Island " (2021)

56. "Artificial Enough to Become Genuine? Gender Politics in Angela Carter's
???? The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman (1972)" (2020)

55. "'He puts on women's clothing and hangs around in bars...?' The Use of Cross-
???? Dressing in Monty Python's Flying Circus" (2020)

54. "The Power of Children: Adult-Child Power Relations in Alice's Adventures in
???? Wonderland
and Coraline " (2020)

53. "Country Houses and Leisure Culture in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice" (2019)

52. "The Representation of Female Criminals in Late Nineteenth-Century fin de siècle
Literature" (2019)

51. "Doctor Who: The Development of the Female 'Sidekick'" (2019)

50. "Questions of Identity in Kgebetli Moele's Untitled " (2019)

49. "Questions of Identity in Disney Pixar's Brave: The Construction of Scottish
???? Identity through the Romantic Tradition" (2019)

48. "The Function of Fairy Tales in John Connolly's The Book of Lost Things" (2019)

47. "'To Take Arms against a Sea of Troubles': Critical Commentaries on the Monarchy
???? in William Shakespeare's Hamlet and its Contemporary Retelling The Royals" (2018)

46. "The Representation of Africa in Robert Michael Ballantyne's Gorilla Hunters
(1861)" (2018)

45. "Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A New Perspective on the
???? 'Fallen Woman' Character or a Reinforcement of Victorian Gender Idals?" (2018)

44. "The Ambiguities of David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas " (2018)

43. "The Victorian Vivisection-Debate and Wells's The Island of Dr Moreau " (2018)

42. "Really Utilitarian Engines: Tracing Utilitarian Ideas in Wilbert Awdry's Railway
???? Series " (2018)

41. "Family Values in Harry Potter " (2018)

40. "Winning Recognition: London City Branding in the Context of the Olympic
???? Summer Games 2012" (2018)

39. "'Helping Those Who Help Themselves': Instructional Articles in The Boy's Own
???? Paper
and The Girl's Own Paper " (2018)

38. "The Motif of Resistance in V for Vendetta and The Children of Men" (2017)

37. "Praising the Pioneers: The Role of Feminist Magazines in Promoting Women's
???? Access to Higher Education in Late Victorian England" (2017)

36. "The Development and Regression of the Bond Girl" (2017)

35. "Versions of Girlhood in the Girl's Own Paper" (2017)

34. "Gender Depictions in Joe Abercrombie's First Law Trilogy -- New Perspectives
???? on the Male Main Character in Contemporary Fantasy Literature" (2017)

33. "The Labyrinth of Love: Mary Wroth's Crown of Sonnets and the Concepts of
???? Spiritual and Worldly Love" (2017)

32. "'Change the story and the story changes you': Subversion in Terry Pratchett's
???? Tiffany Aching Series" (2017)

31. "'They offered you a choice between the death of your principles and death
???? of your body': Power Monopolies in Dystopian Literature" (2017)

30. "The Mytho of the Irish West in Selected Plays" (2016)

29. "The Dilemma of the 'War on Terror': A Comparison of Two British Tabloids
???? and Two National 'Quality Papers'" (2016)

28. "The Depiction of Gender Roles in Enid Blyton's Novels" (2016)

27. "A Study in Silk: The Original Sherlock Holmes in Anthony Horowitz's
???? The House of Silk " (2016)

26. "Male Homosexuality over the Years: A Dichronic comparison of Three
???? Adaptations of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray " (2016)

25. "'Learning the White Man's Way' - Australia's Stolen Generations" (2016)

24. "Gender Aspects of Early British Punk Rock" (2014)

23. "The English Rococo as a Mirror of Contemporary Eighteenth Century Culture
???? and Society" (2014)

22. "Dystopian Elemts in selected Plays by Mark Ravenhill" (2014)

21. "BBC's Sherlock: An Adaptation Combining the Victorian Model with Twenty-first
???? Century Innovation" (2014)

20. "Literary Prototypes, Authorial Limits, and Reluctant Paternalism in Elizabeth
???? Gasckell's 'Social Problem Novels'" (2014)

19. "Illuminating the Shadows - An Analysis of Good and Bad in Casino Royale (2006),
???? Quantum of Solace (2008) and Skyfall (2008)" (2014)

18. "'Too Old to Change?' J.M. Coetzee's David Lurie as a Representative of South
???? African Apartheid and Post-Apartheid Societies" (2013)

17. "Intertextuality as a Seminal Tool to Comprehend Gender and Sexuality Issues
???? in Richard O'Brien's The Rocky Horror Picture Show " (2013)

16. "Sherlock Holmes in the 21st Century" (2012)

15. "Singing Independence? The National Anthem Debate as an Access Key to Scottish
???? National Identity and Scottish Nationalism" (2012)

14. "Dylan Thomas and the Process of the Gothic and Grotesque" (2012)

13. "British Literary Responses to 9/11: The Cases of Pat Barker's Double Vision and
???? Chris Cleave's Incendiary " (2012)

12. "Morals and Morality in Ben Jonson's The Alchemist " (2012)

11. "The Representation of Muslims in Mohsin Hamid's The Reluctant Fundamentalist "
???? (2012)

10. "Gender Issues in 'Robina Crusoe'" (2012)

? 9. "'Staying alive's as good as it gets' - Modern Media and its Impact on the Individual
???? in 28 Days Later " (2012)

? 8. "'But there again, I keep forgetting that you're more than just a very beautiful
???? woman.' - The Changing Concept of the Bond Girl" (2012)

? 7. "'Nature' in Charlotte Bront?'s Jane Eyre: Visualising Inner Processes by Means of
???? External Conditions" (2012)

? 6. "Pat Barker's Union Street : Women versus Men - A Society of Role Swaps" (2011)

? 5. "Orientalism and Colonial Discourse in G.A. Henty's Rujub the Juggler " (2011)

? 4. "The Function of Fairies in The Coming of the Fairies by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
???? and in the Artemis Fowl Series by Eoin Colfer" (2011)

? 3. "Englishness in the 21st Century -- National Identity Construction in the Media
???? During the Football World Cup 2010" (2011)

? 2. "Behind the Fa?ade: The Ambiguity of the Theme Family in Ian McEwan's Novels
???? The Cement Garden, The Child in Time, Atonement, and On Chesil Beach " (2011)

? 1. "Daniel Devoe's Robinson Crusoe – A Textual Document for Economic Thinking
???? in the 18th Century" (2010)


Staatsexamen (vertieft)

51. "Echoes of Jane Eyre: Feminism and Gender Dynamics in Two Film Adaptations"
???? (2024)

50. "Industrialisation from the Post-Apocalyptic Perspective: An Analysis of the
???? Assessment of Industrial Influences on Society and Nature in Richard Jefferies's
???? After London " (2024)

49. "From Monstrosity to Feminism: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein in a New Light"
???? (2024)

48. "Where Do I Belong? Intersecional Hybrid Identity in the Historical Graphic Memoir
???? The Roles We Play by Sabba Khan" (2024)

47. "The Sufferer's Perspective of Immigration" (2024)

46. "Diseased, Deformed, Deviant: Degeneration in Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu's
???? "Carmilla" (1872) and Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891)" (2023)

45. "Not so New: The Inspiration Wilkie Collins's The Law and the Lady Took from a
???? Fatal Woman" (2022)

44. "'I didn't eat for three days so I could be lovely' - The Romanticization of Eating
???? Disorders in the Media and in Skins UK " (2022)

43. "The Nineteenth and the Twentieth/Twenty-First Century in Dialogue:
???? The Relevance of the Neo-Victorian Novels Affinity and Fingersmith by Sarah
???? Waters for Contemporary Society" (2022)

42. "Post-ColonialWales: Welsh Nationalism, Language, and Identity Mirrored
???? in Plaid Cymru" (2021)

41. "'It's like a haunted house, only I'm the ghost.' Representations of Mental Illness
???? and Mentally Ill Individuals in Charlie Covell's The End of the F*** World " (2021)

40. "Sympathy for the Devil: Sympathy Guidance Strategies Concerning Dungeon &
???? Dragon's Iconic Vampire Strahd von Zarovich in I, Strahd: The Memories
???? of a Vampire
" (2021)

39. "Agnes Grey's Struggle towards Emancipation: The Governess as a Solution to the
???? Woman Question - A Feminist Reading of Agnes Grey " (2021)

38. "'Time can be rewritten' - But that doesn't mean it should! Changing Tendencies
???? of Postcolonial depictions in the Chibnall Era of Doctor Who " (2021)

37. "Cross-Dressing as Rebecca: The Role of Gender (Idetntity), Gender Performance
???? and Same-Sex Desire in Amy Dillwyn's The Rebecca Riots " (2021)

36. "Brexit and Anglo-German Relations in Political Cartoons" (2021)

35. "I'll (Not) Face Myself: A Psychoanalytic Comparative Reading betweeen Mary
???? Shelley's Frankenstein and Katsura Hashino's Persona 4 " (2020)

34. "Jane Austen's Timeless Theme of First Impressions: Adapting Pride and
???? Prejudice
to Screen, Modern Times and Different Cultures" (2020)

33. "Strong Women in Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew " (2020)

32. "Heroes in A Song of Ice and Fire: Radical or Conventional?" (2019)

31. "Modern Femininity in British Fin-de-siècle Literature: The 'New Woman'
???? Phenomenon in George Gissing's New Grub Street " (2019)

30. "The Presentation of Bonnie Prince Charlie and His Function as Projection Screen"
???? (2018)

29.? "The Depiction of Gender in Jones' Howl's Moving Castle in Comparison
???? with Its Film Adaptation" (2017)

28. "Mary Poppins: Comparison of the Book Series with the Disney Film Adaptation
???? Mainly Focusing on the Portrayal of Gender Roles" (2017)

27. "Getting Behind Brexit" (2017)

26. "Generational Conflict and Identity Construction in Zadie Smith's White Teeth "
???? (2017)

25. "Demystifying Celtic Identity" (2017)

24. "Failing Heroes in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire" (2016)

23. "Two World Wars and One World Cup: The Influence of Politics, Media and Football
???? on Anglo-German Relations" (2016)

22. "Success or Failure? The Feminine Ideal in Enid Blyton's Malory Towers Series."
???? (2015)

21. "Coping With the Past: The Example of District Six." (2015)

20. "Charms, Chains and Clipboards: Madness in Great Britain During the 17th and
????? 18th Centuries" (2013)

19. "Identity, Race and Society in K. Sello Duiker's Thirteen Cents and The Quiet
???? Violence
of Dreams " (2013)

18. "Construction of Scottishness in Hamish Macbeth " (2013)

17. "'I Am in an English Autumn' Constructions of Egypt as Postcolonial Space in
???? Ahdaf Soueif's The Map of Love and Alaa Al Aswany's The Yacoubian Building "
???? (2013)

16. "From Villains to Heroes? The Representation of Pirate Characters in The Pirate,
????Treasure Island, Captain Blood, and Selected Stories from 19th Century
???? Children's Magazines" (2013)

15. "'There Is No Nationality Without Literature': Nation-building and Identity
???? Construction Based on the Poetry of the Easter Rising 1916" (2013)

14. "28 Days Later, Chlidren of Men and Family Patterns in the Face of Global
???? Developments" (2013)

13. "The Perception of Women as Threat to the Patriarchal Order as Portrayed in
???? William Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew and Much Ado About Nothing "
???? (2013)

12. "Challenging Idealistic Notions of Irishness: The Demythologisation of the West
???? of Ireland in Twentieht-Century Anglo-Irish Drama" (2012)

11. "Colonial and Postcolonial Concepts in Father Ted and Martin McDonagh's
????Leenane Trilogy" (2012)

10. "The Representation of 9/11 and the 'War on Terror' in Contemporary British
???? Fiction" (2012)

? 9. "Ancient Mythology in A Midsummer Night's Dream " (2012)

? 8. "The Changing Image of Oscar Wilde" (2011)

? 7. "The Motif of the Double in Scottish Literature" (2011)

? 6. "'Trustable, Good, Sound Women the World Can Lean On' The Girl's School Story
???? as a Mediator of Suitable Gender Roles for Girls: An Analysis in Children's
???? Literature" (2011)

? 5. "Searching for the 'Inner Room': Identity Formation in Hanif Kureishi's
???? The Buddha of Suburbia " (2011)

? 4. "The Vampire: The Change of the Creature's Depiction through the Ages" (2011)

? 3. "The Early Feminism of the Female Gothic" (2011)

? 2. "Prostitutes and Wives in Neo-Victorian Fiction – Giving a Voice to the 'Weak'"
???? (2011)

? 1. "Appearances can be Deceptive – The Search for Identity and Reality in Kate
???? Atkinson's Human Croquet" (2010)

? ?
Staatsexamen (nicht vertieft)

40. "From Gandalf to Bilbo: The Many Faces of Heroism in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit "
???? (2025)

39. "Blood, Sweat, and Tears: The Slasher Film and Its Rebirth Achieved by Scream
???? (1996)" (2024)

38. "Analysing the Depiction and Potential Glorification of Violence in the TV Series
???? Peaky Blinders" (2024)

37. "Harry Potter and the Phenomenon of Print Media" (2023)

36. "By Order of the Peaky Blinders: Exploring the Portrayal of Violence and the
???? Potential Glorification thereof in Steven Knight's Drama TV Series Peaky Blinders"
???? (2023)

35. "The Multi-Layered Depiction of Margaret Thatcher in the TV Series The Crown"
???? (2023)

34. "The Influence of Different Feminist Movements on the 1995 Series and the 2005
???? Movie of Pride and Prejudice" (2023)

33. "Topics of Gender in Outlander" (2023)

32. "Emerging Feminism in the Shadow of the Supernatural: A Modern Interpretation
???? of The Turn of the Screw " (2023)

31. "Assasin's Creed: Syndicate's Use of Historical Figures as Mediators of Political
???? and Social Problems." (2023)

30. "'An Englishman born and bread, almost': The Search for Identity in the
???? bildungsroman The Buddha of Suburbia by Hanif Kureishi." (2023)

29. "Long John Silver and Jim Hawkins' Morality in Three Treasure Island Film
???? Adaptations." (2022)

28. "The Mother, the Maiden, and the Crone: Subversion in Terry Pratchett's
???? Discworld Novels" (2022)

27. "Depiction of Women's Power and Feminism in the 18th Century Series Outlander "
???? (2022)

26. "The Representation of the Royal Family in the British Press" (2021)

25. "The Coverage of the Coronavirus Pandemic in British Newspapers" (2020)

24. "Innocent Until Proven Guilty? The Negative Press Coverage of the Oscar Wilde
???? Trials" (2020)

23. "A Feminist Perspectiv eon Disney Pixar's Brave " (2020)

22. "Dystopian Worlds in Black Mirror" (2019)

21. "Racism in the World of Harry Potter and Its Similarities to the Third Reich" (2019)

20. "Scribbling Gender: An Analysis of Societal Gender Constructions through
???? Bathroom Graffiti" (2019)

19. "Multiculturalism in Muhammad Khan's I am Thunder (2018)" (2018)

18. "Ecocriticism in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings " (2017)

17. "The Role of Women within the Harry Potter Series" (2016)

16. "The Downfall and Redemption of a 'Fallen Woman' in Elizabeth Gaskell's Ruth "
???? (2016)

15. "Modern British Culture in BBC's Sherlock " (2016)

14. "Representation of Women in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire " (2015)

13. "Gender Roles and Gender Stereotypes in Children's Literature between the 1920s
???? and 1940s" (2015)

12. "Shades of Victorianism: A Comparison and Evaluation of Shades of Grey and
???? Jane Eyre " (2015)

11. "Analysis of Hayao Miyazaki's Film Adaptation of Howl's Moving Castle " (2015)

10. "Gender and Gender Roles in British Fairy Tales" (2015)

? 9. "The Depiction of the United Kingdom Independence Party in Selected British
???? Newspapers During the Campaign for the European Elections 2014" (2014)

? 8. "'Facts Are Chiels that Winna Ding' Scottish Independence and the Press:
???? An Analysis of the Coverage of Four British Newspapers" (2013)

? 7. "Prejudice in Harry Potter " (2012)

? 6. "Austen goes Bollywood: Love Relationships in Bride & Prejudice " (2012)

? 5. "The Futility of War: A Study of Selected Poems by Wilfred Owen, Isaac Rosenberg
???? and Siegfried Sassoon" (2012)

? 4. "Hornby on Relationships" (2012)

? 3. "'It starts with doors.' - Fantasy Tropes in Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere and Stardust "
???? (2011)

? 2. "Emancipated Women Characters in George Bernard Shaw's Drama" (2010)

? 1. "Relationships in Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting: Mirror for the Interstate Relations
???? between England and Scotland" (2010)


Information on the "Staatsexamen" (in German)

Staatsexamen schriftlich (neue LPO)

Lehramt Gymnasium (vertieft studiert):

Nach der LPO von 2008 müssen Sie sowohl in Literaturwissenschaft als auch in Sprachwissenschaft eine jeweils dreistündige Klausur schreiben (auf Deutsch).

Für die Klausur aus der Literaturwissenschaft werden ab dem Prüfungstermin Herbst 2015 in acht Themenbereichen insgesamt 14 Aufgaben gestellt (d.h. in sechs der Themenbereiche gibt es jeweils eine anglistische und eine amerikanistische Aufgabenstellung). Bei allen Themen werden Texte zur Interpretation mit literaturgeschichtlicher Situierung vorgelegt, die Aufgabenstellung gliedert sich in mindestens drei Teilfragen. Eine Leseliste für die Themenbereiche gibt es nicht, dafür wird die Kenntnis des Beispieltextes auch nicht vorausgesetzt.

Die Themenbereiche sind:

  1. Dramatische Texte bis ca. 1700 (nur anglistisch)
  2. Dramatische Texte ab 1890 (anglistisch/amerikanistisch)
  3. Lyrische Texte bis inkl. der Romantik (anglistisch/amerikanistisch)
  4. Lyrische Texte nach der Romantik (anglistisch/amerikanistisch)
  5. Narrative und expositorische Texte von ca. 1650 bis ca. 1800 (anglistisch/amerikanistisch)
  6. Narrative und expositorische Texte im 19. Jahrhundert (anglistisch/amerikanistisch)
  7. Narrative und expositorische Texte im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert (antlistisch/amerikanistisch)
  8. Neuere englischsprachige Literaturen


Lehramt Grund-, Mittel-, Realschule (nicht vertieft studiert):

Sie müssen eine dreistündige Klausur entweder in Sprachwissenschaft oder in Literaturwissenschaft schreiben (auf Deutsch).

Es werden drei Themen zur Auswahl gestellt, die alle aus dem 19., 20. oder 21. Jahrhundert stammen; bei allen Themen werden Texte zur Interpretation mit literaturgeschichtlicher Situierung vorgelegt. Es werden i.d.R. drei Themen zu jeweils einer der drei Hauptgattungen (Erz?hlprosa, Drama, Lyrik) gestellt (d.h. alle Hauptgattungen werden abgedeckt). Mindestens ein Thema entstammt dem Bereich der Anglistik bzw. Amerikanistik. 百利宫_百利宫娱乐平台¥官网e Regelung bedeutet, dass Sie vorher nicht wissen, zu welcher Epoche bzw. zu welcher Gattung eine anglistische Aufgabe gestellt wird und ob es eine oder zwei anglistische Aufgabenstellungen gibt.



Ein Video mit weiteren Informationen zur literaturwissenschaftlichen Klausur im Staatsexamen Englisch (Britische Literatur) finden Sie in der Mediathek.


Field Trips

Upcoming Excursions

no current plans :(

Previous Excursions

CS-Adv. "The Jacobite Rebellion in Scottish Culture" with Field-trip to Scotland
19. to 26. February 2019
Edinburgh, Stirling, Inverness (Culloden), Aberdeen

PS 1 "Early Modern Tragedy" with Field-trip to Stratford-upon-Avon
12. to 15. June 2018
Shakespeare, Rome and Juliet
Shakespeare, Macbeth
Webster, The Duchess of Malfi
Pix, The Beau Defeated

CS-Adv. "The Jacobite Rebellion in Scottish Culture" with Field-trip to Scotland
27. February to 6. March 2017
Edinburgh, Stirling, Inverness (Culloden)


PS 1 "Early Modern Drama" with Field-trip to Stratford-upon-Avon
8.-11. June 2016
Marlowe, Dr Faustus
Jonson, The Alchemist
Shakespeare, Hamlet
Shakespeare, Cymbeline

CS-Adv. "Scottishness" with Field-trip to Scotland
11.-18. February 2015
Edinburgh, Stirling, Perth, Inverness (Culloden)

Shakespeare-Excursion to Stratford-upon-Avon
8.-13. September 2013
As You Like It
Titus Andronicus
All's Well That Ends Well
A Mad World My Masters
(Thomas Middleton)

Constructions of Scottishness - Excursion to Edinburgh
18.-23. February 2013
Part of the HS/CS-Adv. "Constructions of Scottishness" (WS 2012/13)
further information & a few pictures

Shakespeare-Excursion to Stratford-upon-Avon and London
9.-15. September 2012
Richard III
King John
The Tempest
Comedy of Errors
Twelfth Night

Shakespeare-Excursion to Stratford-upon-Avon
2.-7. October 2011
The City Madam
A Midsummer Night's Dream

  1. Fakult?t für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik

Anglistik / British Studies

Prof. Dr.

Jochen Petzold

Prof. Dr. Jochen Petzold

Room: PT 3.2.45

Phone: (0941) 943-2486

Fax: (0941) 943-4955
