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Short CV

Faculty of Biology and Pre-Clinical Medecine
Institute of Plant Sciences
Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry
Prof Dr. Thomas Dresselhaus

Short CV

Professional Experience

Since 2022 Speaker
Research Unit Cereal Stem Cell Systems
Since 2020 Review Board Member
Plant Sciences of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
2013 - 2017 Deputy Dean and Dean
Faculty of Biology and Preclinical Medicine, University of Regensburg, Germany
Since 2014 Advisory Board Member
German Society of Cell Biology
Since 2011 Speaker
Graduate Research Academy RNA Biology, University of Regensburg, Germany
2010 - 2014 President
Plant Reproduction Society IASPRR
2009 - 2013 Dean of Research
Faculty of Biology and Preclinical Medicine, University of Regensburg, Germany

Since 2006


Full Professor (W3) and Chairman
Department of Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry, University of Regensburg, Germany
2000 - 2006 ? ? ?? ???
Assistant Professor
Biocenter Klein Flottbek, University of Hamburg, Germany
Research Coordinator
Agricultural Technology and Genetics GmbH, Rastatt, Germany
1995 - 1998
Group Leader
Department Developmental Biology and Plant Biotechnology, University of Hamburg, Germany (Chairman: Prof. Horst L?rz)
Visiting Scientist (Boehringer Ingelheim Fellow)
Waite Institute, Adelaide, Australia (Host: Prof. Peter Langridge)
1991 - 1994 PhD Fellow
Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds

Academic Education

Habilitation in Genetics and Molecular Biology
University of Hamburg, Germany
1991 - 1994
Doctoral Dissertation (Dr. rer nat.)
Department Developmental Biology and Plant Biotechnology, University of Hamburg, Germany (Chairman: Prof. Horst L?rz)
Diploma (MSc) in Biological Sciences
University of Tübingen, Germany
1984 - 1990
Studies of Biological Sciences
Universities of Münster and Tübingen, both Germany


2017 Faculty Award for Excellent Teaching
Hirase-Award of the Japanese Society of Plant Morphology
Mentor-Award of the Simon-Clausen-Foundation

  1. Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin
  2. Faculty Research
Thomas Dresselhaus

Universit?tsstra?e 31
93053 Regensburg

Phone: +49 (0)941 943-3016
Room Nr. E4_1.301