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RENPRO offers a tailored training program focusing on renal research for early career researchers of the TRR 374.

RENPRO training courses are compulsory for PhD students within projects of the TRR and open for interested medical doctoral students, master students, MD fellowship students, postodcs and physician scientists.

During their doctoral studies, PhD students must complete the Basic Nephrology Course once, as well as four Advanced Nephrology Training Courses and four Methods Courses and at least twice a Summer School.

The RENPRO training modules focus on kidney-specific content that broaden and deepen students? qualification. They cover a broad spectrum from structural research to clinical nephrology. The courses are led by experienced TRR project leaders and their experienced coworkers. The interdisciplinary approach is intended to bridge the gap between basic research in the laboratory and clinical research. It promotes cooperation and provides young scientists with an efficient orientation in the broad field of kidney research.

RENPRO Training Courses 2025 Place: Date:

(The links below are for early career researchers in TRR 374 and associated projects only. When registering, the password that TRR members have received by email must be entered.)*

Advanced Nephrology Training Course:
Polycystic Kidney Diseases, Hypoxia and Epigenetics
Erlangen February 28, 2025

(by February 02, 2025)

Method Course, 4 days:
Electron microscopy

Regensburg March 10-13, 2025 REGISTRATION
(by February 02, 2025)
Basic Nephrology Course 2025 Regensburg April 8-10, 2025 REGISTRATION
(by March 02, 2025)
Method Course, 2 days:
Data evaluation – advanced course: regression methods
Regensburg May 7-8, 2025 REGISTRATION
(by March 30, 2025)

RENPRO Summer School 2025
organized by young scientists of TRR 374

Regensburg May 15-16, 2025 REGISTRATION
(extended until March 10, 2025)

Advanced Nephrology Training Course:
AKI and Electrolyte Imbalances

Erlangen July 1, 2025

(by May 1, 2025)

Method Course, 2 days:

October 8-9,2025

REGISTRATION is not yet open

Advanced Nephrology Training Course: NN

Erlangen autumn / winter 2025 REGISTRATION is not yet open

* Non-TRR members (e.g. interested doctoral students from the graduate schools) can register by sending an informal e-mail to michaela.kritzenberger@ur.de;
places will be allocated and participants informed shortly after the registration deadline has expired.


RENPRO training courses are certified by the graduate schools (RIGel, BIOMEDICS, life@FAU) in which the PhD students are enrolled, so course work performed in the kidney-specific RENPRO modules is credited.

A performance record is kept for TRR doctoral students. You can download a summary of the program and a checklist to keep track of the courses you have completed.


Basic nephrology course


Next Basic Nephrology Course Place: Date:
Basic Nephrology Course 2025 Regensburg April 8-10, 2025 REGISTRATION
(by March 02, 2025)
  • Time and place: 3 days at the Universit?t Regensburg
  • Must be attended by PhD students within projects of the TRR at least once
  • CPs (as accepted by RIGel): 0.9
  • Recommended for the first year of the PhD work

Lectures and seminars on renal physiology, renal anatomy, and basic knowledge of renal disease are given by principal investigators of the TRR and their experienced coworkers.

Day 1 Microscopic and macroscopic anatomy of the kidney Lectures, anatomical demonstration and practical histology course
Day 2
Day 3

Renal physiology and pathophysiology,
Electrolyte and water balance,
Acid-base homeostasis,
Kidney interstititum,
Regulation of kidney function and blood pressure

Lectures and student practical course in renal physiology as in curriculum for medical students


Advanced nephrology training courses

Advanced Nephrology Training Courses 2025
Place: Date:
Advanced Nephrology Training Course:
Polycystic Kidney Diseases, Hypoxia and Epigenetics
Erlangen February 28, 2025

(by February 02, 2025)

Advanced Nephrology Training Course:
AKI and Electrolyte Imbalances

Erlangen July 1, 2025

(by May 01, 2025)

Advanced Nephrology Training Course: NN

Erlangen autumn / winter 2025 REGISTRATION is not yet open

Time and place: 1 day at the Universit?t Regensburg, Universit?tsklinikum Regensburg or at the FAU / Universit?tsklinikum Erlangen, respectively

  • PhD students must attend at least 4 courses during the PhD period
  • CPs (as accepted by RIGel): 0.3 each
  • Three courses per year, covering one of the 7 modules listed below, respectively
1 Genetic kidney diseases: basic aspects and clinics
Cystic kidney diseases
2 Innate and adaptive Immunity
Renal transplantation: Immunology and clinics
3 Glomerulonephritis and Tubulointerstitial kidney diseases
4 Diabetic nephropathy and Cardio renal syndrome
5 Acute kidney injury and Rare kidney diseases in children
6 The complement system: role in kidney damage
Nephropathology: Methods and selected examples
7 Hypoxia and epigenetics
Genome-wide association studies

Nephrology methods courses

Nephrology Method Courses 2025

Place: Date:

Method Course, 4 days:
Electron microscopy

Regensburg March 10-13, 2025 REGISTRATION
(by February 02, 2025)
Method Course, 2 days:
Data evaluation – advanced course: regression methods
Regensburg May 7-8, 2025 REGISTRATION
(by March 30, 2025)
Method Course, 2 days:

October 8-9,2025

REGISTRATION is not yet open

Time and place: 1-2 days at the Universit?t Regensburg, Universit?tsklinikum Regensburg or at the FAU / Universit?tsklinikum Erlangen, respectively

  • PhD students must attend 3-4 courses (1.2 CPS at least) during the PhD period
  • CPs (as accepted by RIGel): 0.3 each
  • Three courses per year, covering one to two of the methods listed below, respectively. The selection of topics will be based on the students' needs and interests, which will be determined by survey (at the RENPRO workshop or at the internal retreat)
1 Electrophysiology
2 Determination of Ca2+ and pH
3 RNA scope technology
4 Structural biology
5 Advanced data analysis
6 Machine learning and KI
7 Isolated perfused mouse kidney
8 Isolation of mouse tubuli
9 Fluorescence-activated cell sorting
10 Metabolomics
11 Electron microscopy


Summer School / Workshop and EUKISS

RENPRO Summer School

RENPRO Summer School 2025:

organized by young scientists of TRR 374? Place: Date:

RENPRO Summer School 2025
preliminary program

Regensburg May 15-16, 2025 REGISTRATION
(by March 10, 2025)

General information

Time and place: 2 days at the Universit?t Regensburg or Universit?tsklinikum Erlangen

  • Summer Schools / Workshops are organized once a year by the young scientists themselves
  • PhD students must attend a Summer School / Workshop at least twice during the PhD period
  • Participants present their project progress in a protected setting and award prizes to the two best contributions, which are then presented at the next International Symposium of the TRR, EUKISS or at the Annual Meeting of the DGfN (TRR 374 sessions in basic science slot)
  • Two to three (inter-)national experts, invited by the students, will attend the Summer School / Workshop to give a lecture and to comment on the students’ research
  • The Summer Schools / Workshops include a course section on key skills (e.g. diversity awareness, scientific writing, career planning, “science communication skills”, etc.)
  • Informal evening meetings
  • Access will also be granted to external bachelor, master, MD and PhD students



European Kidney Summer School (EUKISS) 2025:

Place: Date:
organized by CRC 1453 NephGen
Freiburg im Breisgau July? 10-11, 2025


EUKISS is a kidney specific Summer School (https://eukiss.org/), which is jointly organized by the Zurich Kidney Center, CRC 1453 (Nephgen, Freiburg), SFB 1192 (Hamburg), SFB TRR 219 (Aachen) and TRR 374. The EUKISS is held on a rotating basis at one of the sites. It brings together experts in the field of kidney research and disease to discuss the basics of kidney function and its relevance to kidney disease in a stimulating and interactive setting with participants.? Case discussions in small groups highlight both common and rare forms of kidney disease. Participants may present their research projects during a poster session.

  • Duration: 1-4 days
  • PhD students must attend EUKISS Summer School at least once during the PhD period
  • Access will also be granted to bachelor students, master students, medical doctoral students, postdocs and physician scientists ot the TRR

Congress of the DGfN

All participants in the RENPRO are encouraged to attend the Annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nephrologie (DGfN) at least once with travel funds provided by the CRC. In addition to scientific exchange, the participation will also serve networking at the national level. Of course, the students are free to attend additional national or international scientific congresses.

17. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie 2025:

please note:

Abstract submissions will be possible online only from February 2025 until May 15, 2025.

Place: Date:
Berlin October 2-4, 2025

Special training courses

Each student of the RENPRO has free access to certified courses, e.g. on animal handling and experimentation ("Versuchstierkundlicher Kurs für EU Funktion A und D") and good-scientific practice and gene technology (Sachkunde als Projektleiter), which are regularly offered at the Universit?t Regensburg and at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universit?t Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)

Dates and further information:
EU Funktion A und D
Universit?t Regensburg, FAU

Soft-skill courses, good-scientific practice and gene technology
Courses are organized by the graduate schools. Contact and further information can be found on the respective homepages: RIGel, BIOMEDIGS, life@FAU

Softskill courses, especially for the early career development of young scientists, are offered by the F3G network, of which our TRR is a member. The courses are open to all TRR members. You can find the course offer here: https://www.fau.de/research/service-fuer-forschende/f%C2%B3g-verbund

Young scientists at the University of Regensburg can also take advantage of WIN ("Zentrum zur F?rderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuches" / Center for graduate and postgraduate researchchers), which also offers an interesting course program "Post your Doc". For futher information see: /forschung/zentrum-nachwuchsfoerderung/post-your-doc/index.html.

Mentoring program

In accordance with the regulations of the respective graduate schools, PhD students are supervised by a mentoring team of three mentors:
the supervisor of the doctoral thesis and two additional mentors. Preferably, the mentoring team should consist of both, basic scientists and clinical researchers, if possible from both universities. The commission members meet with the PhD student at least once per year for an intense scientific exchange.

Seminars, internal lab meetings and journal clubs

The principal investigators ensure that at least biweekly discussions of research results and literature will be held at the respective site.

Laboratory exchange visit

If a student wants to learn a new technology, this will be possible within the framework of a laboratory exchange visit in the partnering laboratory (funded by the CRC).

  1. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
  2. Friedrich-Alexander Universit?t Erlangen-Nürnberg


Training program for kidney reseachers


Dr. Michaela Kritzenberger
Tel.: ++49 (0)941/943-2885
