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Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin
Institute of Plant Sciences
Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry
Prof. Dr. Klaus Grasser - Teaching


The Dresselhaus labs are also involved in a number of basic and advanced teaching activities. Various lectures, seminars and courses are offered for BSc and MSc students in biology and biochemistry with a focus on cell and develpmental biology, plant physiology, biochemistry and genetcs /genomics as well as plant biotechnology considering also environmental stress and global warming. ?(for details see Departmental teaching page or GRIPS).

We are also involved in the teacher education program in biology with a focus on botany and offer a structured PhD course. Advanced MSc courses are offered in the following areas.

Summer semester

54652? Lecture: “Plant Biotechnology: Principles and Applications”
54658 Lecture: “Plants and their Environment”
54679/54673 Research Practical/Lab Course: “Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of Plants”
54653 Journal Club: “Current Topics in Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry”
54654 Seminar: “Methods in Plant Cell Biology and Biochemistry”
54660 Seminar: “Gen regulation and plant development”
54683 Graduate-Seminar: “Plant Biochemistry”


Winter semester

54111 Vorlesung: “Pflanzenphysiologie”
54101? ?bungen: “Zytologie und Anatomie der Pflanzen“
54127/54138 Wahlpflichtpraktika: Pflanzenphysiologisch-Biochemische ?bungen
54664 Practical course: “Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry” (incl. Seminar)
54679/54673 Research Practical/Lab Course: “Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of Plants”
54653 Journal Club: “Current Topics in Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry”
54654 Seminar: “Methods in Plant Cell Biology and Biochemistry”
54683 Graduate-Seminar: “Plant Biochemistry”


Exkursion 2019


  1. Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin
  2. Faculty Research

Grasser lab: Teaching

Cell Biology & Plant Biochemistry

University of Regensburg



Universit?tsstrasse 31
93053 Regensburg, Germany
Phone: +49-941-943-3032
Fax: +49-941-943-3352