All subjects, first degree and postgraduate studies/Master's degree with information on the required German level
? List of subjects offered at UR (undergraduate), pdf
? List of subjects offered at UR (graduate), pdf
? Information brochures of the student advisory service on individual subjects (German language only)
? Description of the subject offer at UR (German language only)
Please check the database of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (anabin) for your country-specific application requirements.
? Database of the Standing Conference of Education Ministers in German (anabin)
? Interactive Database of the DAAD in English (not all countries included)
Please contact Ms. Wunderlich at the International Office for advice.
??List of language schools in Regensburg, pdf
The application for a study program at the UR is mostly adressed directly to the university. Only in certain combinations of nationality and field of study is it necessary to apply through a central service office (hochschulstart).
Please pay extra attention to the info sheets!
? Checklist application process?
? Completion help for online application
? Checklist application procedure for the Studienkolleg
Master's applications must still be sent directly to the relevant faculty. Only after admission by the faculty, online registration will then still be necessary at a later date.
Exception: Applicants for M.Sc. Mathematics and Biology submit their application on the Campusportal, similarly to undergraduate students.
In the subjects of human medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, official recognition of previous academic achievements is required in order to submit an application for a higher semester.
? Recognition of academic credits in medicine, dentistry and pharmacy (in German)
For all other subjects:
Apply for the first semester and have achievements recognized by the respective examination office after enrollment.
In the following tutorial you will learn how the application works:
? Studying: Course registration, exams and more (Video-Tutorial)
? Study-related foreign language training
? Academic writing consultation
? Forms of the city of Regensburg