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The Revelation Reception Network

The Revelation Reception Network is an international scholarly network that focuses on the historical and contemporary reception of John’s Revelation (Apocalypse). The interdisciplinary network was founded to create and maintain an open and welcoming international environment in which scholars can collaborate, share ideas, communicate new literature and projects, stay current with conferences, and develop new collaborations, projects, and publications. All relevant languages, research topics, methodologies, time periods, and disciplines are welcome.

The group was founded in 2023 by?Nathan Betz?(University of Regensburg),?Régis Burnet?(UC Louvain), and?Cristian Cardozo?(Corporación Universitaria Adventista).?Tom C. Schmidt (Fairfield University) was added to the leadership team in 2024.


The Network organizes an ongoing seminar featuring established and early-career scholars. To learn about the current seminar season (i.e. topics, dates, times, and Zoom info), please see the?calendar. To propose a seminar paper or topic, please send an email to?Nathan Betz.


Beyond the seminar, there are a number of ways to participate in the Network’s activities and stay up with relevant announcements:

Listserv (1-2 emails/month):?https://www.listserv.dfn.de/sympa/info/revrecnet?




For general inquiries about the Revelation Reception Network or to propose a seminar paper, please send an email to?Nathan Betz.



Codex Vaticanus B Ps 1b